On Monday 03 December 2001 12:45 am, nate wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> >
> >
> > I installed RealPlayer and the plugin (cp
> last time i used real player(~6 months ago) the app
> itself had an option to associate itself with netscape..
> look in the menus for this option ..it should be there.
Is there any way to know that, for examples, my kernel-images have quota
support enabled? In this case, consider I am using kernel-images from .deb,
not compile it myself. Of course many configuration I need to know beside
quota support.
On Sun, 2 Dec 2001, Ben Hill wrote:
> > What happens if you run "pon" instead of "pppd"?
> pon: command not found
It seems that you don't have ppp package installed.
Try to do the following:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ grep -s "/bin" /var/lib/dpkg/info/* | grep pon
ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> are there any pitfalls to using kpackage, in kde, for apt-gets? the user
> interface is real easy, making me suspicious, considering the subtle
> complexities of apt-get from the command line.
I have been using kpackage here since the days of KDE version 2.1 on
Hackers have put my user id into
multiple redistributing lists of your technical forum.
I can't unsubcribe with automated system because
my user id is not in the main list.
Please help. I received tons of unwanted mails.
Please forward this request to the list owner.
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001, Bambang Purnomosidi D. P. wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to know that, for examples, my kernel-images have quota
> support enabled? In this case, consider I am using kernel-images from .deb,
> not compile it myself. Of course many configuration I need to know beside
it all sounds good. thanks for the response.
On Sunday 02 December 2001 10:27 pm, Donald R. Spoon wrote:
> ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > are there any pitfalls to using kpackage, in kde, for apt-gets? the user
> > interface is real easy, making me suspicious, considering the subtle
> > compl
Many thanks for all the tips, plenty to look at there. A couple
of points.
The modem is correctly on the serial port. It just has an extra
parallel port at the back, Microcom were punting this heavily at
one stage as a superior method of connection for some reason or
another. Reading
On Monday 03 December 2001 2:02 pm, Daniel Freedman wrote:
> > Is there any way to know that, for examples, my kernel-images have quota
> > support enabled? In this case, consider I am using kernel-images from
> > .deb, not compile it myself. Of course many configuration I need to know
> > be
"Karsten M. Self" writes:
> Seriously: captialization helps readability *a lot*. Do it.
Or use the neat gnus function (gnus-article-capitalize-sentences). :)
Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Seriously: captialization helps readability *a lot*. Do it.
im sure it does. but it also decreases WPM. and starting to
capitialize after doing email for 7 years isn't going to be
something i want to do :)
> What do you mean? There are 258 _currently running_ cron jobs for
> mailman?
--- "Karsten M. Self" wrote:
> on Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 09:30:09AM -0800, George
> Dancheff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >
> > --- "Karsten M. Self"
> wrote:
> > > on Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 01:00:57PM +1100, Steve
> Kieu
> > > ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > > I can not install Openoffice buil
Hackers have put my user id into
multiple redistributing lists of your technical forum.
I can't unsubcribe with automated system because
my user id is not in the main list.
Please help. I received tons of unwanted mails.
Please forward this request to the list owner.
Hackers have put my user id into
multiple redistributing lists of your technical forum.
I can't unsubcribe with automated system because
my user id is not in the main list.
Please help. I received tons of unwanted mails.
Please forward this request to the list owner.
On Friday 30 November 2001 05:47 pm, Peter De Wachter wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, Dragos wrote:
> > I'm trying to compile amavisd and complains about not having found the
> > arc archiver; an apt-search reveals nothing (or it is named different)?!
> >
> > thanks, dragos
> If you're talking abou
> mail:~# uptime
> Unknown HZ value! (0) Assume 100.
> 1:31pm up 249 days, 2:39, 2 users, load average: 0.10, 0.03,
> 0.01
did some more research and it seems it is a bug in the kernel,
but procps detects it and spits out the message. the procps
in woody claims to have a fix that disables
what can we do to get rid of this guy?
On Sunday 02 December 2001 11:42 pm, Tran Nam Binh wrote:
> Hackers have put my user id into
> multiple redistributing lists of your technical forum.
