I've just finished recompiling the kernel for the first time ever.
Unfortunately, I've probably done something wrong, because I can't reboot
the system. The story goes like this:
When I tried booting my new kernel everything seemed to be going well, at
first. The kernel was uncompressed
I don't know what is going on here. I've been looking though the
archives but can't find what I'm looking for yet.
Netscape wouldn't load, java crap I think. To make a long story short
even a reboot wouldn't allow me to use Netscape. Decided to reinstall.
Purged all communicator and netscape
I have a dual boot Pentium III system with Windoze 98 on hda (vfat fs)
and Debian unstable on hdb (e2fs). I mount hda with the following line
in /etc/fstab:
/dev/hda1 /windowsvfatrw,uid=0,gid=100,umask=0
0 0
My wife's email is popped from our ppp down to a file on the vfa
On Wednesday 21 March 2001 22:09, ktb wrote:
> I don't know what is going on here. I've been looking though the
> archives but can't find what I'm looking for yet.
> Netscape wouldn't load, java crap I think. To make a long story short
> even a reboot wouldn't allow me to use Netscape. Decided
permission related
On Wednesday 21 March 2001 22:27, Timothy J. Ford wrote:
> I have a dual boot Pentium III system with Windoze 98 on hda (vfat fs)
> and Debian unstable on hdb (e2fs). I mount hda with the following line
> in /etc/fstab:
> /dev/hda1 /windowsvfatrw,uid=0,gid=
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 07:10:03PM -0800, Alexander Poquet wrote:
> > ls -a | grep ".c$"
> This is silly, of course, but if you want to be rigorous about it you
> probably should do 'ls -a | grep "\\.c$"' because grep (unlike the shell)
> uses proper regex syntax -- in which '.' is a special cha
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 10:31:00PM -0800, Nick wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 March 2001 22:09, ktb wrote:
> > I don't know what is going on here. I've been looking though the
> > archives but can't find what I'm looking for yet.
> >
> > Netscape wouldn't load, java crap I think. To make a long story s
You should have /usr/bin/X11/communicator, which is a symlink to
/etc/alternatives/communicator, which is a script that will run netscape or
mozilla depending on the situation. I just discovered that this morning and
haven't had the time to dig thru to find the binary to run for netscape, but
I just could not find command nslookup in my Debian box.
Would you please tell me which package includes nslookup?
Thanks in advance!
ICQ: 112481039
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 09:55:57PM -, Chris Howells wrote:
> From: Jonathan Markevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Were there any changes to files that are necessary to support loopback
> > mounts in 2.4? I have one iso image that I mount as a drive for Wine, and
> > whenever I try to mount it,
nslookup is part of the package dnsutils if i remember correctly
if not just type in
apt-cache search nslookup
should bring up the package name and what to install
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 5:55 PM
Subject: Where is nslookup
> Hi,
Jim Richardson wrote:
> Take the time and learn graffiti, it's fast, and accurate. Most of the
> handwriting recog programs suck, they are either too slow, or
It's what I wanted to know, thanks.
> the older IIIX(E) series, the new m100 is smaller) If all you are going
> to do is take notes, th
Jonathan Markevich wrote:
> I have a Palm and it's awesome with Linux, provided you get the right tools.
> jpilot is very good, and the mail plugin works 95% (you have to manually
> delete sent items).
Which model and if you use email, then do you have to purchase any
> minutes), but
> (www.agendacomputing.com and dev.agendacomputing.com). I find it
> quite usable for note taking if I use the on-screen keyboard instead
> of the hand writing recognition, which needs more work.
Ok, thanks. I'll pop on the site and have a look.
> The nice thing about
>if not just type in
>apt-cache search nslookup
>should bring up the package name and what to install
>> I just could not find command nslookup in my Debian box.
>> Would you please tell me which package includes nslookup?
>> Thanks in advance!
A very convenient way to find out what package a gi
On Thu, 22 Mar 2001 07:59:40 +0100, Jonathan Gift writes:
>The Palm comes with a keyboard?
No, but you can purchase an add-on keyboard, which IMHO is *quite*
worth the bucks if you´re gonna type more than the occasional note.
/ Ing. Robert Waldner | Network Engineer | T: +43 1
effigy> nslookup is part of the package dnsutils if i remember correctly
Yes, it is.
effigy> if not just type in
effigy> apt-cache search nslookup
It gives "ptknettools - A selection of Internet service clients written in
Thanks a lot.
ICQ: 1124810
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 11:00:52AM +, Max Lock wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Can anyone post me a working X4.0.2 XF86Config file, I've put mine
this is my XF86Config-4, remember to change the VertRefresh and
HorizSync to your needs. I use startx -- +xinerama to start the X Server
hope this
Any advice on documentation or where to look for documentation about
setting up a printer in debian? I've got an O'Riely book and the debian
web page doesn't seem to have a talk about setting up a printer where it's
easy to find. Can any one point me in the right direction?
Eric Cheney
People on this list wrote about backup-scripts for CD-RWs. I want to
setup such a solution for my 2-Box-Home-Network. Is there any
preconfigured debian-way to do this?
