On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 06:41:16PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
> Yeah I read that. That was before I realized I could take a look at
> the /etc/group file to see what groups I belonged to (and I'm sure
> there's a more refined method for that too ;^) ), so I wasn't really
> sure what groups I was
Dear People,
I just installed apt 0.5.3 (compiled on potato). I was hoping it would
help me in fetching sources. My current sources.list points
for binaries (deb) to stable
for sources (deb-src) to stable and testing
I see that there exists the new option
apt-get source slrn=
On 07/16/01 11:27:32 -0400, Faheem Mitha wrote:
> http://www.ebbs.com.au/~mark/cups-gimp-print.html ), and it actually
I tried getting printing set up on a potato system with the
instructions found at the above URI, but I seem to be having a bit of
a problem. All apparently went well with ins
This is a bit off-topic. Yesterday I read a piece
at the following URL:
comparing portsentry and snort.
It is the first time I have read anything negative about
Any comments?
(Sam Varghese)
I am a newbie to mutt - after flirting with a
dozen or more GUI mail programs.
I have managed to configure most of what I want in
mutt but the setting up of folders just beats me.
I'd like to have a few folders into which I can
move mail after reading but if the mail supposed to
go there does so
I've set up fetchmail to retireve via POP3 on one machine
successfully. Same set up (as far as I can determine) on another
machine fails. Using other ways of retrieiving POP3 mail on this
other machine works just fine.
The POP3 with fetchmail fails once it tries to download the messages:
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 04:37:57PM +1000, Sam Varghese wrote:
> I am a newbie to mutt - after flirting with a
> dozen or more GUI mail programs.
> I have managed to configure most of what I want in
> mutt but the setting up of folders just beats me.
> I'd like to have a few folders into which
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 04:37:57PM +1000, Sam Varghese wrote:
> I am a newbie to mutt - after flirting with a
> dozen or more GUI mail programs.
> I have managed to configure most of what I want in
> mutt but the setting up of folders just beats me.
> I'd like to have a few folders into which
> It is the first time I have read anything negative about portsentry.
while a lot of what the author is saying is true portsentry and snort are
two quite different things. really the only thing they have in common is
that they are designed to improve the security of your network/server.
Quoting Sam Varghese on Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 04:37:57PM +1000:
> I am a newbie to mutt - after flirting with a
> dozen or more GUI mail programs.
> I have managed to configure most of what I want in
> mutt but the setting up of folders just beats me.
> I'd like to have a few folders into whic
is it possible to add a scsi drive to a Linux system without
having to reboot the machine i.o.w. is there a way to rescan
the scsi bus (cfr "drvconfig; disks" on Solaris) ?
Thanks in advance,
"It has been said that there ar
I am no expert with mutt, but I use the 's' command to save to a mailbox.
After hitting s, mutt prompts with the name of a mailbox and I can then
change it if I want to.
The relevant entries in my ~/.muttrc are:
# Set the directory in which mailboxes will be saved
set folder=~/mail
# Save a
Wayne Topa uttered:
> Subject: Re: How to set up a "prefect" router
> Date: Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 12:16:30AM +0200
> In reply to:Raffaele Sandrini
> Quoting Raffaele Sandrini([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > On Tuesday 17 July 2001 20:02, Michael B. Taylor wrote:
> >
> > Is there a one
Compiling Pine on a debian system doesn't work out of the box in my
experiance. There are .debs of Pine 4.22 last time I checked, but its been
a while. I have compiled Pine on a few debian boxen and if you are
interested in making a compile from source work (the better option vs. a
debianized sourc
i try to install an Woody box and perhaps a second and third..., and want to
use a journaling fs.
A search with google and -groups didn't reveal anything useful (better to
much to find the useful ones) so i ask you:
Is there a boot cd for woody with ReiserFS or XFS or JFS?
I dont wont to do
Jens Gecius uttered:
> Vineet Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > ---Very OffTopic---
> Mozilla just doesn't work.
