disregard post re: sound!

2004-01-29 Thread Monique Y. Herman
I am a moron. That is all. -- monique -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Attachment Blocking

2004-01-29 Thread AntiVirusGateway
* eManager Notification ** Content filter has detected a sensitive e-mail. Source mailbox: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" Destination mailbox(es): [EMAIL PROTECTED] Action: Attachment Removal *** End of message *** Received: from lists.debian.org (PPP

Re: UT2003/OpenGL/unstable Issues

2004-01-29 Thread Marc Wilson
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 04:34:46AM +0800, Ryan Mackay wrote: > Talk about verbose, my video card is an nVidia GeForce 4 Ti4400 and im > running a patched version of the latest drivers (fixed an AGP issue). Just curious... a patched v5328, or a patched v5336? I'd be interested in this "patch" in e

Information regarding CMIP

2004-01-29 Thread Amar
Hi,   I would like know if exists any implementation of CMIP for Linux? ( even Sco Unix  also ok for me ).   I  would be happy if you provide me any information regarding the vendors of such implementation. please respond at the earliest.   Thanx in advance Amar  

different hard drive size showing

2004-01-29 Thread SEAN KIM
Greetings, Someone asked me a really challenging question regarding a hard drive size. Why there are 2 different sizes showing on a same hard drive when someone looks for its hard drive size through its BIOS and through its Window Operating System?   tnx in advance.  

Re: Debian list = spam and virus repeater/multiplexer

2004-01-29 Thread Dan Lawrence
On 28 Jan 2004, "Bojan Baros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in linux.debian.user: > Why isn't there a limitation that will only allow the mails to be > forwarded to the list if the originating email is subscribed to the > list? (snip) I read the list on usenet. I find it is easier for me to follow

Please register for access to Juniper Networks Support

2004-01-29 Thread registration
Your request to open a Juniper Networks, Inc. support case could not be fulfilled because your contact information is not recognized in the Juniper Networks Customer Service database. Possible reasons that the Juniper Networks Customer Service database rejected your contact information may be:

Re: Installing Debian on second hard disk

2004-01-29 Thread Dhiraj
Hello, Thanks for your reply. I now see some possibility that it might work. However, for the problem you are facing, that even when you setup the second(slave ?) HDD as the first one in BIOS, that drive ends up as hdb instead of hda. That I think is because, Linux ignores the BIOS and finds o

Re: [OT] Bruce Perens talks to BBC

2004-01-29 Thread Steve Lamb
Nano Nano wrote: (2) The oil thing. Yeah, there's some of that. But do me a favor and separate out (1) from this in your rhetoric. Not my rhetoric but it is a common enough one that people need to address it. The best thing you can do about (2) is change cars, the the oil companies will

Re: Debian list = spam and virus repeater/multiplexer

2004-01-29 Thread Steve Lamb
Paul Johnson wrote: Actually, the most daunting thing about this list is the sheer volume of mail involved. Do you even grasp the irony of this statement? If volume is a problem then you'd think reducing the volume by cutting out the cruft of non-list spam and bogus mailings of false virus r

Re: [OT] Bruce Perens talks to BBC

2004-01-29 Thread Nano Nano
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 12:43:56AM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote: > invites the same to be done to it. And if we don't want people messing > with the US they why the hell do we put up with the US messing with other > nations. It's called a double-standard, really pissy things. http://history.acusd.e

Re: stopping exim4 from hanging on startup with no network

2004-01-29 Thread Clive Menzies
On (29/01/04 00:32), Micha Feigin wrote: > I have exim4 setup on a laptop, thus the network isn't always available > when the system starts up. > The problem is that when the network isn't found it hangs for about a > minute before it gives up and lets the boot process continue which is > very anno

How to install HP 1010 in linux

2004-01-29 Thread J.S.Sahambi
Recently I purchased a HP 1010 laser printer with *only* USB interface. I would like to now how to install it in Redhat 6.0. I would be greatful if I can get some url which could be helpful. Thanking in advance JSS -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe".

