On Mi, 29 apr 20, 15:07:45, Daniel Barclay wrote:
> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Mi, 29 apr 20, 13:03:47, Daniel Barclay wrote:
> > > Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > > > This topic has been on LWN.net for the past several days and should be
> > > > free to vie
On Mi, 29 apr 20, 19:18:14, Nicolas George wrote:
> Andrei POPESCU (12020-04-29):
> > Could you please kindly elaborate on this for the rest of the world
> > where LANG is not some variant of en_XX ?
> I live in the rest of the world, and I do NOT want my numbers to
On Vi, 01 mai 20, 14:05:42, Dale Harris wrote:
> It was pretty much a fresh install from DVD. I did have some issues
> remounting the install DVD from the ILO, but otherwise it pretty normal
> install.
Was the system fully up-to-date before attempting to install wine32?
> It's working now.
On Vi, 01 mai 20, 22:32:58, Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> Hello,
> I had an accidential / in a
> # chown -R install-user /xyz/dfak /
> command. Changing the ownership / recursively is certainly not a good idea.
Ugh. For such situations one should either have good backups or a
reasonably fast a
On Du, 03 mai 20, 17:38:59, Ken Heard wrote:
> The next series of tests involves connecting the two HDMI cables I have
> between the laptop and the monitor. Both have standard size plugs at each
> end. On is a cheap 3 metre one; the other is 5 metres long and of a higher
> quality. For these t
On Du, 03 mai 20, 07:49:51, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I had browsed that list. It would definitely be appropriate if I already had
> chosen specific Raspberry Pi hardware and needed help getting Debian
> installed/running. My current problem is selecting components which mutually
> compatible elec
On Du, 03 mai 20, 14:40:14, Mark Jonas wrote:
> Does anybody have an idea what the problem might be? Who can / should
> tackle the problem?
> I did not report the problem using reportbug because I have no clue
> which package is causing the problem.
You could check what curl, aria2 and LMS h
On Du, 03 mai 20, 17:51:06, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Du, 03 mai 20, 17:38:59, Ken Heard wrote:
> >
> > The next series of tests involves connecting the two HDMI cables I have
> > between the laptop and the monitor. Both have standard size plugs at each
> > end. On
On Du, 03 mai 20, 15:28:11, jose...@posteo.net wrote:
> systemctl --user start offlineimap
> Failed to start offlineimap.service: Unit offlineimap.service not
> found.
> You can see that the service is not found. I have also tried starting
> with socket activation but it is the same.
> Is
On Ma, 05 mai 20, 08:44:43, Mark Jonas wrote:
> I am also very much interested in getting the attention of the right
> person to fix the official Debian Docker base image. Do you have an
> idea whom I shall contact?
You didn't mention where you got your images from, but maybe this is a
On Ma, 05 mai 20, 10:57:24, ghe wrote:
> Buster, Supermicro desktop, nft noob
> Can anyone recommend a book or website with a thorough explanation of
> nft (the iptables replacement)?
It's not clear from your message if you've seen this.
Kind regards,
On Mi, 06 mai 20, 01:35:02, Michael Morgan wrote:
> Since automount works, and samba will work well if I restart it, my guess is
> that on boot, samba (smbd service) starts before /usb-hdd is mounted. To
> make it working,
> I need make sure the fstab mounting happens before samba starts. Can a
On Vi, 08 mai 20, 11:31:13, Celejar wrote:
> Indeed. It's just not clear to me that a typical package in Debian will
> have fewer bugs than the same software downloaded straight from
> upstream.
The main "selling" point for Debian is that the software is properly
integrated with the rest of th
On Vi, 08 mai 20, 22:34:30, Default User wrote:
> Anyway, are labels even needed anymore? These days everyone and
> everything wants to use UUID numbers for partitions, to the seeming
> exclusion of all else.
UUID is the preferred method for automating such stuff[1], because they
are (for all
On Sb, 09 mai 20, 07:44:43, J.Arun Mani wrote:
> ```
> Then I got some 1 GB of updates and I installed those. So far so good,
> but now I'm having a rest-less heart that I did something wrong. I
> feel like I should have stayed in "stable". This now troubles me.
