Re: can anyone recomend an application ??? ...

2003-02-20 Thread Carl Johnson
es for the next two days and emails them to me. Remind is especially handy for birthdays or anniversaries because you can set it up to calculate how many years, just in case you sometimes forget... -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with

Re: locales and accented charaters

2002-10-27 Thread Carl Johnson
s, then LC_ALL won't be necessary, and you won't need an alias for ls. I've been through a similar process, and that is all that is necessary. The LANG variable is the master for all of the other LC_* variables, and each default to it. If any of the LC_* variables is individually set then

Re: xclock with 12-hour time?

2002-11-03 Thread Carl Johnson
work with other window managers, and both can display 12 hour clocks. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sound when playing audio files, but not when playing cd

2003-01-06 Thread Carl Johnson
. I tried that a few days ago, and found the audio was distorted. I didn't notice it at first, but later I noticed an odd warbling quality to some passages. I then ripped to .ogg files, but they sounded fine. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL P

xemacs19 and viper?

1998-08-07 Thread Carl Johnson
ical to me, but it seems odd that both of these are major subsystems that appear to be unusable in the default configuration. I am running Hamm, and the xemacs19 was version 19.16-2, and the xemacs20 was the nomule version of 20.4-5. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Unsubscribe

Re: About realplayer

1998-09-17 Thread Carl Johnson
e same as the system shared library files, but it appears the program doesn't get them from the operating system, so you MUST tell the program exactly where they are located. The program never worked well even after I got that fixed, so I ended up removing it later. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Basic question from a Debian new boy

1998-09-18 Thread Carl Johnson
r which you have to get the contrib disk. I haven't seen anything that actually describes what is supposed to be on the official disks. I checked for that information, but I didn't find it anywhere obvious. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: About realplayer

1998-09-18 Thread Carl Johnson
led 16-bit audio in the preferences menu. I do have a 16-bit card, but obviously I don't have the 16-bit parts configured properly. I don't think you have the same problem, since mine wasn't playing at all before I switched the preferences. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Weird file names

1998-05-13 Thread Carl Johnson
sting where control characters are converted to octal format. You probably should be careful using 'rm -rfi' since I have heard people say that on some systems the '-f' option will override the '-i' and ignore it. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: segmentation fault with glimpseindex

1998-05-21 Thread Carl Johnson
orked fine after that, so there must have been something corrupt in the files. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Desperate for Optical Character Recognition

1998-06-19 Thread Carl Johnson
had an error rate of about 20% of the characters. That means that at least 50% of all words were wrong, which I consider to be totally useless. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Keeping Machine Up - Advice Needed

1998-07-20 Thread Carl Johnson
tle ridiculous to buy a UPS just for a modem. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: accessing debian from an hpterm

1999-02-16 Thread Carl Johnson
ritten to handle it, even while using termcap or terminfo, but everybody writes for vt100s instead. I usually ended up using xterms for the same reasons you mentioned. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Script to check whether modem telephone line in use --- how?

1999-04-01 Thread Carl Johnson
s > > into the phone line. > > or better yet, fix pon so it won't do this. I'll look into it. You might want to look into the 'connect' program from ''. It tracks multiple connect attempts so none trample over each other. I have been using it for several months now. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: finding a package name given a filename

1998-12-09 Thread Carl Johnson
c links if ($#ARGV == -1) { print "usage: $0 \n"; exit 1; } for ($f = $ARGV[0]; -l $f; $f = readlink($f)) { } print "destination doesn't exist: " if ! -e $f; print "$f\n"; --- script end -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: less shows fortune

1998-12-13 Thread Carl Johnson
ow it to execute in an interactive shell only. You really shouldn't have anything executable that has an output in your profile. The above does work in bash, but I don't know how tcsh is different, so you should check out the details first. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Starting another Xterm in X

1999-01-11 Thread Carl Johnson
*i*) . ~/.bashrc esac fi The .bashrc file should also have any other commands that need to be executed for every interactive shell (such as fortune for me). -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: hosts.deny problem.