RE: Mailbox problem... messgae too large

2004-01-29 Thread Sebastiaan
Hi, On Thu, 29 Jan 2004, Ian Perry wrote: > Thanks Brian. > > This works fine for all other accounts except the one in question. > I have no doubt I will need a linux solution in the future. > > The session looks like this > > mserver:~# telnet localhost 110 > Trying > Connected to l

Re: How to install HP 1010 in linux

2004-01-29 Thread Nano Nano
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 02:36:04PM +, J.S.Sahambi wrote: > Recently I purchased a HP 1010 laser printer with *only* USB interface. > I would like to now how to install it in Redhat 6.0. I would be greatful > if I can get some url which could be helpful. http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_prin


2004-01-29 Thread Brian C
Hi, I have a single machine running BIND and Apache. I've never used either before. I've just upgraded this box from stable to testing. I have never been able to get the web site to show up using its domain name. I can type my static IP address into a web browser and it will show up, and I jus

ezmlm response

2004-01-29 Thread agents-help
This is a generic help message. The message I received wasn't sent to any of my command addresses. Here is a list of the command addresses supported: Send mail to the following for info and FAQ for this list: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To get messages 123 through 145 (a maximu


2004-01-29 Thread Sebastiaan
Hi, On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Brian C wrote: > Hi, > > I have a single machine running BIND and Apache. I've never used either > before. I've just upgraded this box from stable to testing. I have never > been able to get the web site to show up using its domain name. I can type > my static IP address

Re: No such handler: db2

2004-01-29 Thread Thomas Lundqvist
Ivan wrote: > Hi everyone, I've been using phpwiki (the name should tell you most of > what it does) for a while. I didn't touch my wiki for a while, and when > I tried to access it again I got a "No such handler: db2" error. If I I had the same problem. I changed to db4 instead: change db2 to

A virus has been detected in your mail : " Test " / Un virus a été détecté dans votre mail : " Test ".

2004-01-29 Thread DANSMTP02
Danone Group Antivirus detected a virus in the document you authored : " Test ". / L'antivirus du Groupe Danone a detecté un virus dans le document que vous avez écrit : " Test ". Please contact your system administrator for more info. / Contactez votre administrateur pour plus d'information. The


2004-01-29 Thread Todd Pytel
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 23:54:39 -0800 "Brian C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I have a single machine running BIND and Apache. I've never used > either before. I've just upgraded this box from stable to testing. I > have never been able to get the web site to show up using its domain > name. I can typ

Re: Installing Debian Unstable From Scratch

2004-01-29 Thread Chavdar Videff
Thank you guys for all the hints. I guess I put them right because now it started downloading files. Best regards, Chavdar On Thursday 29 January 2004 00:43, Jonathan Dowland wrote: > On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 11:16:04AM -0800, Bill Moseley wrote: > > On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 04:35:11PM +0100, Seba

sound-juicer won't run in sarge

2004-01-29 Thread Lex Hider
when I try to run sound-juicer in sarge it comes up with an empty window, takes up all the cpu cycles and doesn't do anything else. Help! Lex. http://greetings.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Greetings Send your love online with Yahoo! Greetings - FREE! -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] wi

Re: Another Dumb Question About deb.conf

2004-01-29 Thread Katipo
On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 22:31:55 +0100 John Gilger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I've been searching through the Debian docs and can't find anything that > tells me what deb.conf is for or how to modify it. Can anyone explaint > it, please? > > TIA > Hello John, Take the fullstop (period) out, tur

BIND 9 with DHCP-DNS and PPPD Demand Dial

2004-01-29 Thread Peter A. Cole
Hi there, I'm currently running Debian Woody 3.0 r1 on my home Internet gateway box, and I've just removed DNSMasq and put BIND 9 in place instead. This was working fine, DNS lookups are happy, the other PC's can surf the net and all that with correct name resolution and local name resolution is

Need help with ALSA problem

2004-01-29 Thread Bjorn Johansson
Hello! I'm running Debian woody + a 2.6 kernel and I'm experiencing problems with the sound. If I do: mpg123 -o alsa song.mp3 the sound sounds very bad. It's a little hard to explain, but it sounds like you have increased the bass for 500% and the speakers gives a very noisy output. I guess th


2004-01-29 Thread feedback
The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary attachment. [Filename: message.exe, Content-Type: application/octet-stream] The file that was attached to this message has been removed by the mail gateway filter because it is not permitted by the security policy or may contai

Few Questions...