> The question is, shall I revert
On Sb, 09 mai 20, 22:05:40, Will Mengarini wrote:
> * Rick Thomas [20-05/09=Sa 20:05 -0700]:
> > [...] died for lack of space in /boot [...]
> Long ago I stopped bothering with a separate /boot, and behold, I yet
> live. ISTR the Debian installer doesn't default to creating one
> either.
On Du, 10 mai 20, 02:02:45, Rick Thomas wrote:
> So... Here's another question:
> Why is the default size of /boot, as created by the installer, so
> small? Disk (even SSD) is cheap enough these days that the default
> size could be as much as a GB without great pain.
> Has this been thoug
On Du, 10 mai 20, 04:03:29, Rick Thomas wrote:
> On Sun, May 10, 2020, at 3:22 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Du, 10 mai 20, 02:02:45, Rick Thomas wrote:
> > > So... Here's another question:
> > >
> > > Why is the default size of /boot, as created by th
On Du, 10 mai 20, 12:30:29, David Christensen wrote:
> As for using GRML, I have never heard of it. The Debian Installer can get
> the job done. That said, I have about a half dozen machines and have been
> feeling the need for installation and deployment automation. I have heard of
> Puppet m
On Du, 10 mai 20, 22:03:20, l0f...@tuta.io wrote:
> Hi,
> My /etc/apt/sources.list contains links to buster, buster/updates,
> buster-updates and buster-backports repositories. I run apt update / apt
> upgrade very frequently.
> As you may know, Debian 10.4 was out yesterday.
> Now, apt lis
On Lu, 11 mai 20, 01:09:46, David Christensen wrote:
> On 2020-05-10 23:12, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Du, 10 mai 20, 12:30:29, David Christensen wrote:
> > >
> > > As for using GRML, I have never heard of it. The Debian Installer can get
> > > the job d
On Lu, 11 mai 20, 19:12:52, l0f...@tuta.io wrote:
> Below were the results before I applied the upgrades:
> apt list --upgradable
Nothing unusual. You also have i386 packages installed so this will also
increase the number of updates.
Kind regards,
On Ma, 12 mai 20, 10:24:51, l0f...@tuta.io wrote:
> Hi,
> 12 mai 2020 à 09:55 de riveravaldezm...@gmail.com:
> > not sure if this is the place for this, but I've found a little
> > confusing to find where to mention a debian-wiki issue...
> >
> I'm not answering the "issue" part itself but he
On Mi, 13 mai 20, 10:47:32, David Wright wrote:
> https://wiki.debian.org/RenamingPackages
> I think I understand how that's expected to work now. Checking on two
> top-level packages I have removed (cryptsetup/pdftk), I notice that
> though they are in Sections admin/text in the Packages lis
On Mi, 13 mai 20, 17:40:45, Marco Möller wrote:
> Unfortunately I now see that there are already many packages from /sid
> residing in my supposed to be /testing installation. FrankenDebian detected.
This might happen if the package has the same version in testing as in
unstable. 'apt list ' is c
On Jo, 14 mai 20, 12:43:53, Albretch Mueller wrote:
> I can't even understand why they would mount a drive as root. Isn't
> that more problematic from a security point of view?
In a typical *nix environment it shouldn't matter who mounts the
filesystem, permissions are anyway at directory / f
On Jo, 14 mai 20, 11:40:51, Marco Möller wrote:
> On 14.05.20 08:36, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Mi, 13 mai 20, 17:40:45, Marco Möller wrote:
> > > Unfortunately I now see that there are already many packages from /sid
> > > residing in my supposed to be /testing
On Jo, 14 mai 20, 12:52:26, Nicolas George wrote:
> Albretch Mueller (12020-05-14):
> > The thing is that I have to call, say sha256sum, on millions of files
> >
> > Probably debian admin people dealing with packaging have to deal with
> > the same kinds of issues.