> I can't unsubcribe with automated system because
> my user id is not in the main li
I have the opportunity to buy an ATI RAGE FURRY MAXX card, and I'd like to
know if there is support for it in xfree (I understand that's based on rage
128 fury chip);
I want to know whether I'll have 2D&3D acceleration, and if there are
problems with the two-chip rendering (will it use bo
> the people, then blame the OpenOffice.org!
I admit that I was a bit impatient :-)
I just delete the file and read the email containing
the solution :-). Ok I am going to do it again
> Yes OO is not documented as it has to be, but there
Sure it should be documented.
> are some nice tips on the
Hi Jason!
Thanks a lot for your quick and informative reply!
On Sun, 2 Dec 2001, Jason Healy wrote:
> [...]
> Looks right to me. According to free, your system has 2GB of memory,
> most of which is 'used'. However, looking at the next line, you'll
> see that 1.8GB of that is actually free for
I've installed openldap in my debian2.2r4:
linux95:~# dpkg -l | grep openldap
ii libopenldap-ru OpenLDAP runtime files for obsolete libopenl
ii libopenldap1 OpenLDAP libraries (obsoleted by libldap2).
ii openldap-utils 1.2.12-1 OpenLDAP utilities.
Hi Michael!
First of all, thanks for your hint!
On 2 Dec 2001, Michael Heldebrant wrote:
> IIRC from the Understanding the Linux Kernel book by O'Reilly, linux
> doesn't actually worry about memory until you actually use it. I'm not
> sure if a malloc counts as using it for storing data since I
Hi all,
is it possible to prepare a cd-image of an audio CD, containing the
seperate wav's? I would like to have 1 file, eg a bin/cue, iso or raw file
instead of several seperate wav files.
Frederik Vanrenterghem | Common sense and a sense of humor are the
How do you people install this? I have tried using potato floppies then
changing apt sources, and downloading woody floppies and then I get a
malformed release file error?
Obviously people have managed to get woody installed, I am just missing
Hi Karsten!
Thanks for your quick reply!
On Sun, 2 Dec 2001, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> Try the free software replacements (and boycott the programmer
> persecuter Adobe in the process) xpdf or gv.
Ok. I tried acroread 4.05 on a SuSE system and it worked just
fine. Concerning xpdf I got to say
> > hour downloads for me
> > (56k modem). I've discussed the issue with Brian
> apt-get install libgpcl0
Ok, I re-download the file, install libgpcl0 and
I had no luck, nothing changed.
Is it possible that the file I downloaded is
corrupted? But run tar -xf is fine
Tran Nam Binh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hackers have put my user id into some redistributing
> list of your technical forum.
> I can't unsubcribe with automated system because my
> user id is not on the main list.
> Please help. I received tons of unwanted mails.
> Please forward this request
Hi Ben!
Thanks for your reply!
On Sun, 2 Dec 2001, ben wrote:
> [...]
> i agree. the purpose of a boycott is to disempower. adobe have shown that
> they don't deserve a position of any esteem in the free system that linux
> exemplifies.
Would love to do that if xpdf worked as nice as as a *w
On 02 Dec 2001, Holger Rauch wrote:
> Hi!
> When viewing PDFs on a Debian Potato system with Acrobat Reader 4.05, I
> encounter crashes with the following error message:
> Exited with error code: 0x400e0009.
> Something similar happens to me when viewing PDFs from within Netscape
> 4
ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> what can we do to get rid of this guy?
I don't know - but top-posting one line on top of half a yard of
quotation does nothing to help shift him or save bandwidth
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Aldo Maggi wrote:
> therefore the command should be:
> cdrdao read-cd --source-device 0,0,0 cd.toc
Thanks for your reply. This isn't entirely what I'm looking for. I
currently have a collection of wav files on my HD, and I'd like to prepare
a cd-image of an audio cd, which I w
I use potato and try to set up xdm with pam, for being able to add secondary
groups to users logging in console viia xdm.
however, using /etc/pam.d/xdm from unstable and configuring group.conf
didn't help;
I added this line to /etc/pam.d/xdm:
auth optional pam_group.so
and this
I have problem with certificate generated with mkpop3dcert
for courier-pop3-ssl. It has been generated for localhost
and I need it for FQDN of my pop3 server. I need self
certified certificate.
Please, how to generate it ?