1999-01-11 Thread Carl Johnson
. : ALL If you have your own domain name, you can also use the following: ALL: : ALL Note that you don't used a '*' or other wild-card characters, and use a space rather than a comma for separating. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: more on hosts.deny

1999-01-11 Thread Carl Johnson
g: /etc/hosts.deny, line > 0: missing newline or line too long > > when I telnet to my machine. > What am I doing wrong this time? I'd guess that you are using emacs; vi will always terminate a line for you. Try going to the end of the line and hitting return before saving the file. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fetchmail crashes

1999-02-05 Thread Carl Johnson
> > I observe exactly the same in my system from time to time. I have > Debian 2.0 (hamm) with fetchmail 4.3.9-1 and exim 2.05-1. Unfortunately I > have no idea how to fix it. > I had similar problems a while ago, and when I asked here, I was advised to add the following to my /etc/exim.conf: sender_unqualified_hosts = -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dying services due to low memory?

1999-09-18 Thread Carl Johnson
se swap is javac. In general, if you aren't using swap space then you aren't running short of memory. The kernel always tries to use all memory for buffers and cache if it isn't being otherwise used. I don't know what your problem is, so I can't help any further, but I would look for other problems before suspecting memory in your case. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: latex

1999-09-18 Thread Carl Johnson
l give you some quick information, and the others have more detailed information. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] daylight savings in Brazil?

1999-10-01 Thread Carl Johnson
ch better in the north, where daylight savings time may shift sunrise from 1AM to 2AM, and sunset from 11PM to midnight. Of course, it never really gets dark during that time, so you don't even notice it. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Looking for trouble.

1999-04-19 Thread Carl Johnson
, whereas 'cd -' is a shortcut for the cd program itself. Look up "Tilde Expansion" in the bash (or ksh) man page for details. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Disk geommetry, was Re: Kernel Upgrade: Why?

1999-04-24 Thread Carl Johnson
ading small files will probably be dominated by seek time, so there should be little difference between inner and outer tracks. Large files are largely consecutive sectors, so they should read faster on the outer tracks than the inner tracks. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Possible problem with xlock and xscreensaver on potato

1999-04-30 Thread Carl Johnson
er a timeout. It can also be configured to lock whenever you move the cursor into a specified corner, so you don't need to run xlock. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: help /var is filling up!!!

1999-05-21 Thread Carl Johnson
f you can't figure out the message, then come back and somebody will probably be able to help you. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: help /var is filling up!!!

1999-05-22 Thread Carl Johnson
ughly the same. If they are not, then you might have something that has unlinked an active log file. I hope these give you some ideas, otherwise I don't think I can help any more. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: help /var is filling up!!!

1999-05-24 Thread Carl Johnson
ms as if wtmp.0 is on its way to become wtmp.1.gz some time but what > about lastlog? Is this normal? > > I have tried to look at the contents of lastlog and it contains thousands > of ^@'s. > > On 21 May 1999, Carl Johnson wrote: > > My /var/log directory is only a

Re: Shouldn't debian be configured better by default ?

1999-11-10 Thread Carl Johnson
After I discovered that, I checked xv, gimp, and the netpbm tools, and all of them would abort with an error message if not enough memory was available. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Special Rates For Hong Kong Hotels (Nov. 1999)

1999-11-14 Thread Carl Johnson
Is it time to cut off all mail from Hong Kong to this list? I thought this list was supposed to have a standard for handling advertising, but I repeatedly see advertising from Hong Kong. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: "bitmap" to outline postscript

1998-10-20 Thread Carl Johnson
> > -- > > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null > > > > > > George Bonser > > The Linux "We're never going out of business" sale at an FTP site near you! > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null > > -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Margin printing ...

1998-10-25 Thread Carl Johnson
are using LaTeX2e mode; I don't remember the format for LaTeX 2.09 right now. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

exim and bad Sender: header

1998-11-01 Thread Carl Johnson
n advance for any help. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: exim and bad Sender: header

1998-11-02 Thread Carl Johnson
Lee Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Sun, Nov 01, 1998 at 10:18:15AM -0800, Carl Johnson wrote: > > I ended up with the following fetchmail messages: > > reading message 1 of 31 (1088 header bytes) .fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 > > <

Contents file?