2004-01-29 Thread Phillipus Gunawan
Hello Debian User, Q1: I am using GNOME and Debian woody updated from unstable distro. When I right click on the date and time (displayed at the right-top of the GNOME) I got error: "Failed to locate a program for configuring the date and time. Perhaps none is installed?" What kind of program sh

Virus found in mail from you!

2004-01-29 Thread AvMailGate
* AntiVir Virus Alert * This version of AntiVir is licensed and full featured. *

Virus found in a message you sent

2004-01-29 Thread AntiVirus_Gw
A virus was found in a message sent by this (Baccount. (B (B--- Scan information follows --- (B (BResult: Virus Detected (BVirus Name: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BFile Attachment: doc.scr (BAttachment Status: deleted (B (B--- Original message information follows --- (B (BFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Returned mail

2004-01-29 Thread AntiVirus_Gw
--- The message cannot be delivered to the following address. --- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Mailbox unknown or not accepting mail. 550 unknown user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reporting-MTA: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED] Action: failed Status: 5.1.1 Diagnostic-Code: X-Notes; Cann

Re: script to list installed packages

2004-01-29 Thread Nick Hastings
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [040129 15:24]: > > > Jamin W. Collins wrote: > >On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 12:27:11AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > >>I know that somewhere there is a command to list all installed packages > > > > > >Perhaps "dpkg --get-selections" would be a good s

Virus gefunden in Nachricht "hello"

2004-01-29 Thread Martin Prazsky
Norton AntiVirus hat einen Virus in einem Anhang gefunden, den Sie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) an [EMAIL PROTECTED] gesendet haben. Um sicherzustellen, daß die Empfänger die gesendeten Dateien verwenden können, führen Sie einen Virensuchlauf auf Ihrem Computer durch, entfernen Sie Viren aus infizierten

Re: Installing Debian on second hard disk

2004-01-29 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Both Debian and Win2k will boot from a 2nd disk, but the difference is this: Debian can be installed to any drive, but if Debian is installed to hda and then you later move that drive to hdb, you'll need to change the /etc/fstab entry for the root partition from hda to hdb. BIOS swapping or remapp

Re: SATA + debian

2004-01-29 Thread David Purton
On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 04:13:18PM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote: > David Purton wrote: > >Hi, > > > >I'm looking at purchasing a funky shuttle xpc SB62G2. > > > >Amongst other things this box supports Serial ATA drives. > > > >Are there likely to be any troubles installing debian on a box with a > >SAT

[no subject]

2004-01-29 Thread tom
Mail transaction failed. Partial message is available. [Filename: document.zip, Content-Type: application/octet-stream] The file that was attached to this message has been removed by the mail gateway filter because it is not permitted by the security policy or may contain a virus.

[MailServer Notification] To Sender a virus was found and action taken.

2004-01-29 Thread System Attendant
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange took action on the message. The message details were: Sender = [EMAIL PROTECTED] Recipient(s) = [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Subject = Hello Scanning time = 01/29/2004 13:06:31 Engine/Pattern = 6.810-1005/749 Action taken on message: The attachment document.zip contained WO

Re: .deb dependancy hell

2004-01-29 Thread Richard Hoskins
"Monique Y. Herman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On 2004-01-29, Richard Hoskins penned: >> Stephen Rueger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> >>> Conclusion: Stop using low level tools if you can't handle them and >>> don't complain about them if you don't understand them. Get yourself >>> a proper pa

Re: .deb dependancy hell

2004-01-29 Thread Richard Hoskins
Jonathan Dowland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 03:32:53PM -0500, Richard Hoskins wrote: >> Greg Folkert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> >> > RPM == DEB are of nearly equal capacity. It is the Packaging that >> > Debian Uses and the Proper dependency checking it does. >> >>

Re: Kernel 2.6: bootup errors not logged?