> http://man7.org/linux/man
On Vi, 15 mai 20, 12:41:07, Albretch Mueller wrote:
> What documentation, books, videos, ... would you suggest for me to
> read up if I were to investigate what exactly is "find" 's magic to
> hook other processes and keep a running instance for multiple "found"
> files?
The man page is a good st
On Vi, 15 mai 20, 12:38:12, Albretch Mueller wrote:
> On 5/14/20, Nicolas George wrote:
> > The question was not how to find the files, the formulation of the
> > question indicates that Albretch has that covered.
> Yeah, my problem is not finding the files per se. I have them or
> could ha
On Vi, 15 mai 20, 07:48:54, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> Compare and contrast these commands:
> find . -type f -exec ls -l {} \;
> find . -type f -exec ls -l {} +
> How do they differ?
> The first one issues one "ls -l" command for each file found.
> The second one gathers up multiple
On Vi, 15 mai 20, 11:27:40, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> As the programmer, you need to know which commands can be invoked in
> which way(s). Usually a quick glance at the man page will suffice.
> Now, in the case of msgfmt(1), I don't actually know the right answer
> for you -- it's not a tool I'
On Sb, 16 mai 20, 20:14:15, David Wright wrote:
> On Sat 16 May 2020 at 17:39:14 (-0700), Ihor Antonov wrote:
> >
> > It is very inconvenient to inspect the list of installed packages in
> > such output. Is it possible to make apt output this in a column?
> You could use the dry run as in the
On Du, 17 mai 20, 10:10:38, deloptes wrote:
> Reco wrote:
> > Please elaborate that. I haven't found any way to enable that in Debian
> > 10, yet somehow you did it.
> perhaps what is meant here is apt-get from source with unknown gpg key. I
> personally do not see another option. But I also
On Du, 17 mai 20, 19:14:46, ghe wrote:
> Is MAILTO an environmental var? There's no MAILTO in 'env' when root or
> backup (the amanda user) or ghe (me). There's a MAIL in the users'
> environments, but I don't think that's what you're talking about. It's
> pointed at /var/mail/ anyway.
See man
On Du, 17 mai 20, 12:30:03, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Du, 17 mai 20, 10:10:38, deloptes wrote:
> > Reco wrote:
> >
> > > Please elaborate that. I haven't found any way to enable that in Debian
> > > 10, yet somehow you did it.
> >
> > perh
On Lu, 18 mai 20, 11:50:34, Elmar Stellnberger wrote:
> Dear readers of debian-users
> I lately wanted to download the jigdo-dlbd of debian-stable as well as
> debian-testing. However jigdo-lite always reports the same error: "found 0
> of the 23514 files required by the template - will not cr
On Lu, 18 mai 20, 15:57:05, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> I use Debian/unstable with the nouveau driver and the 5.6.0-1-amd64
> kernel. Switching to the stable kernel does not seem to change
> anything.
Hardware specs?
Kind regards,
On Lu, 18 mai 20, 19:11:04, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> On 2020-05-18 19:53:11 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Lu, 18 mai 20, 15:57:05, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> > >
> > > I use Debian/unstable with the nouveau driver and the 5.6.0-1-amd64
> > > kernel. Swi
On Jo, 21 mai 20, 19:46:44, Marco Möller wrote:
> (1) I understood that setting the following parameter in
> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/myconfig will have the same effect as manually using
> the flag --no-install-recommends as in apt install --no-install-recommends
> somepackage .
> APT::Install-Rec
On Du, 24 mai 20, 14:55:33, Cindy Sue Causey wrote:
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sources.sources
> DISCLAIMER: This format was originally found when something like "man
> apt-get", "man apt", or "man sources.list" referenced a standalone
> "man sources.sources" type deal. I can't find it just th
On Lu, 25 mai 20, 17:02:58, Kleene, Steven (kleenesj) wrote:
> My network transmission rate seems much slower than it should be. My desktop
> runs Stretch (v9, oldstable) on a Pentium 4 (3 GHz) with 4GB of RAM (the
> maximum) and a 1Gbps network interface card (NIC). We pay for fiber optic
> serv
On Lu, 25 mai 20, 22:04:45, Marco Möller wrote:
> If installing (default parameters in use: with recommends) a package, and
> right afterwards removing it, then the by recommendation drawn in packages
> do not become removed automatically.