Marek Cermak
which is the easiest way to read formatted sgml docs in potato?
I haven't found any simple sgml viewer, there are only formaters to other
I am not member of debian-user please Cc: me or reply directly
Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
On Monday 03 December 2001 01:59 am, Glyn Millington wrote:
> ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > what can we do to get rid of this guy?
> I don't know - but top-posting one line on top of half a yard of
> quotation does nothing to help shift him or save bandwidth
> Glyn
so the point of your p
I'm trying to compile Jonathan Buzzards toshutils packages. This demands
gtk.h, which used to be in /usr/include/gtk. I thought this would be
supplied by installing libgtk1, but seemngly not.
Does anyone know where these gtk files come from?
Anthony Campbell - running Linux GNU/Deb
On Sunday, 2001-12-02 at 21:03:18 -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> on Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 01:03:46AM +0100, Timo Boewing ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> wrote:
> > for some future and current works i want to provide my writings
> > additionally in other formats than xhtml. Has anyone a link to a list
> > o
on Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 11:35:08PM -0800, George Dancheff ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> --- "Karsten M. Self" wrote:
> > on Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 09:30:09AM -0800, George
> > Dancheff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > first try :
> > >
> > > apt-get install libgpcl0
> > >
> > > then try to ins
On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 10:41, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> I'm trying to compile Jonathan Buzzards toshutils packages. This demands
> gtk.h, which used to be in /usr/include/gtk. I thought this would be
> supplied by installing libgtk1, but seemngly not.
> Does anyone know where these gtk files come f
Hi Christoph!
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Lupe Christoph wrote:
> [...]
> I had a hard time getting the DocBook tools working enough to
> convert the docs of one free software package on Solaris x86.
> I can't call them universal.
What DocBook tools have you used on Solaris?
What was your problem with
on Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 08:57:21PM -0800, Karsten M. Self
(kmself@ix.netcom.com) wrote:
> on Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 08:53:29PM -0800, ben ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > On Sunday 02 December 2001 08:41 pm, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > > on Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 05:49:21PM +0200, Ian Balchin
> > ([EMAI
I am using unstable, so the quota package is 3.02-3
In this case I want to set quota for group student which have home dir in
Here are my steps:
1. install quota package
2. edit /etc/fstab:
/dev/sda4 /home ext2defaults,grpquota 0 2
3. Create
thats right. With one ethernet plug, you need to have 3 cards. 2 in the
computer that actually is connected to the plug. one card for the pplug
and one card for communications with thte other computer. ofcourse the
other computer must have another card. No special software is needed.
read networkin
Eveything's in the comment :)
If i untar/install a new kernel, will the kernel headers be installed by the
way ?
Thanks in advance,
on Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 01:37:12AM +0100, Kim De Smaele ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> No, I'm running solaris 7 on it.
> I'just trying to find out a way to setup a logging for the rm command.
> Not for every user on the entire system, just for some users, defined by
> default group ( defined in /et
on Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 10:27:33AM +0200, Dragos ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> hello,
> I have the opportunity to buy an ATI RAGE FURRY MAXX card, and I'd like to
...soft-focus, high-performance, video?
Karsten M. Selfhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
What part of "Gestalt" don't you un
Craig Dickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Having poked around the system a bit for similar purposes, I find the
> following files to be useful in getting environment variables visible
> more or less globally:
> /etc/profile
> /etc/environment
> /etc/gdm/gdm.conf
> /etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome
on Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 10:28:40PM +1300, Michael Jager ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> How do you people install this? I have tried using potato floppies then
> changing apt sources, and downloading woody floppies and then I get a
> malformed release file error?
You're apparently having problems w
Steve Kieu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/12/2001 (11:38) :
> rec file.wav
Thanks!! Works and it doesn't crash either X nor my alsa driver. I have
found out that if a sound player crashes with a segfault then my kernel
modules lock up and I cannot remove them with rmmod so I have to reboot.
>Thanks for your reply. This isn't entirely what I'm looking for. I
>currently have a collection of wav files on my HD, and I'd like to prepare
>a cd-image of an audio cd, which I will burn to disc later. I don't think
>cdrdao can do this?
maybe i do not understand entirely your problem, i can jus
on Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 11:33:27PM -0800, nate ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >
> > Seriously: captialization helps readability *a lot*. Do it.
