Cannot use type1 fonts with OpenOffice

2003-10-19 Thread Ernest Adrogué
appear in the list. However the Helvetica & co. which are also Type1 work fine. I've moved all the fonts to /usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1, updated the fonts.dir and fonts.scale files, but in vain. Any help will be appreciated. P.S.: Please, CC me in replies. -- Ernest Adrogué eadrogue(

Re: Cannot use type1 fonts with OpenOffice

2003-10-20 Thread Ernest Adrogué
t; and chose use bitmap fonts and > things were ok. This only changes the paths where fontconfig finds fonts, but OpenOffice still doesn't see them. Although every other app using fontconfig/xft/x11 do. So I think this is a oo-specific problem. Thank you, anyway. -- Ernest Adrogué eadrogue(at) -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cannot set Vera Serif as the default serif font

2004-09-30 Thread Ernest Adrogué
Hello, I have defined the Bitstream Vera Serif as my preferred serif font in my ~/.fonts.conf: serif Bitstream Vera Serif URW Palladio L FreeSerif However, that particular font just seems to be ignored. When I select the font "serif" I get the URW Palladio L. Aside

empty tty's

2004-02-22 Thread Ernest Adrogué
Hi, When I switch from one tty to another with Alt + left/right arrow, it cycles through tty7 to tty12 (which are empty) instead of going from tty6 directly to tty1, which would be more useful. Oddly enough, when I start X11 and exit, then it skips the empty tty's. Does anybody know how to do this

black and white icons in gtk-3 file chooser dialog

2014-04-18 Thread Ernest Adrogué
Hi, After a system upgrade, the GTK3 file chooser dialog has begun to use a different icon theme for the side panel, which consists of ugly black-and-white icons. GTK2 file chooser: GTK3 file chooser: I'm

problema amb client de sopcast

2012-06-14 Thread Ernest Adrogué
Hola, Des de l'últim 'apt-get upgrade' sembla que no hi ha manera que funcioni el client de sopcast 'sp-sc' del paquet sp-auth (non-free). En principi no dóna cap error, simplement als pocs segons d'arrencar es para amb aquests missatges: ... Start cache thread. hook_broker_connect:msgType=2 rea

How to assign a persistent device name to an infra-red receiver?

2014-01-06 Thread Ernest Adrogué
Hi there I have configured lirc to use /dev/input/event4 but it turns out this device name is assigned to a different input device every time the computer boots, thus preventing lirc from working properly. For example, right now the receiver is on /dev/input/event5. I guess I have to write a ude

keyboard input in terminal emulators vs X11 apps

2012-02-11 Thread Ernest Adrogué
Hi, I was setting some key bindings in emacs and it puzzled me that some of those bindings worked in emacs-x but not in emacs-nox. Then I fired up emacs in a tty, in an X terminal emulator and also a graphical frame and quoted-insert several key combinations that seem problematic. This is the res

Re: keyboard input in terminal emulators vs X11 apps

2012-02-11 Thread Ernest Adrogué
Tom H> writes: > > Do you have ibus installed? > > (I saw a post on another list a few days ago where ibus was > over-riding an emacs key-binding.) No, I haven't got ibus installed. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe"

tecles per navegar per l'historial

2012-03-07 Thread Ernest Adrogué
Hola, Una recomanació que potser us interessa, si afegiu "\ep": history-search-backward "\en": history-search-forward a l'.inputrc fa que les tecles Alt+p i Alt+n busquin a l'historial una entrada que coincideixi amb la línia actual. Si la línia actual està en blanc és equivalent a les tecles