This behaviour is intended and controlled by the
On Ma, 26 mai 20, 16:11:06, Martin McCormick wrote:
> $sudo apt-get update
> N: Repository 'http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian buster InRelease' changed its
> 'Ve
> rsion' value from '10.0' to '10.4'
apt(-get) is informing you that a configured repository has changed one
of its values (in t
On Mi, 27 mai 20, 02:12:34, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Actually, my email address has been down since last Tuesday, only fully
> returning yesterday. Meaning that for all that time bounces to the list
> would get counted for my address. Got this very e-mail several hours ago.
> Kare
If I understan
On Mi, 27 mai 20, 20:50:12, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> I recall some of the early smart phone models having a slide-out
> keyboard, the Blackberry being about the most popular, at least a lot of
> techs where I used to work had them at the time. I've always been leery
> of putting my phone in my po
On Mi, 27 mai 20, 20:12:44, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> Hi Gene.
> I've had the same exact model since last September. Overall it's a good
> phone except my older Motorola could get data and service in places this
> one won't. Getting used to Android in 2013 had me befuddled for a bit
> but a bit w
On Jo, 28 mai 20, 00:04:01, Gene Heskett wrote:
> I need to get something here wifi enabled so I don't run my sprint
> bill up. Just getting the weather does that. I probably need to update
> my dd-wrt router and enable the wifi in it, but I'll have to set it so
> the neighbors are locked out, p
On Jo, 28 mai 20, 12:31:33, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> Greg Wooledge wrote:
> >
> > In Debian, there is no such separation. There are only "packages", and
> > these packages can be essential (what you'd consider part of the base
> > system), or frivolous, or anywhere in between. The packaging syste
On Jo, 28 mai 20, 01:43:06, Gene Heskett wrote:
> They are dumb, but the offender apparently has a cracker app on his
> phone. Changing the simple pw only locks him out for 3 or so minutes.
> He's a cast iron PITA in person too.
Your router is not configured properly.
Kind regards,
On Jo, 28 mai 20, 10:56:14, John Hasler wrote:
> Victor writes:
> > But *many* people do install productivity tools, office tools, games,
> > developer environments separately after the install, and then regret
> > it and wish to get rid of them cleanly.
> What does
> apt remove --purge
On Jo, 28 mai 20, 06:43:00, rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Thursday, May 28, 2020 12:58:54 AM Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > I've been carrying by mobile phones in the back pocket of my jeans since
> > they became slim enough to fit (i.e. smartphones) and never cracked a
On Jo, 28 mai 20, 07:39:12, John Hasler wrote:
> Andrei writes:
> > You might want to write the password on a piece of paper to show it to
> > guests that you want to grant access.
> You should write it down in the same little black book or card you write
> all your passwords down in. And since
On Jo, 28 mai 20, 13:35:38, Joe wrote:
> On Thu, 28 May 2020 07:29:30 -0400
> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > >
> > > If one of your machines is always on, and your router can do it
> > > (most can), you could try RADIUS...
> >
> > They are up 24/7. tell me more plz.
> The comment was a bit li
On Jo, 28 mai 20, 12:40:44, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Thank you for your polite response. The wifi access point is open so
> it does not use a password.
There was a bug where the installer wouldn't connect to open networks.
It's probably solved in the meantime, but probably worth a try anyway.
On Jo, 28 mai 20, 07:02:49, Peter Ehlert wrote:
> Use the non-free netinstall ISO
Fully agreed.
Kind regards,
Description: PGP signature
On Jo, 28 mai 20, 09:00:52, David Wright wrote:
> On Thu 28 May 2020 at 12:40:44 (+), Matthew Campbell wrote:
> > I will consider trying DHCP instead of static to see if it makes a
> > difference.