> im sure it does. but it also decreases WPM. and starting to
> capitialize after doing email for 7 years isn't going to be
> something i want to
/ Brian Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > Is there a setting to "fix" this behavior?
| I don't know if there is a way to revert back to the old behavior, but
| this change is mentioned in /usr/share/doc/bash/changelog.gz:
| c. The com
--- "Karsten M. Self" wrote:
> on Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 11:35:08PM -0800, George
> Dancheff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >
> > --- "Karsten M. Self"
> wrote:
> > > on Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 09:30:09AM -0800, George
> > > Dancheff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > > first try :
> > > >
> > > > a
On Monday 03 December 2001 01:16 pm, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> on Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 10:27:33AM +0200, Dragos
> > hello,
> > I have the opportunity to buy an ATI RAGE FURRY MAXX card, and I'd like
> > to
> ...soft-focus, high-performance, video?
I would like to get a
claiming to be Karsten M. Self, said:
> You're apparently having problems with a program or system configuration
> issue, but you've provided far from enough information to be able to
> adequately address or resolve the issue.
My bad =P
> Please note that you are the person in the best position
Markus Kutschan wrote:
Tom Allison writes:
How Do I: Change the emacs default browser from netscape to
something else (specifically Mozilla) for viewing/previewing web
Try this in your .emacs:
;; Default-Browser = Mozilla
(setq browse-url-generic-program "mozilla"
ben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I don't know - but top-posting one line on top of half a yard of
>> quotation does nothing to help shift him or save bandwidth
>> Glyn
> so the point of your post would be to let us know that you don't know how
> to actually address the issue?
Not quite -
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Aldo Maggi wrote:
> maybe i do not understand entirely your problem, i can just tell you what i
> do when i burn a compilation:
> i mv all .wav files i want to a dir paying attention to rename them in order
> they do not overwrite each other, then i change their names in orde
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 03:17:41AM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> on Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 10:28:40PM +1300, Michael Jager
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > How do you people install this? I have tried using potato floppies then
> > changing apt sources, and downloading woody floppies and then I get
On Monday 03 December 2001 02:15 pm, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 03:17:41AM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > on Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 10:28:40PM +1300, Michael Jager
> >
> > ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > How do you people install this? I have tried using potato floppies then
Is it a bug of apt, dpkg or no bug at all but a problem of permissions?
router:~# apt-get upgrade --fix-missing
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
8 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B/2243kB of archives. After
On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 10:45, Łukasz 'ptashek' Szmit wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it a bug of apt, dpkg or no bug at all but a problem of permissions?
> router:~# apt-get upgrade --fix-missing
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> 8 packages upgraded, 0 newly installe
>I've tried this, but the burn process failed 4 times (leaving me with 4
>nice coasters ;)). I'd like to try to burn a cd-image of the audio cd,
>instead of several seperate wav files. So far, I haven't found a way to do
>In short: 12 wav files -> 1 image -> 1 audio cd instead of 12 wav fi
On Son, Dez 02, 2001 at 08:47:41 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You have really inspired me to give this a go. It sounds as though I
> have nothing to lose except time. And in my opinion this may be time
> well spent as at least I will learn much about the root daemons.
Yes, you will. Defini
Le 2001.12.01 09:01, Steve Kieu a écrit :
> Hi,
> Sorry if this is too simple, how can I tell all
> program that its GUI based on gtk using the 75dpi font
> for its menu etc..; At the moment if 100dpi available
> it uses. I have to comment out in XFreeconfig-4 but I
> am sure it is not the co
At 1007390900s since epoch (12/03/01 03:48:20 -0500 UTC), Holger Rauch wrote:
> > only 222,688 K are being used by actual processes on the system.
> Ok. But where do the 600 MB of main memory that Oracle uses fit in
> there? Are they reported as cached memory?