Further OffTopic: I can't get Mozilla to do java. I'm using the nightly
builds, the installer works great. If I follow the link they recommend
to install Java support from
you can get iso image for woody base install cd.
type at boot: prompt
linux flavor=reiserfs
it add options using reiserfs with kernel 2.4.6
B. Park
- Original Message -
From: "Andreas Rabus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Debian-
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, User zos wrote:
> Compiling Pine on a debian system doesn't work out of the box in my
> experiance. There are .debs of Pine 4.22 last time I checked, but its been
> a while. I have compiled Pine on a few debian boxen and if you are
> interested in making a compile from source
Jens Gecius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> does anybody have a clue regarding user-authorization in
> apache-stable?
I would do everything for a look into your Bilderalbum. ;-)
> I'm trying pretty hard to get it to work on my box, but it just
> doesn't work. Not with access.conf entries nor with
Hallo Nico,
Nico De Ranter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> is it possible to add a scsi drive to a Linux system without
> having to reboot the machine i.o.w. is there a way to rescan
> the scsi bus (cfr "drvconfig; disks" on Solaris) ?
this simple script works fine for me:
| #!/bin/sh
also sprach Sam Varghese (on Wed, 18 Jul 2001 09:39:54AM +1000):
> Do you need to specifically install ipchains? I've been led to
> believe otherwise. Or does this set up your basic ipchains rules?a
you need to install ipchains/iptables only if you need to do NAT. for
regular routing of official I
I'm afraid I have to suggest Smoothwall :-) Boots of a CD to install (or
floppy or network install if needed) and gives you a nice modem/isdn/ethernet
firewall (take your pick), web front end for management, and it's not such a
huge download for an ISO (around 22M). Of course if you just want a p
On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Case, Benjamin wrote:
> I apt-got the kernel-source-2.4.6. I have compiled a kernel and it works
> great. I just d/l the source for pcmcia-cs and comiled that and I use that
> module now too. I just realized I forgot the modules for my Soundblaster.
> How can I add the necessa
Andreas Rabus wrote:
i try to install an Woody box and perhaps a second and third..., and want to
use a journaling fs.
A search with google and -groups didn't reveal anything useful (better to
much to find the useful ones) so i ask you:
Is there a boot cd for woody with ReiserFS or XFS or
Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Also, I should add one extremely annoying and frustrating problem I
> have recently had in xemacs21-gtk/Gnus:
> I can select data in another X window, and paste into a Gnus
> message. That is good, normal, defacto X behaviour.
> However, if somebody sen
seems a stupid problem... but i didn't managed to solve it since now...
i ahve a machine that travels a lot, and has to adapt its domainname to
each new location (its not a laptop)
setting the domainname et run time is quite dangerous :D my machien
freezed as i tryed it
so what's t
i never really used the incoming mail feature of my qmail setup of my
home server... since i normally get my mail through our corporate mail
service, but now i needed it, and it didn't worked
i have a sid-machine running qmail... looked through the setups couldn't
find anything...
MaX in the FaX wrote:
Sean Quinlan wrote:
* Hall Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2001-07-15 19:40):
Unofficial reiserfs install disks seem to come and go quite regularly,
the site I got mine from no longer exists... but this site looks like
it has pretty much the same disks:
> By messing arround, you must be able to find wich bootmessage to give to
> the kernel.
> Mine looks like#boot: linux(image'compact'rescuediskette) smart2=0x6000
> sim710=addr:0x8000,irq:15
Thanks for the info about boot parameters. The RAID controller
on this Proliant 4500 is in eisa slot-1.
Aaron Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I've had success writing man pages in POD, Perl's psuedo-documentation
Yeah, there's a wishlist bug (#96781) open against man-db to provide
examples of man pages in various languages. I can do POD and an example
of DocBook is mentioned in the bug r
Dear all,
I would like to convert my SuSE-installation to Debian.
Of course, I know, I could simply boot from an installation CD and then do
the whole installation procedure. But I don't want to.
So, my question:
- I would like to some programs (like dpkg/dselect and the like) to my
running Su
Today I updated and upgraded my packages running on
unstable on a 2.4.5 kernel.
When I run gnucash though I am getting:
gnucash: [W] "failure loading ""/etc/gnucash/config"
I looked at /etc/gnucash but it is empty. Is there
another way to generate the config setup in my home
directory (which I g
Dear Debian guys,
probably this is a FAQ. Apologize in that case.