> I have no experience of setting up wifi statically—I don't see how
> this would work with
On Vi, 29 mai 20, 10:37:33, Joe wrote:
> On Fri, 29 May 2020 11:23:42 +0300
> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> >
> > Why should anyone bother with RADIUS for a wireless with at most a
> > couple of *trusted* users?
> >
> I think the issue is usuall
On Vi, 29 mai 20, 08:29:44, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 08:20:59AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> > >> $ dpkg -l "*4.9.0*" | grep ii
> > >
> > > First I had to figure out (google) to find what the leading ii
> > > means,
> >
> > It took me a moment to catch what you meant by this
On Vi, 29 mai 20, 06:40:50, rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
> 2.a. (I said I can't count) And, presumably, to get my system closer to a
> correct configuration, I should consider finding and removing the package for
> the oldest kernel?
We can probably have a huge debate about what the "correct"
On Vi, 29 mai 20, 14:26:25, Joe wrote:
> On Fri, 29 May 2020 15:25:16 +0300
> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> >
> > And what would the advantage of RADIUS be over WAP2-PSK, for Gene's
> > use-case?
> I believe he is using passwords and his unwanted user can c
On Vi, 29 mai 20, 09:29:26, David Wright wrote:
> In the second half, I wasn't doubting that static would technically
> function, but that almost any user would be unsatisfied by a tablet
> or laptop with a statically configured wifi connection. It "works"
> about as well as locking one's OAP bu
On Sb, 30 mai 20, 10:51:37, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> John Hasler wrote:
> >
> > Perhaps what you want is something which will tell you which programs
> > have gone unused for the longest time.
> That would be nice too.
As already mentioned, the package popularity-contest does that,
On Vi, 29 mai 20, 14:51:23, David Wright wrote:
> I'm not sure which default you mean.
The defaults of the user-oriented network managers, like Network Manager
and Wicd. They provide a much friendlier experience for laptops that are
carried around and are frequently connected to different wir
On Vi, 29 mai 20, 17:24:54, Daniel De Lellis wrote:
> I am part of a team who manages a very large production cluster with very
> little hardware consistency, especially when it comes to network
> configurations, and we support multiple debian-based distros and versions
> with local mirrors. We
On Sb, 30 mai 20, 10:27:14, Tixy wrote:
> On Sat, 2020-05-30 at 08:06 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Sb, 30 mai 20, 10:51:37, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> > > John Hasler wrote:
> > > > Perhaps what you want is something which will tell you which
> > > >
On Sb, 30 mai 20, 04:52:47, Richard Owlett wrote:
> As package is not installed, that directory does *NOT* exist.
Midnight Commander (and probably other file managers as well) can browse
downloaded .deb files.
apt download popularity-contest
mc (browse the CONTENTS directo
On Sb, 30 mai 20, 19:54:09, Marco Möller wrote:
> From the view of a user, it does not sound so complicated ;-) . I guess, and
> this will be fair, that I am now asked to program it, it's open source and I
> should contribute. But unfortunately I can only contribute ideas, I am not a
> programme
On Du, 31 mai 20, 20:52:06, Tom Dial wrote:
> Moreover, ZFS is not DFSG and GPL compliant, and quite a few
> users would avoid it because of that.
ZFS is licensed under the CDDL[1], which is both free (as in freedom)
and DFGS *compliant*.
It is also *incompatible* with the GPL, which means di
On Sb, 30 mai 20, 16:09:46, David Wright wrote:
> My only worry was whether systemd-networkd gives way gracefully
> to a configured ifupdown, or fights it like systemd-timesyncd vs ntp.
systemd-networkd is not enabled nor configured by default in buster.
> > > I've yet to see any virtue in us
On Sb, 30 mai 20, 16:05:54, David Wright wrote:
> For man pages, I type man foo into google. That usually throws
> up one or two links from different sources.
