On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 05:04:22AM +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 09:28:49AM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
> > 2) like 1, with dselect.
> Dselect will tell you what you will be doing before you do it. Then it
> will do the apt-get thing anyway.
apt-get also tells wha
"Sergio E. Schvezov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi, i'm writing this cause i'm having some trouble with one of those
> cmedia cards (again),
Just FYI, I have a CMIPCI card which works with ALSA like a charm.
Changed the NIC months ago, but noted that the /proc/pci continues to
show the old NIC. Why would this be? How do I correct it?
Kevin C. Smith There are three kinds of men. The one that learns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]by reading. The few who learn by observation. The
Like others said, this is not Debian's fault. Debian only supply
(almost) standard kernel.
But you have answer. If other distros which have natsemi.o use 2.4
kernel, then you can upgrade to 2.4. There is unofficial potato->2.4
upgrade instruction (kernel+binutils) showed up on this list. Do we
Script output (below) is for wp8:
aedes:/opt/wp8/wpbin$ ldd xwp
libXt.so.6 => /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libXt.so.6 (0x4000c000)
libX11.so.6 => /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libX11.so.6 (0x4004f000)
libXpm.so.4 => /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libXp
--- Kevin Stokes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got a newbie problem with DSelect. When I choose 'Select'
> browse
> the packages, there are about 100 things selected to be installed
> that are
> not currently installed, and I don't want. When I try to press the
> '-' key
> to not select
I've used some disks I found on http://bazza.com/debian/reiserhack,
but I am having a lot of trouble getting it to start up correctly.
1. LILO won't install in the boot
2. I have a RAID swap file that it won't recognise
in the install process.
I have two HD's of around 2 Gb ea
hi ya
what does your /etc/raidtab and /etc/ftab and /etc/lilo.conf files
look like
c ya
http://www.Linux-Consulting.com/Raid .. raid stuff ...
-- nmap-based port scan tests
On Sun, 24 Jun 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> OK,
> I'
Script output:
aedes:~$ dpkg -S libXt.so.6
xlib6g: /usr/X11R6/lib/libXt.so.6
xlib6: /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libXt.so.6
xlib6g: /usr/X11R6/lib/libXt.so.6.0
xlib6: /usr/lib/libc5-compat/libXt.so.6.0
You need to instal
How can one download a group of webpages hyperlinked by cgi scripts (rather than
simple hrefs) . Note - wget chokes on this, in the sense it downloads some of
the cgi forms itself, instead of querrying the server and obtaining the page.
there any other program like wget ?
On Sunday 24 June 2001 01:13, Juan spoke wisely:
> After install MySQL sever/client debian packages, is it ready for use? I
> mean, am I have to configure it?
It's immediately ready to use. But you should set at least a admin password
with mysqladmin password , so that not everybody could do
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 01:18:41PM +0800, zhaoway wrote:
> "Sergio E. Schvezov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi, i'm writing this cause i'm having some trouble with one of those
> > cmedia cards (again),
> Just FYI, I have a CMIPCI card which works with ALSA like a charm.
G'day Sergio
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 03:38:46AM +0200, Frans Schreuder wrote:
> Hai.
> I've been trying to get Raid working...
> Now I've made a not that good decision in buying a CompraQ proliant 1000.
> At first it was a hell to get the machine past the bios errors.
> Now I can get in th
who can provide me with an Xconfig-file for this card?
I'm running xfree86 4.0.3-4 as available in the unstable-tree (woody that
If someone also cna tell me how to get the best out of the card under
linux, including video in/out etc, I'd appriciate it.
Andor Demarte
thanks, will try it out
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: wordperfect on linux
> Script output (below) is for wp8:
> #
> aedes:/opt/wp8/wpbin$ ldd xwp
> libXt.so.6
On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 12:06:27AM +0200, Joost Kooij wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 10:52:03PM +0200, Mart van de Wege wrote:
> > I was actually being ironic when I mentioned my 'scant' knowledge. At
> That's okay, because there are many subscribers to debian-user and some
> of them appreciat
I installed smbprint to be able to print to a printer attached to a
windows pc. However it doens't work
Anybody an idea what I did wrong.