I have a WWW server running (Debian woody on i386, Apache 1.3.20,
PHP4, some additional modules)
Since some weeks I can see the following behaviour:
If a HTML/PHP/whatever source in the Document tree was changed,
I can see the cha
I have been trying to compile gnucash. I run
".configure" normally and then "make". However, during
"make" there is an error message saying that
"require.scm" in guile can't be found.
I notice the directories being searched are not the
correct path.
"require.scm" is in:
Sounds like a caching issue
either with the browser or a caching sever
which browser are you using?
On Wednesday 18 July 2001 11:27 am, Guenter Millahn wrote:
> Dear Debian guys,
> probably this is a FAQ. Apologize in that case.
> I have a WWW server running (Debian woody on i386, Apach
how does this color feature of ls work?
If i make an alias like ls='ls --color' the output of ls is colored in some
It colores executable files, subdirectories and symbolic links.
As far as i have seen yet, there's a file called DIR_COLORS under /etc/
where a lot of more color stuff is
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, smokez wrote:
> Sounds like a caching issue
> either with the browser or a caching sever
> which browser are you using?
> adam
> On Wednesday 18 July 2001 11:27 am, Guenter Millahn wrote:
> > Dear Debian guys,
> >
> > probably this is a FAQ. Apologize in that case.
i found the answer myself :)
You have to create a own dircolors file in your homedir with dircolors -p >
This file one have to load into the LS_COLORS environment variable with eval
`dircolors .dircolorsrc`.
This works fine now :)
> Hello,
> how does this color
--- Lukas Ruf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear all,
> I would like to convert my SuSE-installation to
> Debian.
> Of course, I know, I could simply boot from an
> installation CD and then do
> the whole installation procedure. But I don't want
> to.
Come on man just 15Mb for base.tgz; then t
have you tried to set the expires meta tag on your pages?
Perhaps this will help you.
This informs the browser to get the page under all circumstances from the
webserver and to do no caching.
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, smokez wrote:
> > Sounds like a caching issue
> > eit
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2001-07-18 12:10):
> how does this color feature of ls work?
> If i make an alias like ls='ls --color' the output of ls is colored in some
> way.
> It colores executable files, subdirectories and symbolic links.
> As far as i have seen yet, there's a file ca
On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, D-Man wrote:
>On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 01:12:56AM +1000, Sam Varghese wrote:
>| On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 10:43:26AM +0100, J.A.Serralheiro wrote:
>| > well maybe you misconfigured your video card.
>| > Run xf86config. Its a text based environment and re-do the configurations.
> Further OffTopic: I can't get Mozilla to do java. I'm using
> the nightly builds, the installer works great. If I follow
> link they recommend to install Java support from the
> netscape sight, it claims success but then every time I
> launch mozilla after that it tells me that I need to rest
Mike's Question:
I want to delete a directory that will have files in
it...I don't know the name of the files there for
wildcards might be needed
I understand that "rmdir" will wipe out an empty
directoryand "unlink" will wipe out files (only if
I know the names of the files)
I'd not go through the BIOS rom, I'd go through the NIC. Less chance of
losing hundred$ of dollars of silicon. AMD Lance, Intel EE16, and some
NE2K's had onboard PROMS for ISA; NE2K-PCI, 10bt Tulips, and most early
PCI cards had them as well, but they rapidly became extinct.
On Tue, 17 Jul 2001
On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, dude wrote:
>I know PINE is not what debian users use,
>but i recently convinced my girlfriend to
>let me install debian on her windows computer.
>Her only gripe with using it is
>that there are no debs of Pine.
>She has tried building it from source
>downloaded from washi
On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Ari Pollak wrote:
>On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 07:23:58PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I haven't used pine in ages. Switched to mutt not long ago, and haven't
>> looked back.. But, there was a 'mana' package, which appears to be a
>> fork from pine. Worked about as well when
[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am Mittwoch, dem 18. Juli 2001:
> have you tried to set the expires meta tag on your pages?
> Perhaps this will help you.
> This informs the browser to get the page under all circumstances from the
> webserver and to do no caching.
> > On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, smokez wrot
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Calvin Chong wrote:
>on 7/18/01 11:42 AM, Jeff Maxson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, dude wrote:
>>> I know PINE is not what debian users use,
>>> but i recently convinced my girlfriend to
>>> let me install debian on her windows computer.
