Re: Help with IP masquerading

1997-05-20 Thread Craig Sanders
" of installing it. once that's done, configure the Macs to use the Linux machine. BTW, if you're using diald you'll probably want to configure it so that it doesn't bring up the link every time you want to resolve a name. But you'll want to do that whether you

Re: Help with IP masquerading

1997-05-22 Thread Craig Sanders
ad kernel-image-2.0.30 from frozen or unstable. Personally, I think it is much better to install kernel-source and make-kpkg and compile your own custom kernel that suits your system. The debian pre-compiled kernels are useful, but should really only be used to install a system. IP Masquerading is

Re: Help with IP masquerading

1997-05-22 Thread Craig Sanders
DES client. that sounds like a problem with either diald or IP masquerading...or possibly a routing problem. it seems unrelated to bind. have you tried putting a wrapper script around your des ftp client? send a couple of pings first, and then run ftp? craig -- craig sanders networking consult

Re: Help with IP masquerading

1997-05-22 Thread Craig Sanders
twork service. It is something that is worth putting in a lot of effort to fix if it's broken - if your name server is unreliable, then EVERYTHING else on the network which depends on it (i.e. almost every network related program) is going to be unreliable. craig -- craig sanders

Re: Terminal not powerful enough for SLang

1997-05-22 Thread Craig Sanders
uot;termcap". sh variables are case sensitive. If that doesn't work (it should), check what your TERM variable is set to. "echo $TERM". in an xterm, it should be "xterm". If that is set correctly, then check that /usr/lib/terminfo/x/xterm hasn't been corrupted or

Re: Problem with telnetd ???

1997-05-23 Thread Craig Sanders
a copy of PGP too. (*) even "secure" programs are compromisable if you use them carelessly. these are no magic panacea for security problems - they work best if you read the documentation and understand what they're doing, why they're doing it, and how they work. craig --

Re: JPEG utilities

1997-05-23 Thread Craig Sanders
; done --- cut here /usr/local/bin/jpegsize--- $ jpegsize ~cas/public_html/*.jpg /home/cas/public_html/craig01.jpg: width=351, height=373 /home/cas/public_html/craig02.jpg: width=493, height=373 -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary

Re: Problem with telnetd ???

1997-05-23 Thread Craig Sanders
n. I am not an expert on US laws, so i'd advise reading the various PGP related FAQs for the real story. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE F

help with perl

1997-05-26 Thread Craig Sanders
} ; if ($debug) { print $url, "==>" ; } ; print $out, "\n" ; } untie %redir_db ---cut here--- I'm tempted to just give up and write it in C, but one of the purposes of doing this is to improve my perl. Any clues/sugges

Re: help with perl

1997-05-26 Thread Craig Sanders
23:40:35 +1000 (EST), Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > said: > > > > The database is a .db file created with 'makemap hash redir > from [:space:]-delimited source input like the following: > [...] > > //.** //www.ta

kernel panic while booting

1997-05-29 Thread Craig Sanders
nel locking up just after the EATA_DMA message. I tried the suggestions in that thread (i.e removed the ethernet card) but it makes no difference. Craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system

Re: mgetty & ppp

1997-05-29 Thread Craig Sanders
devices for everything, just make sure that all programs which use it place their lock files in /var/lock. All relevant debian packages already do that (including minicom, pppd, uucp and mgetty). Any programs installed into /usr/local should be compiled to use the same lockin

Re: rwhod

1997-05-29 Thread Craig Sanders
hich stopped rwho traffic from leaving your LAN. ipfwadm is very useful - you can use it to stop all kinds of unwanted things...rwho, junkmail from, etc. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone

Re: Re: InfoMagic's new LDR

1997-05-31 Thread Craig Sanders
select to use the mounted file-system method, run Update from the menu, and then go through the usual Select, Install, Configure cycle. BTW, this will work even if you don't have a local ftp mirror of debian. Instead of pointing mirror at 'localhost', point it at '

Re: Leafnode permissions

1997-06-02 Thread Craig Sanders
ews/' (which could be put into a shell script or bash alias), and the news will be fetched the next time the cron job runs. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administra

Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

1997-06-09 Thread Craig Sanders
ining how to find the docs. That's all that most people need - a pointer in the right direction. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THI

Re: LAN configuration problem?