I have/had these configured as search engines in Firefox (Vimium):
dpkg: https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=%s
On Lu, 01 iun 20, 12:26:28, Marco Möller wrote:
> On 01.06.20 08:04, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Sb, 30 mai 20, 19:54:09, Marco Möller wrote:
> > >
> > > From the view of a user, it does not sound so complicated ;-) . I guess,
> > > and
> > > this
On Lu, 01 iun 20, 17:34:10, l0f...@tuta.io wrote:
> 1 juin 2020 à 15:25 de wool...@eeg.ccf.org:
> > I would not even *attempt* to do what you are trying to do here. Your
> > life would become enormously simpler if you would just put this shell
> > script inside a file, and Exec it as a script.
On Ma, 02 iun 20, 11:03:48, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> David Wright wrote:
> >
> > It's many years since I ran servers in what one might call "hostile"
> > environments, so the current situation suits me, and I don't keep up
> > with discussions like those in
> > https://manpages.debian.org/experimen
On Lu, 01 iun 20, 20:33:28, l0f...@tuta.io wrote:
> 1 juin 2020 à 20:03 de andreimpope...@gmail.com:
> >
> > Question for you: how much would it have taken you to write that into a
> > script compared to the time you spent trying to get the quoting right?
> >
> HaHa, of course the latter is much m
On Ma, 02 iun 20, 11:14:25, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> There is an office where the standard desktop OS is Manjaro (a
> clone of Arch Linux). There is not much choice actually.
> I don't very much like Manjaro's packaging system and its lack of many
> essential packages in bin
On Ma, 02 iun 20, 10:48:45, Richard Owlett wrote:
> My problem with dman revolves around running Stretch and debian.org
> defaulting to serving up information about "stable" {i.e. Buster}.
Kind regards,
On Ma, 02 iun 20, 20:23:21, Victor Sudakov wrote:
> Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> >
> > 'systemd-nspawn'. You can use 'debootstrap' to create the Debian chroot,
> > it was explicitly created to run also on other distributions (it's
> > written i
On Mi, 03 iun 20, 00:22:10, Emanuel Berg wrote:
> FYI, I got a
> ERROR_CODE :421,
> ERROR_CODE :Host not reachable.
> for this:
> pkg-bsdmainut...@teams.debian.net
The domain is not listed[1], so it's probably inactive.
You should report a bug against bsdmainutils to update the Mai
On Jo, 04 iun 20, 09:32:48, David Wright wrote:
> On Sun 31 May 2020 at 18:43:46 (+0100), Michael Howard wrote:
> >
> > Well then it's not pristine, which is what the OP wanted.
> That begs the question of what pristine means, because it has never
> been defined even by the OP. Their closest at
On Vi, 05 iun 20, 13:04:08, Marco Möller wrote:
> After your post nicely confirmed that my idea was perfectly understood, I
> will leave it here in the thread as it is. In the near future I will
> organize my words, probably copying some of the statements from this thread,
> and send it as a fea
On Sb, 06 iun 20, 09:37:11, Richard Owlett wrote:
> I've just installed Buster and am selecting which apps on my Stretch machine
> I wish to continue to use.
> For some reason I had installed Gdebi.
> I can't find a good description on which base a decision.
> https://packages.debian.org lists n
On Sb, 06 iun 20, 14:06:42, Marc Shapiro wrote:
> I usually have three different distros installed. I was wondering if I
> could have a separate partition (possibly in an extended partition)
> containing /boot and /var/modules that would be mounted in each of the
> distros. This would eliminate h
On Du, 07 iun 20, 00:25:30, riveravaldez wrote:
> By other side, I've seen in Arch a different approach: using a JACK
> plugin for ALSA and ad hoc configuration file to make kind of a
> "bridge" that sends I/O audio through JACK. It works fine.[4]
> Is it possible to do something similar in Debi
On Du, 07 iun 20, 21:21:07, Marco Möller wrote:
> Yes, design options exist. However, I never tried out if the user root could
> be blocked by the graphical session manager only, in the case of KDE usually
> sddm is in use. But I know that the login of user root can be blocked in
> general: when
On Du, 07 iun 20, 19:23:24, Seeds Notoneofmy wrote:
> Well, as the subject suggests, I'm a bit fed up with the logic behind
> how installed programs are sorted out in the Applications menu.
> The need to go hunt down an installed application seems yester century.