I found some doc's on the net.
http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba/chapter/book/ch07_02.html and
First I
I'm running woody and I do have KDE, enlightenment, GNOME and these things on
my system. In kdm I can select what to start. (default, wmaker...)
How do I extend this to have one more entry. And where are the scripts that
are called on starting the new entry?
I just installed 'Woody' on my system but when I try to start X with the 'startx' command, I get an error saying that the command can't be found. What do I have to do to fix this?
Rutgher PruijmGet Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
This message comes using this sources.list
,[ sources.list ]
| # $Id: sources.list,v 1.3 2001/05/24 16:45:07 juh Exp juh $
| # See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy
| # Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
| # CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom
also sprach Kevin C. Smith (on Sun, 24 Jun 2001 12:39:40AM -0500):
> Changed the NIC months ago, but noted that the /proc/pci continues to
> show the old NIC. Why would this be? How do I correct it?
what does it show? many NICs work atop one of the following chipsets,
so two different NICs may we
On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 10:14:26PM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
> apt-get also tells what it's about to do and then asks for a confirm.
> For extra safety, apt-get -s will do a dry (no action) run.
That is true, but it is still not quite the same. For one, apt-get
will make its own choice about what
Hash: SHA1
I got "no config file found" ?
I make /usr/src/linux as a symbolic link to /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.17...
Is that right ?
> I ran into that as well. You need to run 'make-kpkg modules_image' from
> /usr/src/linux instead of from the modules directo
What modules / parameters do I need to install a cd-rom
at io=0x1f0 and interrupt=14?
It's a samsung cd-rw sw-208. Debian Potato started up first thing from the
boot-disk, recognized one cd-rom, recognized the second, then said "there's
nothing at /mnt/cdrom". Loading cd-rom modules at the address
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 12:48:44PM +0200, Rutgher Pruijm uttered:
Don't post in HTML, it's evil and will probably make people ignore you.
You need to install xserver-common and xbase-clients.
That should get down everything you need to run X.
> I just installed 'Woody' on my system but when I try to start X with
> the 'startx' command, I get an error saying that the command can't be
> found. What do I have to do to fix this?
# apt-get install xbase-clients
X is a bit notorious for not wholly surviving the dist-upgrade from
Potato to W
On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 08:29:10PM +0200, Erik van der Meulen wrote:
> I have made a disk set from the Woody tree in order to install on an old
> IBM Aptiva 486DX2. I manage to load the rescue/root/driver disks just
> fine. Next I install my network module without problem and I continue to
> the ne
On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 08:43:56PM -0500, Balbir Thomas wrote:
> hi,
> I keep getting the following error message at boot time:
> modprobe: Note: /etc/modules.conf is more recent than
> /lib/modules/2.4.5/modules.dep
> On other occasions it is insmod that issues the message. I have had this
Which kernel are you using. I have a set of natsemi drivers compiled for
2.2.19 that I can send if they will help.
On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 02:07:04PM -0400, Aaron Traas wrote:
> I can't upgrade to the new kernel because I can't get the new kernel
> because I don't have a network connection.
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 12:05:53PM +1000, Chris Everist wrote:
> I have tried all the possible device options I can think of
> (/dev/ttyS0-4, /dev/mouse) but nothing happens.
Those are not "device options", they're symbolic devices managed by
the kernel and that correspond to some physical periphe
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 08:48:59AM -0400, Stephen Taylor wrote:
> What modules / parameters do I need to install a cd-rom
> at io=0x1f0 and interrupt=14?
Nothing, because it can't. The irq/io are in use by the ide driver.
It in turn will drive your cdrw, by talking atapi words to it (you don't
I seem to have screwed up my system by changing apt-lines from
helix-gnome to sid, and partially de-installing gnome. Now, whenever I
try to apt-get install anything, I get the following. Can anyone help?
aurelius:/home/ocorrain# apt-get install kppp
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependen
On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 11:41:53AM -0500, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> Greetings-
> I'd like to use the nv driver for X 3 (not ready to take the plunge and
> move to 4.x). I'm having trouble finding it - can anyone offer
> advice? (This is what was available for nvidia cards before X 4)
> Thanks.