I'm not certain, but I would guess
I was working on some large (600dpi) images with lots of layers in the
Gimp, and had bumped up its image cache to 256MB to reduce
swapping. In the middle of a large copy, it froze x and, as far as I
could tell, the whole machine - it responded to pings but not
telnet. I left it overnight and came b
As a few of you will know ;), I have been trying to set up my Alcatel
USB modem for about 2 weeks now and I must be getting close! :)
I have the usb hotplugging working, the speedmgmt stuff working etc. The
problem is that I still can't connect to the internet. The process is that
Thus spake Mart van de Wege on Wed, Nov 28, 2001 at 02:33:03PM +0100:
> On Tue, 2001-11-27 at 15:22, Mike McGuire wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 10:41:33PM +0100, Romain Lerallut wrote:
> > > Thus spake Mart van de Wege on Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 08:32:47PM +0100:
> > > >
> > > > Using the dvdnav
I hope you are a patient man. I remember spending over 3 weeks trying to
figure out the alcatel speedtouch modem. That was however on a redhat
machine and without the kind help of so many kind debian users.
I was able to however find a couple of good HOWTO's. The first one I
followed was the
Check out /var/log/syslog that's the important one (When I changed from
Redhat to Debian that was one of the most annoying mistakes I made)
If you need any more help I'd be happy to help.
On Monday 03 December 2001 1:45 pm, Ben Hill wrote:
> Hi,
> As a few of you will know ;), I have be
On Monday 03 December 2001 05:45 am, Ben Hill wrote:
> Hi,
> As a few of you will know ;), I have been trying to set up my Alcatel
> SpeedTouch
> USB modem for about 2 weeks now and I must be getting close! :)
perhaps it's not the modem. do you have the proper network configuration for
your int
> perhaps it's not the modem. do you have the proper network configuration
> your internet connection?
I think so, although all I have done is to edit:
Adding the nameservers to resolv.conf
--- Ben Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2001-12-03 13:49):
> As a few of you will know ;), I have been trying to set up my Alcatel
> SpeedTouch USB modem for about 2 weeks now and I must be getting close! :)
> I have the usb hotplugging working, the speedmgmt stuff working etc. The
> problem is that I
I thought I saw a post about this but I couldn't find
it in the archives -- why does the apache in testing
(as of a few weeks ago) depend on mysql? How difficult
is it to remove/change this dependence, or is mysql
really necessary? Thanks.
I am working on developing some bridge software that takes Ethernet frames
from a PC, filters them, then changes them to UDP packets then sends them to
a server. This process needs to be reversed when UDP packets are returned
from the server destined for that PC.
I need to use:
1) Debian Li
I looked in the /var/log/syslog (Thanks to Nick Sanders) and noticed the
LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
So I guessed that the pppoatm module was not loaded (after reading
When I did a modprobe pppoatm, it all fired into life, I
On 03 Dec 2001, Ross Burton wrote:
> On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 10:41, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> > I'm trying to compile Jonathan Buzzards toshutils packages. This demands
> > gtk.h, which used to be in /usr/include/gtk. I thought this would be
> > supplied by installing libgtk1, but seemngly not.
> > D
Are there packages for viewing video DVDs? I haven't
found some.
Christian Schoenebeck
i use woody - my video card is matrox mill g200 agp 8m
xfree 4.1 works well though from time to time it crashes
but my problem is that snes9x doesn't work as well as in windows: backgrounds
do not slide as smoothly as in win.
i wonder if that could be due to my card not being utilized at its best:
Christian Schoenebeck wrote:
> Hi!
> Are there packages for viewing video DVDs? I haven't
> found some.
Because you didn't search at all. Or you probably don't
know how to use search engines or apt-cache.
There are : vlc and xine DVD players.
Jérôme Marant
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 12:11:22AM -0800, ben wrote:
| On Sunday 02 December 2001 11:42 pm, Tran Nam Binh wrote:
| > Hackers have put my user id into
| > multiple redistributing lists of your technical forum.
| > I can't unsubcribe with automated system because
| > my user
Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> IIRC there is a way to make this transparent to applications, check
> the docs (don't remember which, try how-to's on NAT and related kernel
> functions, proxy or something like that).
As far as I can tell, there's no way to do transparent proxying for
nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ive had 1370 and 1371 cards for a little over a year and love them..
I just picked up a cheap es1373 and was absolutely delighted to find
it has s/pdif out! Great card.