1998-11-25 Thread Carl Johnson
. (Why was it removed in the 2.0 release anyways?) -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: fixing the charset in a terminal

1998-11-28 Thread Carl Johnson
ng of my prompt ($PS1). This automatically changes the charset back as soon as my prompt starts to print. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Howto: Printing Howtos?

1998-12-01 Thread Carl Johnson
;psselect -e | lpr' to get the even pages. Some printers may need a '-r' in one of the psselect commands to reverse the order. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Locale en_US and sorting order

2002-09-02 Thread Carl Johnson
e lowercase. I don't just mean the sort program, but also the output of ls and file globbing. I've been using different versions of unix for 15-20 years and the old system is thoroughly burned into my brain, so I would like to get it back. Does anybody know how to change back, or is the curre

Re: Locale en_US and sorting order

2002-09-03 Thread Carl Johnson
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Mon, 02 Sep 2002, Carl Johnson wrote: > > I have been using the locale en_US.UTF-8 for unicode, and I noticed > > that the sorting order is different than the default 'C' locale. With > > Obvious

Re: s3virge and xfree864.1

2002-09-03 Thread Carl Johnson
rolled, and the clock started losing time. This finally became enough of an aggravation, that I just dropped back to 3.3.6. Of course this is an older version card with DRAM instead of VRAM, so this may not apply to you. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, emai

Re: Locale en_US and sorting order

2002-09-03 Thread Carl Johnson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Proulx) writes: > Carl Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-02 16:00:21 -0700]: > > I have been using the locale en_US.UTF-8 for unicode, and I noticed > > that the sorting order is different than the default 'C' locale. With > > en_US

Re: DOS on non-x86 systems?

2002-09-18 Thread Carl Johnson
PowerPC Macintosh? > > > > dosemu may work ?? > > No, it won't. > > dosemu requires the virtual 386 mode of an x86 CPU. It won't work on > other architectures. Bochs is another alternative. I think it is fully software emulation (and probably slow). -- Carl John

Remote package management?

2002-09-25 Thread Carl Johnson
x27;t found anything similar in apt-get, aptitude, or dselect. Does anybody have any suggestions on other ways to accomplish this, or are there other tools that I haven't discovered yet? Thanks. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a

Re: Remote package management?

2002-09-26 Thread Carl Johnson
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Wednesday 25 September 2002 11:11, Carl Johnson wrote: > > I want to set up a rescue/administration filesystem on an extra > > partition, but I would like to be able to install packages without >

Re: HP Deskjet 672C

1998-04-06 Thread Carl Johnson
ecs show 600 dpi with > "REt", which I was afraid might be a Windoze sort of thing ... I am pretty sure that HP specifications refer to resolution before their "REt" enhancements. This is unlike Okidata who often quote figures like '600dpi class' performance

Re: mke2fs & capacity (where did it go!?)

1997-12-15 Thread Carl Johnson
ocks... ?? There are also the superblocks and inodes, and probably other overhead. The default ext2 fs uses 1 inode for 3KB, and it looks like inodes are probably 128 bytes. I figure that at about 190 MB for a 4.5GB disk for inodes alone. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: ?: Debian 1.3.1 and XFREE86 on Omnibook 4000C - Monitor settings

1998-01-30 Thread Carl Johnson
ot; Identifier "Pegasus" VendorName "Twinhead" BoardName "Unknown" Chipset"wd90c24" VideoRam 1024 Clocks 25.2 28.3 65.0 36.0 30.0 77.4 62.2 80.1 Clocks 31.5 35.5 75.2 50.1 39.8 50.1 42.0 44.3 EndSect

Re: xt?

1997-03-07 Thread Carl Johnson
gs were all 32 bits. Unfortunately the 286 version of unix used ints as 16 bits, so many programs had to be modified. The system did use the 286 protected mode, so it had full memory management. You could use more than 64K of memory, but it was a pain since you had to compile using Intel large model. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to change termcap defaults of an xterm?