I remember I had a similar problem, but I don't think it was serious.
I think it was caused by the system clock being converted from GMT to local
time after modprobe checks the timestamps on those files. I fixed my
problem by touching /etc/module.conf back a few hours. I think your problem
Matthias Richter wrote:
> Viktor Rosenfeld wrote on Wed Jun 20, 2001 at 01:00:18AM:
> > I looked at `apt-cache search java`, but I can't find the package I need
> > to install for a Java 1.2 VM. `apt-cache search blackdown` didn't show
> > anything either.
> >
> > Is there such a package i
After doing my regular apt-get update;apt-get -fuy dist-upgrade against
testing, I've managed to completely munge up my perl installation. When apt
gets to updating Debconf, I get the following error:
I 'm having a problem every time when I do a remote connection to a sun box.
Aslong as there is no idle time on my remote connection it works fine.
Once there is a idle time of a few minutes the connection hangs.
And surprice surprice, it's imposilble making an other connection without a
:: Viktor Rosenfeld writes:
>> The woody package of jdk-1.3 works fine with unstable...
>> deb ftp://ftp.informatik.hu-berlin.de/pub/Java/Linux/debian woody non-free
> I just installed the package, and I noticed that Netscape is unable to
> load the java 2 plugin. I don't really need java in net
I have a potato CD which I use to install Debian in my home macines.
Usually I pop in the CD boot off it, install and then use the apt-get
dist-upgrade to upgrade to woody.
Now I want to make one of my machine use ReiserFS. Which is the best way
to get that going. Is their any boot floopies w
On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, Rob Weir wrote:
> After doing my regular apt-get update;apt-get -fuy dist-upgrade against
I think it is wiser to run: apt-get update && apt-get -fuy dist-upgrade
Upgrading will only be done when updating was succesfull
> testing, I've managed to completely munge up m
title says it all, since now i was happy with my setup of qmail, but
more and more hosts are refusing my mails because of the NAT that is
performed somewhere on my subnetwork to add it to the great world of
the provider has a smart relay smtp host, but i didn't found how to get
[Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 08:53:57PM +0530] Rajkumar S. :
> Which is the best way to get that going ? Is their
> any boot floppies which can be used with the potato
> CD so that. []
Download the ReiserFS 'rescue' and 'boot' disks from
this link ie. the Zoltan boot disks.
On Sat, 23 Jun 2001 12:19:51 -0500
ktb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As far as /etc/fetchmailrc being chowned to root. I would think that is
> the
> way it should be. With very few exceptions, in /etc, most are
> root.root.
> I suspect what you could do is cp /etc/fetchmailrc to ~/.fetchmailr
Since I went back from sid to potato (because I wanted to install the
Ximian Gnome Desktop) I have a problem that I can't get a display login
from another machine anymore.
I have set "Enable=true" in the [XDMCP] section of /etc/gdm/gdm.conf
and I have entered the IP address of my other machin
Juan wrote:
After install MySQL sever/client debian packages, is it ready for use?
I mean, am I have to configure it?
Juan José Velázquez Garcia
Web Development
It should be ready to go. You can find a decent little beginner's
tutorial (if you need it) at:
On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 11:15:57PM -0400, Kent Pirkle wrote:
| That worked perfect, thanks!
Good. You're welcome.
Rob Weir wrote:
> debconf: Perl may be unconfigured (Can't modify goto in lvalue subroutine
> return at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Base.pm line 24, near "}"
Upgrade debconf. The version currently in testing should work.
see shy jo
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 12:23:05PM +0200, Mart van de Wege wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Jun 2001 12:19:51 -0500
> ktb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As far as /etc/fetchmailrc being chowned to root. I would think that is
> > the
> > way it should be. With very few exceptions, in /etc, most are
> > ro
On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 11:41:18PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| hey, i have many problems because linux does not support my video card.
| it's an ATI RAGE LT PRO on the PCI of a Compaq Armada M300 at the
| compaq site, it says that this model does not support linux yet.
| but, i have a SuSE
No problems at all. I've been using this package for quite a while.