2004-01-29 Thread Stef
Kristian Niemi mentioned : => They're not in /var/log/boot. => I don't believe it's "unresolved symbol" that is printed on the screen, => but not sure either. You know what I mean :) The message isn't the same in 2.6 kernel => Pretty sure the errors have something to do with modules from previ

Getting Firewire working

2004-01-29 Thread Ben Edwards
I am running Debian (2.4.18-bf2.4) with a pyro firewire card. lspci comes back with:- 02:05.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments TSB12LV26 IEEE-1394 Controller (Link) With this I wish to use a Lacie 60GB firewire drive. Could someone please point me in the correct direction as to how to do

4IT received a Virus infected email attachment potentially sent by you! Please check your system with an up to date AV package.

2004-01-29 Thread TheSophosAntiVirusSweep
An email potentially sent by you has been identified as suspicious by MailMonitor for Exchange and the following action was taken. Event: infection Action: Message quarantined Message ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Message subject:test

Re: sound weirdness

2004-01-29 Thread Andrew Schulman
> What might cause xmms to go from audibly playing a song to seemingly > playing a song (progress bar moving, lines bouncing up and down as the > song plays) without producing any actual sound? > > I was fiddling with installing/deinstalling alsa, esd, and other fun > toys at the time, so I'm not

Re: disregard post re: sound!

2004-01-29 Thread Andrew Schulman
> I am a moron. That is all. Ah well. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mail Delivery System

2004-01-29 Thread Sandra Bastians
This is an automatic reply. I'm out of the office! Please contact my collegues for: LVC: Helmut Schrader ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) AHC: Thomas Borchert ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) all other HVAL + Power Trend: until Feb 09th Hans Stefan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) afterwards Harald Eichloff ([EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks

Re: Bug#230121: ITP: metalog -- a modern replacement for syslogd and klogd

2004-01-29 Thread Florian Attenberger
Adam Byrtek wrote: - unmaintained I'll try to maintain it better then the previous maintainer... I'm a user of debian unstable on the desktop. I'm glad to see this, I was slightly confused that one day i saw this package removed, checked bug reports and didn't find anything reasonable about the 'w

Re: disregard post re: sound!

2004-01-29 Thread Kent West
Monique Y. Herman originally wrote: What might cause xmms to go from audibly playing a song to seemingly playing a song (progress bar moving, lines bouncing up and down as the song plays) without producing any actual sound? Then she said to disregard that post, and wrote: I am a moron. That is

Ssh hangs

2004-01-29 Thread Brent Zeiben
Hi, I've been having problems ssh'ing into one of my debian "woody" 3.0r2 boxes. I can ssh into the box and move around somewhat but if I do a long listing like ls -l on /usr/lib or bring up a top in a ssh window the ssh connection seems to hang and won't free itself. Some times if I create ano

Evolution error

2004-01-29 Thread Darrell
I have Debian running great in Damn Small Linux and see an error message in the terminal-evolution-summary _WARNING**message failed:403 forbidden. I ma running fluxbox as window manager but did not install the full GNOME desktop. Could it be that the errors are because I did not install all of GNO

Re: UT2003/OpenGL/unstable Issues

2004-01-29 Thread Ryan Mackay
Sometime near Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 11:57:20PM -0800, Marc Wilson wrote: > Just curious... a patched v5328, or a patched v5336? I'd be interested in > this "patch" in either case, but v5336 was supposedly released to fix "AGP > issues". I aint to sure, i renamed the file and it aint on ma comp at

Re: [OT] Bruce Perens talks to BBC

2004-01-29 Thread Mike M
On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 10:09:57PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote: > Mike M wrote: > >I am not going to defend .gov's oil policy. My point is there has to be > >an oil policy. You can't disengage and think things will just turn out > >alright. > > Why does there have to be one that includes invasio

Re: If Linux Becomes More Prevalent -> was Re: FW: registration confirmation...