>>> Her
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Sam Varghese wrote:
>This is a bit off-topic. Yesterday I read a piece
>at the following URL:
>comparing portsentry and snort.
Next on their list is to compare apples and oranges...
>It is the first time I have
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Nico De Ranter wrote:
>is it possible to add a scsi drive to a Linux system without
>having to reboot the machine i.o.w. is there a way to rescan
>the scsi bus (cfr "drvconfig; disks" on Solaris) ?
scsiadd (it may be in woody+). HTH
>Thanks in advance,
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Steve Kieu wrote:
> --- Lukas Ruf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Dear all,
> >
> > I would like to convert my SuSE-installation to
> > Debian.
> > Of course, I know, I could simply boot from an
> > installation CD and then do
> > the whole installation procedure. But I don't
www.freesco.org; min requirements: i386; 6Mb
You can have a lot of services (insecure and stuff) but it'll exceed the
min. specs. Kernel=2.0.38
> Is there a one floppy linux you can recommend. I must have ppp included?
Do i
> have to make one by myself. If yes - how? Wich kernel whould be t
I have logcheck running on my machine, and occasionally I random failed
ftp connections (not sure if I should be worried and don't know what to
do anyway) but also several other things that I completely don't
understand. They have to do with my ethernet connection, but it seems
to work just fi
David Turetsky ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> To copy mail into a folder (does not overwrite existing mail in that
> folder), just depress C and specify the folder to the resulting dialog
> when viewing that piece of mail, or from the index
> To just save the folder copy, depress d, then follow
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 02:27:02PM +0200, Lukas Ruf wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Steve Kieu wrote:
> > > So, my question:
> > > - I would like to some programs (like dpkg/dselect
> > > and the like) to my
> > > running SuSE linux and then start a program that
> > > (like dselect) which
> > >
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 04:37:57PM +1000, Sam Varghese muttered:
Sam> I am a newbie to mutt - after flirting with a
Sam> dozen or more GUI mail programs.
Sam> I have managed to configure most of what I want in
Sam> mutt but the setting up of folders just beats me.
Sam> I'd like to
Joost Kooij [debian-user] <17/07/01 21:55 +0200>:
>Just create a valid user with your id, grant priviledges
> to create new databases and then after that you can do most or all things
> as regular user.
First of all, thanks Joost, it now works for the postgres superuser only, not
for other
Could you tell me how-to configure a printer in my debian potato?
What packages Should I install? Are there any doc ?
The Printer is a HP Laser Jet 4050 N
Dave Sherohman wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 12:13:57PM -0500, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
> > Brian, what's been said about CUPS is true, and that's what I use.
> I guess you haven't heard all that's been said about CUPS...
I meant on *this* thread. :-)
> > In any case, any system you us
I am NEW to the world of Linux and Debian
has come higly recommended in Australia for its versatility. I have not tried it
yet and I hope to gain some feedback as to whether Debian is appropriate for new
All the help is appreciated.
Kaushik Prasad.
I am trying to install Real Player, and I have downloaded the package
from real.com. However, as I install the realplayer deb with:
apt-get install realplayer
it crashes after the first dialogue with this message:
dpkg: error processing realplayer (--configure):
subprocess post-installation sc
> Thanks for the heads-up on that one. Unfortunately it's too late
> ;-(, still I can boot from the Compaq configuration floppy ok.
> If you can mail a copy of your lilo.conf that would help a lot.
Forgot that it is on another machine:-)
Here it is; I got rid of some less usefull things to keep i
On Tue, 17 Jul 2001, Craig Dickson wrote:
> > What would be a nice command to remove a dirtory that had files in it?
> rm -rf directory
But if you don't want to spawn a sh.
Check all this as it is off the cuff and I would usually
use backticks or system to do this type of thing.
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 12:16:35PM +0200, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
> hello!
> tcpserver -u 71 -g 65534 0 smtp /usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd &
> this is similar to what i found in the init script:
> sh -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
>--exec /usr/bin/tcpserver -- \
>-S -
> I'm sorry; does the line say boot: smart2.. or boot: linux
> smart2..
boot: linux smart2=0x1000 sim710=addr:0x9000,irq:9
> > However, I don't understand why the on board scsi is not detected
> > with 'compact' floppies. From the kernel_config file:
> I think it has to do with the
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 03:21:11PM +, Hereward Cooper wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running an ATi AGP Rage (pro?) card with a proview monitor, and X 3.3.6.