> I just installed Picard, an
On Lu, 08 iun 20, 10:56:41, Christopher David Howie wrote:
> * On the 5.5 kernel, I was getting throughput between 10MB/sec and 20MB/sec.
> At apparently random points, dd would stop reporting any progress and a
> "usb-storage" process in top would be consuming 100% CPU. Any commands
> against
On Lu, 08 iun 20, 14:32:29, David Wright wrote:
> I was impressed by apt-get's performance, probably because of dim
> memories of how dpkg would react on being asked to install ~2000
> packages at once. The latter doesn't have the logic for sorting
> operations into a sequence that preserves an
On Lu, 08 iun 20, 16:11:02, Keifer Bly wrote:
> Hi all,
> So I installed Debian on a 2011 iMac and it is working ok, except for the
> sound. There is no sound from either the speaker or the headphone jack.
> When I go to the system settings, the volum option is completely greyed out.
> Run
On Lu, 08 iun 20, 20:09:54, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> > From: Dan Ritter
> People are suing Western Digital for sneaking those SMR disks into their
> supply chain. They're supposed to be red in color if what I read in the
> news is correct.
> >
> > https://www.ixsystems.com/community/resources/list-
On Ma, 09 iun 20, 17:55:07, Default User wrote:
> Well, when I did an alternate Buster Stable install on a spare drive,
> I was surprised (not happily) that when running from that setup,
> various programs demand the root password, and will not accept the
> user password. So, now I have to reme
On Mi, 10 iun 20, 10:00:48, Michael Stone wrote:
> IME performance peaks at 16-64k. Beyond that things don't improve, and can
> potentially get worse or cause other issues.
Even so, bs=1M is easy to remember and type ;)
Kind regards,
On Vi, 12 iun 20, 22:02:12, David wrote:
> But step 3 fails:
> $ apt source -t unstable cgdb
> Reading package lists... Done
> E: The value 'unstable' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a
> release is not available in the sources
> E: Unable to find a source package for
> $ apt source -
On Vi, 12 iun 20, 22:45:13, l0f...@tuta.io wrote:
> 12 juin 2020 à 22:32 de recovery...@enotuniq.net:
> > Of course,
> > refraining from sending html e-mails here would be easier solution ;)
> >
> I'd like nothing better but it seems this is not possible currently on
> Tutanota web app.
You co
On Sb, 13 iun 20, 15:30:08, David wrote:
> Hi, first thank-you to everyone who replied for taking an interest in
> assisting me and improving Debian guides. I feel very lucky to have access
> to you folks here with expertise and experience plus the goodwill to help
> someone without expecting anyth
On Vi, 12 iun 20, 18:27:45, Reco wrote:
> Hi.
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 11:15:26AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 04:40:22PM +0300, Reco wrote:
> > > For "apt source" to work you need to add two lines:
> > >
> > > deb http://approx:/debian/ unstable main c
On Sb, 13 iun 20, 00:58:57, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> I hope I don't create a fight with this.
> I booted the Debian netinst disc and installed Linux on /dev/sdb1 as
> the root partition. My computer is old. The system BIOS does not see
> this hard drive, nor does Grub, but the Linux kernel do
On Sb, 13 iun 20, 12:25:55, Reco wrote:
> Hi.
> On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 12:08:20PM +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> > On Vi, 12 iun 20, 18:27:45, Reco wrote:
> > > Hi.
> > >
> > > On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 11:15:26AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Sb, 13 iun 20, 08:41:45, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
> I have a LG Flatron 24EN33TW-B LED LCD Monitor on my Debian Buster Linux
> platform.
> I have just changed the screen driver from nouveau to nvidia by running
> 'sudo apt install nvidia-driver.
> Before the change of drivers the initial
On Sb, 13 iun 20, 20:49:19, Robert Arkiletian wrote:
> Debian currently packages the FLTK library as libfltk1.3 (version 1.3.4)
> but the FLTK developers (fltk.org) have released version 1.3.5 (stable) on
> March 3, 2019. Why is Debian (even testing and unstable) still using the
> old 1.3.4 versi
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