1997-03-14 Thread Carl Johnson
term' and it will compile the terminfo definition, and put it in a '.terminfo/' subdirecory in your home directory. Your shell will immediately start working with the new entry. If you do this as root, it will instead overwrite the system entry. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Terminal not powerful enough for SLang.

1997-03-16 Thread Carl Johnson
by putting 'unset TERMCAP' in my ~/.bashrc (and maybe ~/.bash_profile). -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Half solved [Re: Terminal not powerful enough for SLang.]

1997-03-17 Thread Carl Johnson
fo. You could set your local terminfo copy of xterm to be the same as the system xterm-color. Do a 'infocmp xterm >xterm', and then edit the first part of the 2nd line and change xterm-color to xterm. Then (not as root) do a 'tic xterm', and it will save that as your personal terminfo xterm entry. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

xfig cannot handle colors in 16-bit mode

1997-06-17 Thread Carl Johnson
y true, since X11 doesn't allocate color cells in 16-bit mode, but it is not necessary. Is there a workaround to tell xfig to use the existing colors, or can I tell X11 to simulate a writeable colormap? I didn't see that a bug report has been filed on this yet. Thanks for any information.

Xemacs and cperl-mode

1997-09-10 Thread Carl Johnson
uto-mode-alist )) (setq interpreter-mode-alist (append interpreter-mode-alist '(("miniperl" . perl-mode I would appreciate any tips on what I am doing wrong, and how to get to cperl-mode. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING

Re: Xemacs and cperl-mode

1997-09-15 Thread Carl Johnson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes: > >>>>> "Carl" == Carl Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Carl> I have recently been trying to edit some perl scripts using > Carl> xemacs, so I tried using the cperl-mode instead of >

Re: Xemacs and cperl-mode

1997-09-16 Thread Carl Johnson
(Let's see if Debian-user will accept it this time.) [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes: > >>>>> "Carl" == Carl Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Carl> I have recently been trying to edit some perl scripts using > Carl&

Re: Compiling kernel "rm -rf asm linux scsi"?

1997-10-22 Thread Carl Johnson
.config' file, so you should save it elsewhere if you have already run a configure. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: xfig cannot handle colors in 16-bit mode

1997-06-19 Thread Carl Johnson
irectColor type. TrueColor is the only one supported on 16 or 32-bit. Just to be sure, I tried out all three statement types and only the TrueColor is accepted in 16-bit color. Is there some other way to set up DirectColor, or is it now allowed under XFree86 3.3? Thanks for your reply. -- Carl

Re: setting & switching screen densities

1997-06-20 Thread Carl Johnson
^--- > > then again for 800x600. > > What am I doing wrong? It looks like you use a capital 'X' when you define the mode, and lowercase 'x' when you refer to it, or did that happen when you typed it into the message? -- Carl Johnson

xemacs and mailcrypt?

1997-08-09 Thread Carl Johnson
m, but I didn't see any related reports under either xemacs or mailcrypt. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: xemacs and mailcrypt?

1997-08-10 Thread Carl Johnson
Carey Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Carl Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > [snip] > > > Is this an xemacs package problem, or have I missed something in > > configuring my system? Is anybody else using xemacs with gnus and > > mailcrypt?

Re: [OFF-TOPIC] RC5 challenge and linux

1997-08-29 Thread Carl Johnson
set to buffer 13 blocks, which is enough for about 6 hours on my P133. I have a cron script call in every 3 hours to force updates on the buffers at the same time as I download my news and mail. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail

Re: cron jobs + (some?) output

2004-12-08 Thread Carl Johnson
thought that was one of the installation questions when I first installed debian. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Where can I find xterm_color?

1997-01-20 Thread Carl Johnson
pes such as directories and executables. The 'dircolors' executable just sets up "LS_COLORS=''", which isn't very useful. The documentation for 'dircolors' refers to using 'dircolors --print-data-base' for help on what format to use, so I

Re: Where can I find xterm_color?