1997-06-16 Thread Craig Sanders
mp. Do you have any firewalling or masquerading rules yet? if so, turn them all off for nowonly start configuring masquerading AFTER you've got the basic network up and running (i.e. the win95 and Linux machine can talk to each other). craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

compiling debian packages (was Re: number of problems...)

1997-09-15 Thread Craig Sanders
notes above. i can't remember the URL right through the debian-user archives, there was some discussion on it within the last few weeks. -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administra

Re: sshd X11 forwarding

1997-09-23 Thread Craig Sanders
ng to work. xauth is in the 'xbase' package. if that doesn't help, try "-v" (verbose) option of ssh - it may give you enough info to track down the problem. craig ps: i use ssh with X11 forwarding on numerous debian machines. it works. i didn't even have to conf

Re: Stable means not-changing?

1997-09-24 Thread Craig Sanders
loping* for libc6 can be problematic if you want to compile stuff for both libc5 and libc6 on the same machine - and even that isn't a big deal...there's a documented, straight-forward procedure to follow. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or

Re: [RANT] The Future of Debian (and Linux)

1997-09-24 Thread Craig Sanders
On 24 Sep 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote: > Any time, lean youngsters. But first, you have to volunteer. well said! (and i mean all of it, not just the one line i quoted) craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonom

Re: DOSKey equivalent

1997-09-25 Thread Craig Sanders
obably not because there's no real need for one since it's built into the shell. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mai

xemacs and mail

1997-09-28 Thread Craig Sanders
d be good. in fact, all of the above could be done with an imap implementation similar to pine's. - pgp and mime, of course. - search, selection, and operations (save, delete, fwd, etc) on selected messages similar to how pine does it now. i guess what i'm look

Re: xemacs and mail

1997-09-28 Thread Craig Sanders
thanks for your reply. On 28 Sep 1997, Jan Vroonhof wrote: > Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > i guess what i'm looking for is a blend of xemacs/gnus and pine/elm. > > Use gnus. Gnus is not only a news reader but also a mail reading > program. It

Re: Netscape Default window size+Debian Linux Book?

1997-09-29 Thread Craig Sanders
more towards BSD than SysV), but it's a good comprehensive introduction to unix. Easy to read for a novice without being insultingly patronising. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: xemacs and mail

1997-09-30 Thread Craig Sanders
On 29 Sep 1997, Olaf Weber wrote: > Craig Sanders writes: > > > i don't want gnus (or anything else apart from procmail) to "store > > my mail"'s already stored where i want it. > > >From the Gnus manual: > > Mail and Procmail

Re: xemacs and mail

1997-09-30 Thread Craig Sanders
On 30 Sep 1997, Carey Evans wrote: > Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > [snip] > > > yep, i read that. i even read the rest of the gnus docs on handling mail. > > > > it seems like it's not going to be any good for me because it doesn&#x

Re: Debian 2.0

1997-10-02 Thread Craig Sanders
On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, alex khalil wrote: > Hello > > When will Debian 2.0 be available? "When it is ready" craig -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Network frustration

1997-10-05 Thread Craig Sanders
ike www and smtp, tweak the rules so they're a little more open. if you are really concerned about network security *DO NOT* make your fileserver the same machine as your internet gateway. resurrect an old 386 box from gathering dust in a cupboard if you have to and build another

Re: Nuisances with Ethernet network.

1997-10-08 Thread Craig Sanders
). more info can be found in the /usr/doc/ipx directory, and in the IPX HOWTO. if you don't need novell compatibility then get rid of the ipx, ipxripd, and ncpfs packages. btw, what does 'cat /proc/net/ipx_route' and 'cat /proc/net/ipx_interface' look like? craig -- crai

Re: Nuisances with Ethernet network.

1997-10-08 Thread Craig Sanders
^ this is a problem. you can't have a network number of 0 - it's not allowed. do you actually need both frame types? what is the rest of your novell lan running on? ether_II, 802.2 or 802.3. ether_ii is best. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available

Re: How to create a crontab per user?