2004-01-29 Thread Adam Aube
On Thursday 29 January 2004 12:47 am, Paul Johnson wrote: > On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 08:50:38PM -0500, Adam Aube wrote: > > Migrating them to a new OS won't help - only education will. > > No, but it'll likely go a long way in limiting damage if they're not > root. It may limit the damage - but it

Re: [OT] Bruce Perens talks to BBC

2004-01-29 Thread Mike M
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 01:04:43AM -0800, Nano Nano wrote: > On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 12:43:56AM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote: > > invites the same to be done to it. And if we don't want people messing > > with the US they why the hell do we put up with the US messing with other > > nations. It's cal

Re: Few Questions...

2004-01-29 Thread Matt Miller
>"Failed to locate a program for configuring the date >and time. Perhaps none is installed?" > >What kind of program should I install? Maybe ntp-simple would do it. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Hi

2004-01-29 Thread Robert Atwater
who are you?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ´Ø{’t[ýodøÚeðǃ¼MŸ³íÊûªÖø{¯8.b‡8gŽ9{m“ŸÚÔ4¶À¶ìù¦Éú‡¯ž:¨¡¾Ø#:Ÿ¿±j8œ®ç•¨¤¾è¡•|´æ‹k¤V“ù1†àª2Â,q7»![èÔÁâ( &úâÖk~ÅÑ2«Âv‘9Vç)žÉÐ\w¬Ò¡£&ýÞvåЦ„'京ÜìJ‡¯fÏ]À"§!Ÿšíí’^Soóâ#-ƒ%óóÒ$>Ípék¢geçI©|‚—C˜¡È©ìø Ø¾ÝAüVˆä¹Wùˆké¾õ0×åYjÁ¼X4´W֑säºÉá…ÕVt*‰EcXiwi¿|TéwãÖ¯sd¡*åΰaÞô[u

Re: different hard drive size showing

2004-01-29 Thread Adam Aube
On Thursday 29 January 2004 12:57 am, SEAN KIM wrote: > Someone asked me a really challenging question regarding a hard drive > size. Why there are 2 different sizes showing on a same hard drive when > someone looks for its hard drive size through its BIOS and through its > Window Operating System?


2004-01-29 Thread Pedro Hernandez
Hello all! I'm about to install Debian on 12 computers (i*86). They will use the same setup regarding software, but the hardware differs somewhat between them. I would like to know if there is possible to, for example, install and configure one box and then somhow "copy" the install to the others

RE: Installing Debian on second hard disk

2004-01-29 Thread Rosenstrauch, David
> -Original Message- > From: Dhiraj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 3:43 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: Installing Debian on second hard disk > > > Hello, > Thanks for your reply. I now see some possibility that it > might work. > However, for

Re: music maker

2004-01-29 Thread Stephen Turner
On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 23:36, Roy Pluschke wrote: > On January 28, 2004 09:12 am, Stephen Turner wrote: > > > Hi R.J.P, > > > > I got the message:- > > > > midia.cfg no such file or directory > > > > timidity can't read any configuration file > > > > pleae check /etc/timidity.cfg > > > > I have als

RE: Bruce Perens !!

2004-01-29 Thread rlx
Please ENOUGH IS ENOUGH These discussions are tiresome and is leading nowhere, Can yall go to another forum to continue this sort of word slinging. Let's talk about Debian !! Thanks a lot rlx36 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [

Re: Cloning

2004-01-29 Thread John Schmidt
On Thursday 29 January 2004 08:00 am, Pedro Hernandez wrote: > Hello all! > > I'm about to install Debian on 12 computers (i*86). They will use the > same setup regarding software, but the hardware differs somewhat > between them. > > I would like to know if there is possible to, for example, insta

Re: script to list installed packages

2004-01-29 Thread Dave Carrigan
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 07:58:36PM +0900, Nick Hastings wrote: > Careful, dpkg --get-selections doesn't always list only installed > packages > Try: > > dpkg --get-selections | grep -w install | cut -f1 To be pedantic, this will fail if a package has the string "install" in its name and is in a