As for the original question, ISTR there's some way to get timidity to
work as /dev/sequenc
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 10:03:43AM -0500, Alan Shutko wrote:
| Erik Steffl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > IIRC there is a way to make this transparent to applications, check
| > the docs (don't remember which, try how-to's on NAT and related kernel
| > functions, proxy or something like that)
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 10:32:57 +0100 (CET), Holger Rauch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If the file breaks
> > everything, contact the author and tell them they've got busted PDFs.
> It probably isn't the file if it looks all right in acroread on a SuSE
> system. I guess it has something to do wit
I'm logged at some distance server, let's say nany.somewhere.org
and I'd like to launch mozilla on this server with output
on my desktop. How can I do this?
I tried:
export DISPLAY=mycomp.here.org:0
mozilla &
and get this error:
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
I know
I live at Madrid (Spain) and so I run 'scantv' with the PAL and europe-west
options. However I get only the 'no station' output.
I use:
* A cable tested with my television.
* The kernel 2.4.16, without moduls. That is to say, all included in the
* debian woody
On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 03:04, Holger Rauch wrote:
> Hi Michael!
> First of all, thanks for your hint!
> On 2 Dec 2001, Michael Heldebrant wrote:
> > IIRC from the Understanding the Linux Kernel book by O'Reilly, linux
> > doesn't actually worry about memory until you actually use it. I'm n
Lo, on , December 2, Michael Heldebrant did write:
> IIRC from the Understanding the Linux Kernel book by O'Reilly, linux
> doesn't actually worry about memory until you actually use it. I'm not
> sure if a malloc counts as using it for storing data since I'm no C
> programmer but unless you actu
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 12:15:40PM +0100, spear wrote:
> If i untar/install a new kernel, will the kernel headers be installed by the
> way ?
No. You're usually much better off using the kernel headers against
which the glibc (libc6, etc.) packages on your system were compiled. If
you really know
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 08:44:54 -0500, Paul Reavis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was working on some large (600dpi) images with lots of layers in the
> Gimp, and had bumped up its image cache to 256MB to reduce
> swapping. In the middle of a large copy, it froze x and, as far as I
> could tell, the w
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 05:07:46PM +0100, Mirek Dobsicek wrote:
> I'm logged at some distance server, let's say nany.somewhere.org
> and I'd like to launch mozilla on this server with output
> on my desktop. How can I do this?
Use ssh X forwarding, i.e. 'ssh -X remote-location'. Then it just works
I recently did a large mail upgrade and installed a new mail server that
incorporates mail hashing (i.e /var/spool/u/s/user). As expected, my
finger command on any user now reports that the user has no mail. Is this
an actual finger problem, or does something have to be defined in the
users home
"Eric G. Miller" writes:
> The PDF standard has a small number of built-in fonts (Courier, Times,
> Helvetica, Zapf Dingbats, I think that's it).
Of course, Acrobat Reader no longer ships with those fonts, and will
substitute if you use them. Argh!
Alan Shutko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - In a
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 11:31:58 +0100, Matus fantomas Uhlar wrote:
> which is the easiest way to read formatted sgml docs in potato?
SGML is a language in which you can define the structure documents must
conform by writing DTDs == document type definitions. Well-known DTDs are
those for HTML and
Great, it works, thank U very much
Mirek Dobsicek
Colin Watson wrote:
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 05:07:46PM +0100, Mirek Dobsicek wrote:
I'm logged at some distance server, let's say nany.somewhere.org
and I'd like to launch mozilla on this server with output
on my desktop. How
On Sunday, December 02, 2001 1:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Second how can I set up Apache to allow use
> of this this script & the data files for it?
Debian puts cgi programs into /usr/lib/cgi-bin.
Whatever goes in there becomes part of the
server namespace as /cgi-bin/pick_cgi (if
pick_cgi is t
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 10:13:43AM -0600, Michael Heldebrant wrote:
| On Mon, 2001-12-03 at 03:04, Holger Rauch wrote:
| > On 2 Dec 2001, Michael Heldebrant wrote:
| >
| > > IIRC from the Understanding the Linux Kernel book by O'Reilly, linux
| > > doesn't actually worry about memory until you act
Hey all,
Before I get into hot water, I was wondering what the pros and cons are
to using Ximian's Red Carpet over Debian's package management system
for maintaining my version of GNOME and Evolution on potato. Are there
potential pitfalls?
Thanks in advance.
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