1997-10-10 Thread Craig Sanders
1. 'crontab -e' interprets this as "abort". try :x - this saves and exits with a status of 0. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks. -- TO UNSUB

Re: How to create a crontab per user?

1997-10-10 Thread Craig Sanders
f-installed |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/ NameVersionDescription +++-===-==- ii cron3.0pl1-39 management of regular background processing ii vim 4.6-2 Vi

Re: disabling user mail

1997-10-13 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sun, 12 Oct 1997, Paul Miller wrote: > Is there anyway to disable user mail, so the user can not receive mail > (the system replies that the user is unknown, etc)? I'm currently using > smail+procmail and I'd rather not switch MTAs. > > Possibly by using the .forward file (I couldn't find any

Re: * Formal call for the removal of Bruce Perens *

1997-10-26 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sat, 25 Oct 1997, dc wrote: > Enough is enough. yes. enough is enough. go away and quit your whining. i, for one, am getting really sick and tired of seeing your personal attacks against bruce being splashed all over the debian lists. what are you trying to do? destroy debian with your co

Re: Exiting VC from another

1997-10-28 Thread Craig Sanders
ggy kernels or faulty hardware the kernel function will never return, so the process will never die. you have two choices here: ignore it or reboot. see man pages for ps, and kill. see also 'kill -l' (that's lowercase letter "l", not the numeral one) for a list of signals

Re: Linux machine behind Win95 proxy

1997-11-06 Thread Craig Sanders
much better off making your linux machine your proxy and using the win95 machine as the client. win95 (and NT, for that matter) performs abysmally as a router or internet gateway. Linux performs brilliantly in that role. IMO you'd have far less trouble if you used the right tool for the j

Re: rsh

1997-11-06 Thread Craig Sanders
t for secure shell). the format is simple: "hostname loginname". see the man pages for ssh, shosts, rsh, rhosts and other docs in /usr/doc/ssh. Read them thoroughly *before* playing with this - it's easy to mess up system security wrong if you neglect to RTFM. craig -- craig sander

Re: StarOffice and XPrinter

1997-11-07 Thread Craig Sanders
ed to be able to import MS word docs - maybe now i'll be able to do something with .DOC files which clueless people keep on emailing to me no matter how many times i tell them "send me plain text only, i don't run MS software and have no intention of ever doing so". -- cra

Re: LILO only says LI 01 01 01 01...

1997-11-09 Thread Craig Sanders
f this still fails, try the above again but use "boot=/dev/sda" instead of "/dev/sda1". this will write it to the master boot record of the scsi disk, overwriting the boot record put there by the MBR program. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Avail

Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-09 Thread Craig Sanders
t his reasons for doing things the way he does are, for the most part, ill-informed opinion and bigotry. there is some substance to what he says but it's nowhere near as black and white as the way he says it. finally, qmail is non-free. debian CAN'T use it as the default MTA. craig -

Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-10 Thread Craig Sanders
one directories and files a lot more confusing than a single .mc or .cf file. sendmail also happens to be the best documented MTA around - there's at least 2 or 3 good books devoted to sendmail. this was one of the reason i finally gave up on smail - i couldn't find any books on smail anywh

Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-10 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sun, 9 Nov 1997, Jason Costomiris wrote: > On Mon, Nov 10, 1997 at 09:16:01AM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote: > : qmail might be excellent at what it does but it's incompatible with > : /var/spool/mail. > > Yeah, and? It allows you to streamline your quota setup. It also al

Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-11 Thread Craig Sanders
tever other user creation procedure you use) run "touch /var/spool/mail/USER ; chown USER.mail /var/spool/mail/user" > (Big ISPs have another problem with /var/spool/mail: on most systems, > reading a large directory takes a long time.) which is an argument against maildir, is

Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-11 Thread Craig Sanders
s in an NFS environment, but it reminds me too much of the *.MSG format of fidonet - one file per message - which gets obscenely slow when there are many files in a directory. > > in summary, i think that his reasons for doing things the way he > > does are, for the most part, ill-in

Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-11 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Remco van de Meent wrote: > On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Craig Sanders wrote: > > : I still don't know of any MUAs which will read mail from either maildir > : or ~/Mailbox. admittedly, configuring pine or elm to read ~/Mailbox > : rather than the usual spool

Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-11 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Jason Costomiris wrote: > On Mon, Nov 10, 1997 at 08:40:35PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote: > : > Yeah, and? It allows you to streamline your quota setup. It also > : > allows you to have a smaller /var. > : > : what does "the qmail way" allow

Re: [side question] Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-12 Thread Craig Sanders
RDS ACCEPTED|GROUND[ -]*FLOOR OPPORTUNITY|Removal instructions|Internet Market(ing|er)|apologize for any inconvenience|Bulk Email|using Extractor Pro) #/root/Mail/SPAM -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone

Re: MTA Suggestion

1997-11-18 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sun, 16 Nov 1997, Joey Hess wrote: > > no it's not difficult. the PITA factor comes in because it has to > > be done for every account. As i said, i use procmail as the local > > delivery agent - which means that i need a global setting for it, > > not a per- user setting. > > Take a look at q

Re: cannot open /dev/cua2

1997-11-25 Thread Craig Sanders
On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, Adalberto da Silva wrote: > I'm trying to set my modem under Linux. I've made a few tests as root > with minicom and it's working fine for AT commands and for dialing and > transferring files with zmodem protocol. > > But it reffuses to work with common users and gives me this

Re: I'm an idiot and sed proves it...

1997-11-27 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, 26 Nov 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote: > And this may allow me to deal with the hyphons at the end of the lines. I > can do one pass through sed replacing new lines with \n, and then make > another pass editing out all the '-\n'. I am still left with the problem > of converting all the other '\n

Re: I'm an idiot and sed proves it...

1997-11-27 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, 26 Nov 1997, Joost Kooij wrote: > Before people start flooding this thread with nifty perl one-liners, I > would really like to see how this is done with sed. oops. too late. no script-language-religious-war intended, though. i use perl and sed and think they're both great. i'd also like

Re: LAN configuration problem?

1997-06-20 Thread Craig Sanders
question was about an IP Masquerading setup. He almost certainly doesn't want ip_forwarding turned on. that must have been a too-early-in-the-morning before-i've-had-my-coffee type of answer :-) Craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or con

Re: setting & switching screen densities

1997-06-20 Thread Craig Sanders
xdm from a root window successfully launches. there seems to be a bug in the installation script for xbase. it wipes the /etc/init.d/xdm script. you can fix it by: cd /etc/init.d mv -f xdm.dpkg-dist xdm craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casua

Re: setting & switching screen densities

1997-06-20 Thread Craig Sanders
y the number of windows it has to list. If there are too many to list, it just freezes. I work around this bug by dragging the taskbar's corner with the left mouse button to make it double-height...that seems to "fix" it, but it's annoying to have to lose some v

Re: setting & switching screen densities

1997-06-21 Thread Craig Sanders
e by hand to give it the real Horiz & Vert ranges. > Also, i used XF86Setup, which ultimately gave me the best results. Sorry, my mistake. I ran 'XF86Setup', not 'xf86config'. The graphical X setup program, not the text-based one. I might try the text-based config p

Re: setting & switching screen densities

1997-06-21 Thread Craig Sanders
he novelty wears off, though, it's just an improved doom. i guess i'm just not into games very much :-) craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE

choosing a linux distribution

1997-06-28 Thread Craig Sanders
ebian project. PS: I read your "Why TV sucks" page. I live in Australia, but TV is just as bad here...which is why I choose NOT to have a television set. I haven't had a TV in the house for almost 10 years. I occasionally watch some TV whilst visiting friends...I don't think

Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account.. for...

1997-06-29 Thread Craig Sanders
easy. BTW, I am running hamm at the moment, and haven't had any problems with it. Craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail t

Re: LAN configuration problem?