1997-01-21 Thread Carl Johnson
Carl Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I have XTerm handling colors, and 'ls' will also generate colors, but > only for file types such as directories and executables. The > 'dircolors' executable just sets up "LS_COLORS=''", which

Suck doesn't download news

1996-08-13 Thread Carl Johnson
/tmp directory that shows the highest available entry in each newsgroup from my sucknewsrc file, so it seems to be communicating OK. Has anybody else had anything similar to this happen? I am using the package version 2.6.3-1 from the stable release. Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Suck doesn't download news

1996-08-13 Thread Carl Johnson
> > In your email to me, Carl Johnson, you wrote: > > > > I have been trying to get suck working and haven't had any luck. > > Everything seems to work with no complaints and no error messages, but > > it always reports that there is nothing to download. I

Does 3C589 work with new PCMCIA?

1996-08-25 Thread Carl Johnson
. Anybody have any suggestions on what else to look at? Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Swap partition and fdisk

1996-09-20 Thread Carl Johnson
In reply to Lars Wirzenius's message: > A R Abid: > > I have got 16MB of RAM on my machine. Could someone tell me if it would > > still be necessary for me to create a Linux swap partition. > > The terse form of the formula is: > > swap needed = total memory need - physical memory size >

Re: Scsi errors

1996-09-26 Thread Carl Johnson
In reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s message of Tue, 24 Sep 1996 I'll just repeat what others have already stated: it is very likely your cables and termination. I was having very similar problems which got worse with the newer kernels. I finally bought new high quality cables and active terminators

Re: disc partition plan for new install

2000-09-18 Thread Carl Johnson
d of problems. Since Linux doesn't pre-allocate swap, the guideline is really irrelevant; all that really counts is whether you have enough RAM + swap space to hold your applications. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: terminfo

2000-06-21 Thread Carl Johnson
se infocmp to decompile to source, and then use tic to re-compile after editing. You might want to use a local directory as described in the tic manpage. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fixing the stuffed up terminal

2000-08-06 Thread Carl Johnson
I have figured out and it has worked like a > charm for me. I think my solution is even simpler. I added a '^O' to the beginning of my prompt, so the prompt automatically corrects this type of problem. There are other types of problems, but this is one less to worry about. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Using WindowMaker under Debian

2001-03-01 Thread Carl Johnson
ready been reported, but I don't remember which bug report. You just need to unset TMPDIR before running startx and it should work properly. Apparently the package tries to rename using a hard link from the file in TMPDIR to /tmp. Stupid... -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Converting to SCSI. HELP!!!

2000-11-22 Thread Carl Johnson
mentioned this, but using audio for mp3 files drastically slows down my disk, as well as running 'esd' whether or not it is being used. Try checking your disk speed with 'hdparm -Tt /dev/hda'. If you use 'esd', try checking speed with and without it. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Setting up a postscript printer

2000-12-11 Thread Carl Johnson
being sent to it. The printer is supposed to auto-select between PS and PCL, so that shouldn't be a problem. It really sounds like CUPS isn't doing what you expect it to do, but I don't use it so I can't help there. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: scanning SCSI-bus on a running system

2000-12-11 Thread Carl Johnson
es. The > only question is: How? The drivers for (some?) SCSI cards support this. I have a scanner with device_ID=6 and use the command: "echo 'scsi add-single-device 0 0 6 0' >/proc/scsi/scsi" The only documentation for this seems to be in the SCSI-Progr

Re: list codes?

2000-12-12 Thread Carl Johnson
out dict-foldoc package. I find it is often better than dict-jargon. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: High ASCII characters at console

2000-12-26 Thread Carl Johnson
egular mode. I just modified my bash prompt to add a ^O at the beginning. Newbies should look at the Bash-Prompt-HOWTO for details on modifications. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: system clock workaround

2000-05-25 Thread Carl Johnson
I had a 486 with similar problems that hwclock couldn't handle, but it has had no problems since I manually set it to 2000. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Check This Out!