Invitiation to VIP Workshops on Advanced Web Engineering for E-Business

2004-01-29 Thread workshop
Dear Dr. Debian, I am happy to invite you to be a speaker at one or more of the four industrial workshops organized by IPSI Belgrade (Internet, Processing, Systems, and Interdisciplinaries), to be held as follows: Madrid, Spain, March 21, 2004 Frankfurt, Germany, May 9, 2004 Stockholm, Sweden, Se

Re: Debian list = spam and virus repeater/multiplexer

2004-01-29 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom
Dan Lawrence wrote: On 28 Jan 2004, "Bojan Baros" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in linux.debian.user: If (wo)manpwer is the issue, I'd be happy to help with the admin process. List admin, please feel free to email me directly to discuss this. -Dan I would also be happy to volunteer with the admi

Virus found in a message you sent

2004-01-29 Thread L3-AVGW3
A virus was found in a message sent by this account. The virus was unable to be repaired and the message may not have been delivered. From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- Scan information follows --- Result: Virus Detected Virus Name: [EMAIL PROTECTED] File Attachment: file.zip At

Returned mail

2004-01-29 Thread L3-AVGW3
--- The message cannot be delivered to the following address. --- [EMAIL PROTECTED]Mailbox unknown or not accepting mail. 550 Invalid recipient <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reporting-MTA: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED] Action: failed Status: 5.1.1 Diagnostic-Code: X-Notes;

Re: Re: resolv.conf file

2004-01-29 Thread Richard Black
The following change in /etc/dhclient-script will strip the \000 from the domain line in resolv.conf make_resolv_conf() { # echo search $new_domain_name >/etc/resolv.conf echo search $new_domain_name | sed -e 's/\\000$//' >/etc/resolv.conf Sincerely, Richard Black http://www.cpqlinux.com/sitema

Re: Cloning

2004-01-29 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 04:00:23PM +0100, Pedro Hernandez wrote: } Hello all! } } I'm about to install Debian on 12 computers (i*86). They will use the } same setup regarding software, but the hardware differs somewhat } between them. } } I would like to know if there is possible to, for example,

Re: script to list installed packages

2004-01-29 Thread Michael D Schleif
* "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004:01:29:00:27:11-0500] scribed: > Hi all, > > I know that somewhere there is a command to list all installed packages > (I even remember using it way back when...), but I can't seem to find it. > I've looked at the various apt utility man pages and ha

Re: unable to load e1000 driver

2004-01-29 Thread Bernd Prager
- Original Message - From: "Sebastiaan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:43 AM ... > High, > > On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Bernd Prager wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > > > But insmod e1000 complains: > > Using /lib/modules/2.4.24/kernel/drivers/net/e1000.o > > /lib/modules/2.4.

jigdo question

2004-01-29 Thread kegwasher
just finished downloading sarge via jigdo. the first three produced iso images. The other 9 end with iso.temp. What do I do to make them into iso's -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Books for Debian.

2004-01-29 Thread Pedro M.
Scarletdown wrote: Katipo wrote: On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 20:11:00 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Over a year ago I tried to install Debian, but did have the time to play with the installation. I'm thinking of giving it another try and was wondering if there are any current books on the installation pr

Re: script to list installed packages

2004-01-29 Thread Pedro M.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi all, I know that somewhere there is a command to list all installed packages (I even remember using it way back when...), but I can't seem to find it. I've looked at the various apt utility man pages and have not found anything, even for apt-cache. I'm trying to writ

RE: Cloning

2004-01-29 Thread Preston Boyington
> Subject: Cloning > > > Hello all! > > I'm about to install Debian on 12 computers (i*86). They will use the > same setup regarding software, but the hardware differs somewhat > between them. > > I would like to know if there is possible to, for example, install and > configure one box and th

Re: Cloning

2004-01-29 Thread Tim Ruehsen
Just to add a point to #2: Instead of dd'ing you could cpio one or more archives onto a NFS (or SMB) drive, partition all your drives and play back the cpio archives. This seems to bee good if you have a big HD but little space used (e.g. 80GB drive, but just 3GB data). AND you could start the c

Re: disregard post re: sound!