1997-07-02 Thread Craig Sanders
eceive packets. are there any irq conflicts with the ethernet card on the win95 machine? irq conflicts with network cards often manifest as being able to send but not receive packets. > Now, looking at the above, I see a difference in the tcpdump response > and the hardware address response of a

Re: choosing a linux distribution

1997-07-02 Thread Craig Sanders
if you have a flash upgradeable one - unlikely, most of those can already boot from CD drives) craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILIN

Re: netbios equiv. of ipxripd

1997-07-03 Thread Craig Sanders
t a Linux machine can't do faster, safer, and better. But to answer your question, you don't really need a routing daemon for SMB. Just make sure that the LMHOSTS file contains the IP address of your NT server and Win3.x clients or just setup the Linux machine as the browse master (se

Re: Way to set up a MacFiles virtual drive?

1997-07-04 Thread Craig Sanders
for localtalk cards then this is only useful if your macs have ethernet cards. I have heard of a few drivers being developed for linux, but don't know of any that have been released. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract tem

Re: Debian Installation experience

1997-07-08 Thread Craig Sanders
nguages. Each language has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some tasks are better done in perl (or even sh) than in C...why force people to write programs that are 1000 times more complicated than they need to be just so that they are written in the approved language? craig -- craig sanders network

Re: Debian Installation experience

1997-07-08 Thread Craig Sanders
On Tue, 8 Jul 1997, Alexander Kjeldaas wrote: > On Tue, 8 Jul 1997, Craig Sanders wrote: > > > On Sun, 6 Jul 1997, Alexander Kjeldaas wrote: > > > > > Is it a goal for debian not to require perl? I don't think so - and > > > that is one of the thing

Re: Any compilers in Debian?

1997-07-24 Thread Craig Sanders
ve asked is "yes, we have perl". many other languages as well: tcl, python, fortran, caml, mercury, forth, scheme, and others. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks

Re: Host/nslookup, sendmail, bash

1997-07-29 Thread Craig Sanders
hatever it is that launches netscape (e.g. FVWM button bar) to run the ash wrapper script instead. (alternatively, name this script "netscape" and put it in the first directory in the PATH) Craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contrac

Re: Libc6 Upgrade Howto?

1997-08-04 Thread Craig Sanders
_locale kl_GL ISO-8859-1 > #do_locale nl_BE ISO-8859-1 > #do_locale ro_RO ISO-8859-1 > #do_locale ru_RU ISO-8859-5 i just commented out the "set -e" near the top of the script. maybe do_locale should test if the relevant file(s) exist before attempting to do anything with the

Re: Blocking spam by IP number

1997-08-15 Thread Craig Sanders
t use a slightly different wrapper script. it should also be easy enough to produce firewalling commands for Ciscos and other routers. It would also be easy to put a web or gui front-end onto the script for "easy" (hah! nothing's easier than vi :-) maintainence of the list. cr

Re: Blocking spam by IP number

1997-08-15 Thread Craig Sanders
-entry in the several lines can any of the MTAs reject mail based on arbitrary headers? or even just the To: header (e.g. "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]")? I know i can do this easily enough with procmail (in fact, I do), but IMO this is a job for the mail transfer agent, not the delivery a

Re: Blocking spam by IP number

1997-08-16 Thread Craig Sanders
On Fri, 15 Aug 1997, Remco van de Meent wrote: > On Fri, 15 Aug 1997, Craig Sanders wrote: > > : that's one of the reasons i prefer packet filtering to > : tcp-wrappers. block it out in the kernel before it gets to the > : application level. > > Hmm.. I don

Re: ifconfig delay

1997-08-17 Thread Craig Sanders
it automatically when the serial ports haven't been used for a while...which can lose the serial port configuration done by /etc/rc.boot/0setserial. I think that the latest debian version of 0setserial loads the serial module itself if it isn't already loaded, so this may not be necessar

Re: Building Your own Boot Disks

1997-08-21 Thread Craig Sanders
find /lib/modules -name "*_MODULES" if they are there, then delete them by typing: find /lib/modules -name "*_MODULES" | xargs rm if this solves the problem, then create a new modules.tgz based on this. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant

Re: Building Your own Boot Disks

1997-08-22 Thread Craig Sanders
On Thu, 21 Aug 1997, Paul Wade wrote: > On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Craig Sanders wrote: > > > imo, everyone should compile their own kernel - the boot/rescue floppy > > is good to install a system with, but a linux box really should have a > > kernel compiled especially for it.