> Under X my mouse point, rather than being a normally arrow, is now a white
> long and thin rectangular box with a couple of vertical transparent l
"Linuxero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello:
> Could you tell me how-to configure a printer in my debian potato?
> What packages Should I install? Are there any doc ?
> The Printer is a HP Laser Jet 4050 N
> Thanks
Aah. printers and Linux :)
You should read the printing howto for a
Don't think you want to read that..
Thanks for the pointer anyway.
> LILO makes a backup of the boot sector before overwiting, I've been saved
> this before - RTM for a way to restore (I can't remember off-hand). You
> could also co
I'm running an ATi AGP Rage (pro?) card with a proview monitor, and X 3.3.6.
Under X my mouse point, rather than being a normally arrow, is now a white
long and thin rectangular box with a couple of vertical transparent lines
passing through it, and it happens under all window managers. It mo
Is there such thing as a GUI File Manager that any security and safety
consious Debian users would use, as ROOT, to manage a file system (i.e.
move, copy, change permissions) ?? Is it just a better practice to use CLI
w/ suid to make those kind of changes.
Hello fellow debian users,
I wrote a little C-Program that may or may not be ;-) useful for people
like me, that use a system that is a mix of woody and sid packages.
It downloads a list of all available packages from the official
woody and sid archives at http://http.us.debian.org, then it
eh, i almost make myself into looking for 'free SCO'... :)
k h a o s * lamer
new name, new look, new ftp:
linux.dyn.dhs.org (change FOUR letter)
upload something before downloading, or your class C IP banned.
- Original Message -
From: "Frans Schreuder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Raff
Can somebody please tell me all about RAID .
If I set up RAID autodetect on say /dev/hda4 ,
does it destroy data any where ?
Please bring me in perspective ...
On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 12:52:53AM +1000, K.P wrote:
> Hello,
> I am NEW to the world of Linux and Debian has come higly recommended in
> Australia for its versatility. I have not tried it yet and I hope to gain
> some feedback as to whether Debian is appropriate for new users.
I am newbi
Title: Mail Reports
Hi got a few quick questions about exim:
1. Theres a few items in my mailq that I want to remove, how do I delete them?
2. How can I run of reports for mail that has been sent? i.e. produce a report saying x mails have been sent in this time period, or user x has sent
Hi Trev,
Did you ever solve this problem?
Or, did you have to reinstall your Linux system?
Harvey Werner
Title: Help PLEASE!!! -- big ld problem
[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]
"Linuxero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:
> Could you tell me how-to configure a printer in my debian potato?
> What packages Should I install? Are there any doc ?
> The Printer is a HP Laser Jet 4050 N
1) Make sure that your kernel supports the parallel port and printers
on the parallel port.
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 10:43:22AM -0500, Case, Benjamin wrote:
> Is there such thing as a GUI File Manager that any security and safety
> consious Debian users would use, as ROOT, to manage a file system (i.e.
> move, copy, change permissions) ?? Is it just a better practice to use CLI
> w/ suid t
Hi Trev,
In reference to:
and your problem with renaming the Linux loader shared library, I
managed to find the fix to this problem. You see, I too used mv to move
ld-linux.so.2 to ld-linux.so.2.old and from that point on, of course, no
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 04:18:39PM +0100, Paul Rae wrote:
> Hi got a few quick questions about exim:
> 1. Theres a few items in my mailq that I want to remove, how do I delete
> them?
exim -Mrm message-id
> 2. How can I run of reports for mail that has been sent? i.e. produce a
> report say
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 10:55:17AM -0500, Larry W. Irwin Sr. wrote:
> I finally got sound working on my potato box but still have some problems
> with
> it. mpg123 will play an mp3 perfectly but xmms and freeamp produce horribly
> distorted sound. Since mpg123 works properly, it seem
Quoting Joel Mayes on Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 01:04:27AM +1000:
> "Linuxero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hello:
> >
> > Could you tell me how-to configure a printer in my debian potato?
> > What packages Should I install? Are there any doc ?
> > The Printer is a HP Laser Jet 4050 N
> >
> > T
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 08:23:49AM -0700, Harvey Werner wrote:
> Did you ever solve this problem?