2004-01-29 Thread Monique Y. Herman
On 2004-01-29, Kent West penned: > Monique Y. Herman originally wrote: > >> What might cause xmms to go from audibly playing a song to seemingly >> playing a song (progress bar moving, lines bouncing up and down as >> the song plays) without producing any actual sound? > > > Then she said to disreg

CUPS & Brother HL-1450: junk page appearing before every printout.

2004-01-29 Thread Adam
I'm running Debian testing with the following packages installed (from dpkg -l): ii  cupsomatic-ppd20040102-1 ii  cupsys1.1.20candidate6-6 ii  cupsys-client 1.1.20candidate6-6 ii  cupsys-driver-gimpprint   4.2.5-6 ii  lpr 

Resposta Automática

2004-01-29 Thread bestbsb
Obrigado por entrar em contato!!!

Re: If Linux Becomes More Prevalent -> was Re: FW: registration confirmation...

2004-01-29 Thread Pedro M.
s. keeling wrote: Incoming from Scarletdown: How's about something like this? Dear Linux user, Please find the NEW LINUX Virus program called HONOR. Since this Scenario 1: "Hey Boss; the mailserver's hosed again." "How did that happen?" "Someone checked their mail." Scenario 2: "Hey Boss; th

Re: 256-color xterm

2004-01-29 Thread Matt Price
On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 10:55:51PM -, Thomas Dickey wrote: > Matt Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > can anyone tell me how to build an xterm with 256 colors using the > > debian source package? I'd just like a bit more flexibility -- and > > I'd like to have the off-the-shelf values for em

Web server with PHP setup & mod-ssl

2004-01-29 Thread Danny O'Brien
I'm rebuilding a web server with a home-grown PHP site that allows users to log in securely, to view, upload, and download files. This is my first real foray into Debian. Here's the spec: Kernel2.4.18-bf2.4 Apache1.3.26-0woo openssl0.9.6c-2.wo postgres7.2.1-2wood php4.1.2-6wood My questions: -

Re: Cloning

2004-01-29 Thread Mark Ferlatte
Gregory Seidman said on Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 11:12:51AM -0500: > On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 04:00:23PM +0100, Pedro Hernandez wrote: > } Hello all! > } > } I'm about to install Debian on 12 computers (i*86). They will use the > } same setup regarding software, but the hardware differs somewhat > } be

Re: recompilation and optimalization

2004-01-29 Thread David Z Maze
Karol Czachorowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Is there any way I could recompile existing packages in my system? > apt-build has no documentation and seems not to work... You might look through some of the generic Debian developer documentation... > And if I use apt-get source and build manua


2004-01-29 Thread Andy Gallaher
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Evolution install

2004-01-29 Thread Pedro M.
Darrell wrote: I am using flonix ( a small debian distro) and want to run Evolution. I did apt-get install evolution and about 5-6 different packages needed to be installed. I thought apt-get and even synaptic would solve these? I need to install a groupware program ( or a good alternative contac

Re: Debian list = spam and virus repeater/multiplexer

2004-01-29 Thread Colin Watson
On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 12:59:06PM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote: > Does this mean that the volunteer list maintainer who has limited time > to maintain the list is a Debian Developer, Yes. > I am under the impression that recently there is NO maintenance of > this list, judging by the amount of

Re: .deb dependancy hell

2004-01-29 Thread Colin Watson
On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 03:32:53PM -0500, Richard Hoskins wrote: > If package A needs package B, and package B needs package A, why in > the world are they two separate packages? Separate libraries frequently need to be in separate packages, because all hell breaks loose otherwise if the soname

Re: features in galeon-1.2.5 vs 1.3.11+, was: Status of Galeon intesting?

2004-01-29 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 11:01:37 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Erich Waelde) wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > Hi, > > > I use Galeon 1.3.11a with mozilla 1.5-3 underneath (testing?) > > > Arnt Karlsen wrote: > > On 24 Jan 2004 13:14:06 +0100, > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Niels L. Ellegaard) wro

Re: Derivative effects.