Re: Anybody in for helping a new debian user with aic7xxx ?

1997-08-23 Thread Craig Sanders
wide scsi) at a quarter of the price (under $A100 for the NCR versus up to $A400 or more for the adaptec depending upon supplier). BTW, you mention VLB. I wouldn't trust VLB for anything, for any reason. I am so glad that VLB is finally dead now that PCI is commonplaceV

Re: X installation calamity solved. Thank you!

1997-08-23 Thread Craig Sanders
emergency mode, ^C doesn't work to kill processes. setting it with stty doesn't fix it either. (btw, if you are going to run fsck on the partition then run it BEFORE remounting the disk RW. Do not ever run fsck on a RW filesystem.) craig -- craig sanders networking consultant

Re: X installation calamity solved. Thank you!

1997-08-23 Thread Craig Sanders
r 60 seconds } /etc/init.d/ssh stop sleep for 5 seconds /etc/init.d/ssh start craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING

Re: Debian only like larger businesses

1997-08-23 Thread Craig Sanders
e people you mention are so brain-damaged that they > can't agree with something soley on it's merits but instead disagree > soley and the way it was mentioned, then their opinion doesn't count > very much for me. i guess some people just don't like being insulted.

Re: My final words on Debian Inc.

1997-08-23 Thread Craig Sanders
h you. Now normally I think that democracy and popular decisions are for sheep, but i've worked with people in debian for long enough to have a great deal of respect for the intelligence and competence of the debian team. (one of the reasons i like debian is that there are some very smart

java/c++ ide

1997-08-28 Thread Craig Sanders
w features and fixed bugs. You can obtain the software and documentation at: craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks. -- TO UNSU

The GNOME Desktop project (fwd)

1997-08-28 Thread Craig Sanders
here's an alternative for all those who like the idea of KDE, but don't like the fact that it's based on a non-free GUI toolkit. this one's based on the Gimp's GTK, which *is* free. enjoy -- Forwarded message -- >From: Miguel de Icaza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Newsgroups:

Re: Linux in Wired

1997-08-28 Thread Craig Sanders
and detest having to fix severely broken Win systems, even if i do get paid quite well for doing it. i'd rather be paid for 1 hour's pleasant and stress-free work than for 3 hours of microsoft hell). > I'm looking forward to WordPerfect-7 for Linux (just out: see > http://

Re: Linux in Wired

1997-08-30 Thread Craig Sanders
On Fri, 29 Aug 1997, David B. Teague wrote: > Hi Craig, and all list readers: > > On Thu, 28 Aug 1997, Craig Sanders wrote, in part: > [...] > > > > MS is inescapable. Programs like WINE and WABI and Willow's TWIN > > are useful and necessary becaus

Re: Linux in Wired

1997-08-30 Thread Craig Sanders
cial software so crappy is that marketing types think that they are competent to direct a technical project like developing software. marketing's job is to sell what has been produced, not to restrict the programmers' creativity according to bullshit marketing theories. craig -- craig s

Re: Private XF-Mail package available

1997-09-01 Thread Craig Sanders
ot;rex")? I thought this problem was fixed some time ago - long before 1.3 was released. craig -- craig sanders networking consultant Available for casual or contract temporary autonomous zone system administration tasks. -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILI

Re: Private XF-Mail package available

1997-09-02 Thread Craig Sanders
for inclusion in non-free. (its copyright says "This software can be freely distributed and modified for non-commercial purposes as long as the above copyright message and this permission notice appear in all copies of distributed source code or included as separate file in binary distribution.