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-user-9905/msg00160.html
> Or, did you have to reinstall your Linux system?
If only the symlink is nuked, just boot with a rescue floppy, get
a shell, mount the
What is segmentation error and how do you solve it ?
On Wednesday, July 18, 2001 8:21 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm running an ATi AGP Rage (pro?) card with a proview monitor, and X
> Under X my mouse point, rather than being a normally arrow, is now a white
> long and thin rectangular box with a couple of vertical transparent lines
> pa
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 03:09:20PM +, Victor wrote:
> Joost Kooij [debian-user] <17/07/01 21:55 +0200>:
> >Just create a valid user with your id, grant priviledges
> > to create new databases and then after that you can do most or all things
> > as regular user.
> First of all, thanks
Guenter Millahn schrieb am Mittwoch, dem 18. Juli 2001:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am Mittwoch, dem 18. Juli 2001:
> > have you tried to set the expires meta tag on your pages?
> > Perhaps this will help you.
> >
> > This informs the browser to get the page under all circumstances from the
> > w
On Tuesday 17 July 2001 16:41, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 04:14:48PM -0700, allen wayne best just ramblin in
his amx wrote:
> > > > 'bout the only thing i can say about which ide controller is used is
> > > > that it is built into the motherboard in a hp vectra vl.
> > > >
> > > >
The answer is probably yes, but do the following indicate script-kiddie
probes? They are directed at portmap, lpr, and nmbd. I don't know why the
ones on the smtp port were rejected. The .184 system is my router.
Packet log: input DENY eth0 PROTO=6
Jesper Holmberg wrote:
> I am trying to install Real Player, and I have downloaded the package
> from real.com. However, as I install the realplayer deb with:
> apt-get install realplayer
> it crashes after the first dialogue with this message:
> dpkg: error processing realplayer (--con
> Is there such thing as a GUI File Manager that any
> security and safety consious Debian users would
> use, as ROOT, to manage a file system (i.e. move,
> copy, change permissions) ?? Is it just a better
> practice to use CLI w/ suid to make those kind of
> changes.
If you're referring to gmc's
Paul Rae wrote:
> 2. How can I run of reports for mail that has been sent? i.e. produce a
> report saying x mails have been sent in this time period, or user x has sent
> the following mails, etc
You could install lire and configure it to send you daily reports of exim's
activity, derived f
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 12:54:19PM -0400, Hall Stevenson wrote:
| > Is there such thing as a GUI File Manager that any
| > security and safety consious Debian users would
| > use, as ROOT, to manage a file system (i.e. move,
| > copy, change permissions) ?? Is it just a better
| > practice to use C
router:~# locate \* | wc -l
router:~# updatedb
router:~# locate \* | wc -l
Every night, updatedb runs, and updates, removing something like 21000
files from the locatedb. Looking through the cron.daily, i see updatedb
runs as nobody. Is there a particular danger in running this as ot
On Wednesday 18 July 2001 15:55, Larry W. Irwin Sr. wrote:
> I finally got sound working on my potato box but still have some problems
> with it. mpg123 will play an mp3 perfectly but xmms and freeamp produce
> horribly distorted sound. Since mpg123 works properly, it seems to me that
> I have th
Downloiad the recent version of pine 4.33, APPLY the pathces(check main page
at UW for pine, are somewhere at top.) I found that at least 2 of them must
be applied all.patch and time.patch I think
Run ./build lnx.
If still have problems, identify the file-problem and input at top something
I believe there's a restricted locate, called slocate. Then again, it
looks like it's trying to do the same thing anyways, so that's what's
confusing me.
Fortunately, I have no shell users =)
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001, Robert Waldner wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 13:27:09 EDT, Mike Dresser writes:
On Wed, 18 Jul 2001 13:27:09 EDT, Mike Dresser writes:
>Every night, updatedb runs, and updates, removing something like 21000
>files from the locatedb. Looking through the cron.daily, i see updatedb
>runs as nobody. Is there a particular danger in running this as other
>than nobody?
On multi-u
Hash: SHA1
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> The answer is probably yes, but do the following indicate script-kiddie
> probes? They are directed at portmap, lpr, and nmbd. I don't know why the
> ones on the smtp port were rejected. The
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