Best regards,
Philippe Clérié (philippe[a]gcal.net)
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, 23 June, 2001 18:21
Subject: Interbase
> Hi,
On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 08:24:48PM -0500, S.Salman Ahmed wrote:
I haven't bought a laptop before but my inclination is to get the one
that you will use the most. For example if you will mostly be
connected to an ethernet LAN and rarely using the modem directly then
get the ethernet card internal
- Forwarded message from longshot -
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Stop apt-get upgrade from messing with fetchmailrc?
should be able to get the debconf configuration to come up by running
the command 'dpkg -reconfigure -plow fetchmail'.
-- Sorry, I meant
Hi Friends,
I've set up and tailored a wonderful debian 2.2r3 in 1.4 GB of my
laptop. It ticks wonderfully!!
Having a wide free 4GB linux partition on my desktop at home under
SuSE 7.1, to be on the safe side I'd like to back up my debian laptop
connecting the two boxes through ethernet and a cro
Since I switched back from sid to potato and installed the Ximian Gnome
Desktop I often get the following warning message:
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = "en.
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 07:29:40PM +0200, Stefan Bellon wrote:
> Hi!
> Since I switched back from sid to potato and installed the Ximian Gnome
> Desktop I often get the following warning message:
> perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
> perl: warning: Please check that your locale settin
need any and every direction installing potato on imac.
having trouble with configuring usb mouse, xterm (monitor
resolution).. and god knows what next? mostly, looking
for solutions to configuring monitor right now. it's
one of the first imacs - 266mhz, 32 mb ram, 5 gb hd.
has anyone do
Jimmy Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 07:29:40PM +0200, Stefan Bellon wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Since I switched back from sid to potato and installed the Ximian
> > Gnome Desktop I often get the following warning message:
> >
> > perl: warning: Setting locale failed
I've got a big delay when i use man... when i type man i've got to wait
even 10 sec. before anyhing shows up? Any ideas why this happening?
I have the same problem with locale on a perl module I was trying to
install. I posted to this list twice, no response. Someone else posted
about a local problem and someone replied with the same 'locale-gen'
response. locale-gen can not be found on my potato system, so if find the
answer pleas
Hey people.
Currently, in terminal mode without X running, the top half of all of my
'a' characters is missing. I'm confused. What could cause this??
Michael P. Soulier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not necessarily a
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 03:08:28AM -0500, Balbir Thomas wrote:
> How can one download a group of webpages hyperlinked by cgi scripts (rather
> than
> simple hrefs) . Note - wget chokes on this, in the sense it downloads some of
> the cgi forms itself, instead of querrying the server and obtaining
'Iggy' wrote:
> David> Boot from your rescue floppy, mount your / partition as /mnt,
> David> and change root's password to * (no password).
> No: * means account disabled. Remove everything between the first and
> second colon to log in without a password.
Whoa! Thanks for catching that. Mu
Joost wrote:
> I use vim as an editor to write mail. Before I commit the message,
> I jump to the top of the first paragraph and type:
> !}fmt
> Then a couple of times '}.' to do the same to the other paragraphs.
> Maybe you should try that too, it is easier to read for others IMHO.
> It
Krst wrote:
> I've got a big delay when i use man... when i type man i've got to wait
> even 10 sec. before anyhing shows up? Any ideas why this happening?
If you are updating man files, reindexing can occur when the
1st man command happens...
Lo, on Friday, June 22, Britton did write:
> I know for example that meta x is described as "\M-x". How is tab
> described, or how can I find out for a general key. I'm not seeing it in
> the docs.
I'm a bit confused: are you asking how to represent a particular keypress
within elisp code (a
I can not get into my 'user' account any longer only root password is
working..i just finished using the passwd command successfully but it
won't accept any password i use for this particular 'user'.
is there an "X" version of this for debian? not that it should matter
gui/manual but ...?
proudly I bought Creative's sound blaster platinum 5.1 (emu10k1) with
Digital desktop theatre DTT 2200. This combination should give me dolby
digital surround sound with five speakers and a bass.