1997-09-03 Thread Craig Sanders
does anyone know what's happened to up until a few weeks ago it was THE web page to go to for everything you needed/wanted to know about kernel patches ...then it stopped being updated about 2 weeks ago, and now seems to have vanished off the face of the earth (DNS actually

Re: Increasing DOS partition

1997-09-07 Thread Craig Sanders
isk to 16-bit FAT. otherwise, delete the partition with DOS FDISK and recreate it before formatting. as with anything involving the partition table, it is a good idea to backup your important data first. this is especially true if you use MS code (like DOS' FDISK.EXE) to do it. craig -- c

Re: info2www, dwww install problem

1996-10-06 Thread Craig Sanders
On Fri, 4 Oct 1996, Lars Wirzenius wrote: > Lawrence Chim: > > when install info2www and dwww, they said that they cannot > > find the httpd. I think it is because I am using apache > > and http daemon name is apache rather than httpd. > > > > Is is a install script problem? or a file dependan

Re: bash profile question

1996-10-06 Thread Craig Sanders
On Fri, 4 Oct 1996, Marcel Burggraeve wrote: > I know you can use your .bash_profile to let you see the current > directory and a prompt ( like in dos or os/2 ) > I do have a profile which does this but was wondering if some people > could post their profiles so maybe I can choose another which I

sendmail log summary?

1996-10-10 Thread Craig Sanders
anyone know of any good sendmail log analysis scripts? a friend wants to generate daily and weekly summaries of mail traffic on his system. Craig -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fixed! (Re: mgetty isn't answering the phone (ioctl problem))

1996-10-23 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, 23 Oct 1996, Daniel Stringfield wrote: > > However, this has *not* fixed the bizzare problem with pppd thinking > > I don't have PPP support compiled in, even though I do. > > In my experience, I've had to turn MGETTY OFF when I wanted to make > an outbound PPP call. Dunno exactly why. I

Re: Fixed! (Re: mgetty isn't answering the phone (ioctl problem))

1996-10-23 Thread Craig Sanders
On Tue, 22 Oct 1996, Joe Emenaker wrote: > So, as near as I can tell, the modem was answering the modem on > its own volition just moments before mgetty sent an "ATA" which, I > believe, toggles the online state (hangs up if off-hook, picks up if > on-hook). Hence, the two clicks, I guess. So, pu

Re: Fixed! (Re: mgetty isn't answering the phone (ioctl problem))

1996-10-25 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, 23 Oct 1996, Daniel Stringfield wrote: > > Kermit, Minicom, pppd, any modem software you write, mgetty, etc., > > must agree on all of the above, and then it works like a dream. > > > > I use DCON.. its DCON that can't OPEN the port... pppd works fine, and > mgetty work fine.. but its DCO

Re: ??? About New Installation - Successes and Problems

1996-10-26 Thread Craig Sanders
On Fri, 25 Oct 1996, Jason Gerry wrote: > 1) The thing works. It's amazing. But I can't do too much since I installed > off of the floppy disk 1.4 set. So I need to install things like, oh, > editors and such. I have practically no support for anything yet. Anyway, I > try to install what the FA

Re: Faxing?

1996-10-27 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sun, 27 Oct 1996, Dermot Bradley wrote: > Just to let everyone know, I'm finishing up Debian packages for > hylafax-server and hylafax-client. They should be ready within 7-10 > days. does it work with mgetty? Craig -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to

Re: Cost-effective servers

1996-10-28 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, 28 Oct 1996 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Obviously we need more 'oomph' in the server(s). The questions are simply: > . One server or more than one > . SCSI or IDE > > I.e, given a few thousand bucks, how to get the most server bang! If i were in your situation and had the funds to buy an

Re: Network questions

1996-11-03 Thread Craig Sanders
On 26 Oct 1996, Bill Vinson wrote: > The ethernet solution seems to be working so far. I now have gotten > to the part of the installation that asks about the network you are > on. I will only have 2 computers (Linux and mac) on this network > and the Linux box will dial in to my ISP for its IP

Re: Hylafax packages?

1996-11-05 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, 4 Nov 1996, Dermot Bradley wrote: > On 3 Nov 1996, Robert Nicholson wrote: > > > Somebody a few weeks ago had mentioned that they were preparing > > hylafax as packages? > > That was myself. I was almost finished and then I discovered debmake > :-) I've spent the past week or so getting t

Re: Networking woes (Detailed & Long)

1996-11-06 Thread Craig Sanders
On Tue, 5 Nov 1996, Walter L. Preuninger II wrote: > When I am not connected to the internet using ppp ( > route will hang right after the localnet line. If I am connected to the > net, or if named is not running, route does its job and gets out of the > way. I do replace my default

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