2000-02-10 Thread Carl Johnson
e the first to tell him that this mailing list charges $1000 for advertising? -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: crontab + "xset dpms"

2000-02-28 Thread Carl Johnson
access the display, which is a potential security hole. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sound error: Can't allocate DMA buffer

2000-03-25 Thread Carl Johnson
t documentation. I can get it working by starting a large program to swap out some memory and then kill it, but it is a pain to do that every time I want to use any audio. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sound error: Can't allocate DMA buffer

2000-03-26 Thread Carl Johnson
have had no problems since with > sound dma buffers. Just make sure you have a reasonable amount of memory > (I have 128MB). Thanks, that is what I was looking for. It seems to be working fine now. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: modules

2001-01-17 Thread Carl Johnson
o$oft operating systems, so is there something about them that makes it difficult to start new topics? I am not picking on anybody in particular, since there have been several people doing this lately. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Frequent download time outs

2001-01-21 Thread Carl Johnson
ny other information *please* let me know. Some times are much better than others, so you may want to setup wget to automatically download at off-peak times. I use wget with options -t 10 -T 60 so it will keep trying with short timeouts. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Frequent download time outs - Solved?

2001-02-09 Thread Carl Johnson
ven lwn. All problems seem to have gone away since applying your fix. Thank you for posting your fix! -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xv alternatives

2001-07-07 Thread Carl Johnson
ry. Of course, if you have *lots* of memory, then it's probably safe enough. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: (WM) launching apps in particular workspaces

2001-07-31 Thread Carl Johnson
e might have caused problems with that, but I didn't find that Gnome provided enough more than just WindowMaker to make it worth while. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What is a good, small, web browser?

2002-02-01 Thread Carl Johnson
at :-)) I use w3m, but does anbody know if it can be used for unicode pages (on potato)? If it can't be used, what is another lightweight browser that can be used for unicode on potato? -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [±¤°í] CD¹øÈ£ºÎ2002 Àü±¹ÆÇ ¾È³»

2002-02-02 Thread Carl Johnson
way to discourage them. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: freeware purify like memory checker ?

2002-02-06 Thread Carl Johnson
have suggested. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: offline news reader

2002-02-14 Thread Carl Johnson
ough it also has one of the easier config > files to play with. Slrn is very good and fast too. > > But Gnus is amazing!! How does Gnus replace leafnode? I currently have a small inn spool so I can read offline, so could that also be replace with just Gnus? Do you have any suggesti

Re: AutoCAD (or similar) for Debian/Linux?

2002-02-28 Thread Carl Johnson
nux newsgroups. There used to be at least one person who had a web site detailing his problems with them, but you would have to do a search to find it. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: cron: nth of month?

2001-04-25 Thread Carl Johnson
ng remind. It is in a package of the same name in non-free. You would just need to run it daily in cron, and let it handle matching the desired dates to run your commands. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

wwwoffle and Content-Encoding: gzip

2001-05-15 Thread Carl Johnson
, but I hate to bother them with my problems. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-22 Thread Carl Johnson
s can use it. That allows me to use programs with both esd and /dev/dsp output, but not at the same time. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: flash and mozilla (and firefox and epiphany)

2004-07-23 Thread Carl Johnson
king :) Something seems to be different about your system, since my esd process doesn't exit, but simply closes its connection to /dev/dsp. It sounds like you might be using the '-terminate' option. If you are, try it without it, but still with the '-as' option. Of co

Re: GMAIL Invites..!

2004-09-11 Thread Carl Johnson
lems with gmail delays might have been deliberate? This mailing list won't be of any interest to their advertisers, so it would be in their best (financial) interest to discourage these kinds of mailing lists. -- Carl Johnson[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email t

Re: Alternative to dhcp?

2019-12-15 Thread Carl Johnson
ready done that. I tried either one and both. I had also already > done the wicd gui edit. As I said above, my chosen dns doesn't stick, as > resolv.conf keeps reverting to the router's. Has the dhclient been restarted since you edited the configuration file, either manuall

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