2004-01-29 Thread Arnt Karlsen
On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 01:46:24 -0800, Day Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Al Davis wrote: > > > At the time, I believed like the majority, that Henderson was just > > jealous of his competition, because he couldn't keep up. In > > hindsight, now I see it Hender

Re: libmemoize-perl/testing: Broken package?

2004-01-29 Thread Colin Watson
On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 01:29:43PM -0500, Sam Ruby wrote: > I then update /etc/apt/sources.list to look like this: > > deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main contrib > deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian testing main non-free contrib > deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ stable m

Re: Mailbox problem... messgae too large

2004-01-29 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 10:14:13AM +0100, Sebastiaan wrote: > Seems it's solved, but if your mailbox (thus the file > /var/spool/mail/X) is in use, check the processes which are using it: > fuser -av /var/spool/mail/XX FWIW, Debian's canonical mail spool location has been /var/mail rather

Re: disregard post re: sound!

2004-01-29 Thread s. keeling
Incoming from Monique Y. Herman: > > Fine, drag my shame out into the light of day. :-) I'd assumed your volume was just turned way down. That's often the problem with sound mis-configuration. If you ever figure out what esd is there for, I'd like to know. 'Til now, it seems everyone mentio

Re: disregard post re: sound!

2004-01-29 Thread John Hasler
Monique writes: > You know that red line that goes through the speaker icon on the gnome > panel? Yeah, apparently that means it's set to "mute," and clicking it > fixes the problem, and gets rid of the ugly line. Is this documented somewhere that a user is likely to look? If not the moron is th

Re: Web server with PHP setup & mod-ssl

2004-01-29 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 12:03:19PM -0500, Danny O'Brien wrote: > Here's the spec: > > Kernel2.4.18-bf2.4 > Apache1.3.26-0woo > openssl0.9.6c-2.wo > postgres7.2.1-2wood > php4.1.2-6wood > > My questions: > > - does "apt-get upgrade" always provide the most secure versions? The > reason I

RE: Email client programs

2004-01-29 Thread Soumyadip Modak
Hi, > On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Ben Yau wrote: > > > True, but you can do your best to workaround the network issue. In this > > case, a mail client that would actually do something akin to > > > > retr 1 > > del 1 > > retr 2 > > del 2 > > retr 3 > > del 3 > > > > Instead of retrieving all message

lots of zombies with Mozilla, MozillaFirebird or psi

2004-01-29 Thread Roman Joost
I had lots of Zombie processes lastly on my debian sid box and can't find the problem. Does somebody run into similar problems with wrong preferences or something? The following programs causing zombie processes: Mozilla: 1.6-1 PSI: 0.9-2 MozillaFirebird (Nightly Build): Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux

Fw: aespipe & encrypted cdroms, not working

2004-01-29 Thread Rodney D. Myers
Begin forwarded message: Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 18:08:40 -0800 From: "Rodney D. Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Debian User List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: aespipe & encrypted cdroms, not working I'm trying to get aes to encrypt a cdrom, using the following; yes "" | dd of=test.iso bs=512 co

RE: Web server with PHP setup & mod-ssl

2004-01-29 Thread Rosenstrauch, David
  -Original Message-From: Danny O'Brien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 12:19 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Web server with PHP setup & mod-ssl      - does "apt-get upgrade" always provide the most secure versions? The reason I ask is:

Re: CUPS & Brother HL-1450: junk page appearing before every printout.

2004-01-29 Thread Clive Menzies
On (29/01/04 16:46), Adam wrote: > I'm running Debian testing with the following packages installed (from dpkg > -l): > > ii  cupsomatic-ppd20040102-1 > ii  cupsys1.1.20candidate6-6 > ii  cupsys-client 1.1.20candidate6-6 > ii  cupsys-driver-g

Installing Debian with an Asus A7V333 Motherboard

2004-01-29 Thread Paul Galbraith
I've written up the method I've used to install Debian on my Asus A7V333 system, which is a buggered process due to the onboard Promise PDC20276 "raid" controller. I've stalled in my writing of the document, but I think there's still enough information to be of use to anyone who wants to install D

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