First question: which module is recommended to use? OSS module from 2.4.4,
the module from op
okay thanks much for info about mouse ie: /dev/psaux..
guaranteed I'll remember that one :) ..
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 11:57:50AM +0200, Jeroen Valcke wrote:
> I installed smbprint to be able to print to a printer attached to a
> windows pc. However it doens't work
> Anybody an idea what I did wrong.
Well I've said this before, the mistake is to have the printer attached
to the windows mach
> > I've got a big delay when i use man... when i type man i've got to wait
> > even 10 sec. before anyhing shows up? Any ideas why this happening?
> If you are updating man files, reindexing can occur when the
> 1st man command happens...
Yes, but it occurs every time i run man... :(
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 04:40:02AM -0700, root wrote:
[snip "root can login, but why can user not?"]
rm /etc/nologin
man 1 login
Sylpheed doesn't seem to want to include your original post in the reply,
so apologies if this is a little disjointed.
Since the /etc/pcmcia/network script starts as root, it would be a minor
change to just add a 'su fetchmail -c ' instead
of starting fetchmail as root outright? Does this ret
Can I mount a remote Windows drive? How?
For example I have a machine running Windows IP number Can I
mount Windows drive D: via LAN?
Juan José Velázquez Garcia
Web Development
Greetings all,
I'm totally new to the list, and I'm not even running Debian yet, but I have
an idea that I'd like to bounce off the group:
Consider that one of the major reasons that people don't use any operating
system besides windows is because they need to *install* it. Most machines
Thanx; I edited raidtab according to yours.
cfdisked again to make the partitions logical.
Did not work. I shrunken them to 5Gb; that didn't do anything eiter.
Frans Schreuder.
- Original Message -
From: "Thomas Zimmerman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Frans Schreuder" <[EMAIL PROTECTE
> Thanx; I edited raidtab according to yours.
> cfdisked again to make the partitions logical.
> Did not work. I shrunken them to 5Gb; that didn't do anything eiter.
> Regards
> Frans Schreuder.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Thomas Zimmerman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Frans Schreud
> Still doesn't
> - Original Message -
> From: "A. Wrasman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 11:01 AM
> Subject: Re: Compaq Proliant?? Does not see SCSI-disks
>>On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 03:38:46AM +0200, Frans Schreuder wrote:
>> Hai.
>> I've be
On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 09:07:11PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > I've got a big delay when i use man... when i type man i've got to wait
> > > even 10 sec. before anyhing shows up? Any ideas why this happening?
> >
> > If you are updating man files, reindexing can occur when the
> >
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 12:24:10PM -0700, Jack Pryne wrote:
> One last thing: I'm open to suggestions for naming such a P2P client.
> Something which expresses community support and freedom from technical
> issues...
Since you're asking:
Debian/GNU Bob
"Now you can put the stark fist of remo
On 22.06.01 at 16:16 Antonio Alberto Lobato wrote:
> Thank you very much for the hint, but it`s not what I want. I
>would like to read something how " Hardware is the phisical part of
>computer... BUS is the ... ISA is the x type of BUS... Chipset is a
>whole of chips on the mothermoard t
I have Debian unstable set up with KDM and KDE2 to dual-boot with a WindowsMe
system. My problem is that each time I boot to Debian, I have to readjust my
monitor's settings because the screen is all bent out of shape. Any idea why
it keeps resetting? It never does that when I go back to Windows
This is horrible!!!
try this new slogan:
"Debian Install: Windows 9x required. Please contact Micrsoft and PAY
to get your free software running"
- Original Message -
From: Jack Pryne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 10:38 PM
Hash: SHA1
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> Hi All,
> I'm looking for a telnet client for windows 9x that provides me with:
> 1. Properly working keyboard (including F1 to F10)
> 2. SSL (would be a BIG BIG plus)
> 3. Color (well,
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 09:51:34PM +0200, Marcus wrote:
> On 22.06.01 at 16:16 Antonio Alberto Lobato wrote:
> > Thank you very much for the hint, but it`s not what I want. I
> >would like to read something how " Hardware is the phisical part of
> the
> >computer... BUS is the ... ISA is the x
:: nico de haer writes:
> Hi All,
> I'm looking for a telnet client for windows 9x that provides me with:
> 1. Properly working keyboard (including F1 to F10)
> 2. SSL (would be a BIG BIG plus)
> 3. Color (well, eugm.. would-be-nice)
> Does anyone have a good idea? (prefferably in the form of an
Do you mean pre-install Debian? That would be great! But it's still a ways
off. Besides, we still need to convert the helpless masses of existing
Win-doze users who are afraid to even *try* to install a new OS, even if it
is more powerful and free.
This was also one of my problems and i solved it (or i worked arround it) I
run Windows and XWindow in different resolutions. My monitor can 'remember'
14 different settings at the same time.
May-B this works for you 2. If all fails, remove Windows ;P
Nico de Haer
- Original Me
No, Windows was just an example of an OS that people might want to migrate
*away* from. There's no reason why someone running Linux, indeed Debian,
could not run the same application. Even existing users of Debian could
benefit from this by getting support from the community. More vital is the
This can be done using mount. I am not sure how secure this is. It doesn't
seem very secure since the username and password are listed, maybe there is a
better way.
mount -t smbfs -o
Hello again,
I would like to run a very old dos application (I know what am I thinking)
So I installed the dosemu package.
Trouble is the 'dosemu' command isn't on the system. Nowhere can I find an
executable 'dosemu'. I should be installed. I followed the notes from
'Running Linux' after running
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 09:17:11PM +0200, Mart van de Wege wrote:
> Hmm,
> Sylpheed doesn't seem to want to include your original post in the reply,
> so apologies if this is a little disjointed.
> Since the /etc/pcmcia/network script starts as root, it would be a minor
> change to just add a 's
On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, nico de haer wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm looking for a telnet client for windows 9x that provides me with:
> 1. Properly working keyboard (including F1 to F10)
> 2. SSL (would be a BIG BIG plus)
> 3. Color (well, eugm.. would-be-nice)
Go putty. Lots of options.
Thanks for pointing out that omission in my initial post, Nico. I had
intended this system to be installed on a system already running some kind
of OS. One of the major benefits of this system is that a windows user
could, theoretically, download the P2P app, run it, and sit back while it
Thanks for your feedback, Brad,
I'm glad you mention this. My theory is that this system could run
self-diagnostics to determine, to whatever degree, what make/model of
hardware it is working on. In cases where the exact model could not be
determined, whatever info can be gleaned would compris
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 11:19:27PM +0200, Jeroen Valcke wrote:
> Hello again,
> I would like to run a very old dos application (I know what am I thinking)
> So I installed the dosemu package.
> Trouble is the 'dosemu' command isn't on the system. Nowhere can I find an
> executable 'dosemu'. I sh
Jeroen Valcke wrote:
> I would like to run a very old dos application (I know what am I thinking)
> So I installed the dosemu package.
> Trouble is the 'dosemu' command isn't on the system. Nowhere can I find an
> executable 'dosemu'. I should be installed. I followed the notes from
> 'Running Li
Joost Kooij wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 04:40:02AM -0700, root wrote:
> [snip "root can login, but why can user not?"]
> Try:
> rm /etc/nologin
> man 1 login
> Cheers,
> Joost
whala and thanks much
Hi All,
I'm looking for a telnet client for windows 9x that provides me with:
1. Properly working keyboard (including F1 to F10)
2. SSL (would be a BIG BIG plus)
3. Color (well, eugm.. would-be-nice)
Does anyone have a good idea? (prefferably in the form of an URL..)
Nico de Haer
Share the drive under windows, and use samba (the smbmount part) to mount it
somewhere on your Linux system. One warning: un-mount the share *before* you
turn off your windows box or before it *crashes* Linux doesn't like mounts
to go without saying bye.
For syntax and stuff (i love this par
On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Juan wrote:
> Hi,
> Can I mount a remote Windows drive? How?
> For example I have a machine running Windows IP number Can I
> mount Windows drive D: via LAN?
I have read that it is possible. Try SAMBA.
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