I had a look at some scripts on freahmeat such as
hi ya jan...
unfortunately i do not have any useful comment for you
but thanx for the nice list...
personally... i like compressed backupsto save space/media...
c ya
-- my only other comment... todaya secretary type dis some work at
home...made a cdrom with (microsoft-base
on Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 05:54:58PM -0500, Mark Livingstone ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> i'm running a small network.. my gateway is (or 24.x.x.x
> resolved to blah.com). i also have few clients as,3,4
> question is: how do i send mail to those clients? they all are
> co
I don't know how to fix this but my computer doesn't seem to
have any serial ports.. I have read in the man pages that using
setserial without any arguments should display the serial ports that
I have but it gives me nothing..using a specific command like
setserial /dev/ttyS0 tells me that
on Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 08:08:15AM +0100, Robert Waldner ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> >if not just type in
> >apt-cache search nslookup
> >should bring up the package name and what to install
> >
> >> I just could not find command nslookup in my Debian box.
> >> Would you please tell me which pack
on Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 01:51:37AM +0200, Shaul Karl ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I do not understand why does apt-get want to remove many packages.
> Will I have to reinstall them?
> apt-get dist-upgrade -sq
> Reading Package Lists...
> Building Dependency Tree...
> The following packages
on Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 08:55:06PM -0500, Stan Brown ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Do I still need the TrueType Font server xfst, with XFree86 4?
No. Particularly not if your TT fonts are working without them. You
*can* use an external font server (I think), but certainly don't *have*
Loop is broken in kernel 2.4.2.
On mer, 21 mar 2001 18:54:50 Jonathan Markevich wrote:
> Were there any changes to files that are necessary to support loopback
> mounts in 2.4? I have one iso image that I mount as a drive for Wine, and
> whenever I try to mount it, it hangs pretty so
it looks like some packages are dependant on debconf-tiny, which
coflicts with debconf and therefore debconf is about to be uninstalled.
Of course, a lot of packages depend on debconf so they are to be
uninstalled as well.
bug? where? is this recently introduced problem? I don't remember
Hi dude
just try porsentry, it's a nice scan detector
but be carefull: if you use portsentry and nmap your owncomputer, you'll find
numerous ports open you don't use the services as portsentry watch many ports
by default
have fun
On Thursday 22 March 2001 01:35, Lars Jensen wrote:
> How do
Hi List,
Ich have a problem printing from a Windows machine to a Samba-server running
CUPS as printer daemon.
The printer connected is a "HP LaserJet 4".
CUPS accepts the printjob from the NT machine, and knows what filters to
But then CUPS says in the webinterface, that the job was aborted
are there any tools/hints/recommendationshow to adminstrate a pool of
At the moment we have connected stand-alone-systems sharing some
resources via nfs and nis. From a users view this is O.K. but from
administrators view it is not. Package-installations/upgrades and
I've the same problem! Coming from RedHat with its magic "printtool" I'm
somewhat distressed about setting up a printer under Debian (e.g. epson 640
stylus color, which is surely supported).
Please help the both of us
On Thursday 22 March 2001 07:58, Eric R Cheney wrote:
> Any advice on
"Bernhard Wesely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi List,
> Ich have a problem printing from a Windows machine to a Samba-server running
> CUPS as printer daemon.
> The printer connected is a "HP LaserJet 4".
> CUPS accepts the printjob from the NT machine, and knows what filters to
> apply.
> B
>:-( Canon is NOT linux-friendly, they got me crying for hours when i
>out my Brand new D660U scanner is and WILL not be supported by Linux
>canon won't support such incredibly ludicrous software
That's sad. But my printer happens to be well supported, even though
Canon probably
Once I've installed a new-brand potato 2.2r2 from CDs, I'd like to rebuild
the 2.2.18pre21 kernel.
I know that I can dpkg the source kernel from my CDs and
then configure and compile it but you know in this case -if you use "make
menuconfig" - Debian proposes a very basic standard configuratio
- this is not a personal remark but a vented frustration -
I've mentioned this many times before but it doesn't seem to trickle thru
into 'that one thing to do'. Debian Linux has some excellent howto's and
readme's wich will get you thru 99.5% of all your installation and
configuration trouble. It
Great, let me know if someone gets the D660U or compatible scanners to work
with Linux.
-Original Message-
From: Robert Voigt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 22 maart 2001 11:28
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: RE: Problem with printer Canon BJC 4300
>:-( Canon is NOT
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 08:13:22PM -0800, Eric G. Miller wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 06:53:38PM -0800, Alexander Poquet wrote:
> > Hi folks.
> >
> > I have a rather large collection of MP3s that I burned onto CDs using my
> > step-brother's burner, which is on a Windows box. I burned it on u
Hallo Victor!
Am Don, 22 Mär 2001, schrieb Victor:
> I've the same problem! Coming from RedHat with its magic "printtool"
> I'm somewhat distressed about setting up a printer under Debian
> (e.g. epson 640 stylus color, which is surely supported). Please
> help the both of us Vittorio
I've done
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 12:52:28AM -0800, jdls wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know how to fix this but my computer doesn't seem to
> have any serial ports.. I have read in the man pages that using
> setserial without any arguments should display the serial ports that
> I have but it gives me nothing
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 11:27:47AM +, Victor wrote:
> Once I've installed a new-brand potato 2.2r2 from CDs, I'd like to rebuild
> the 2.2.18pre21 kernel.
> I know that I can dpkg the source kernel from my CDs and
> then configure and compile it but you know in this case -if you use "make
This is of interest to me as well.
We have set up a couple of laboratories, and maintain their setup by
configuring one machine, then uploading a tar images of the bits of it to a
server, and downloading the image to all the other machines. I have modified a
Debian rescue disk, so that only two fl
I try to launch Netscape Communicator from GNOME
and displays this error message:
/dev/dsp not found.
What´s that device used for? How can I "mount"
Thanks in Advance. Yope
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 12:49:49PM +0100, Alberto Garc?a wrote:
> I try to launch Netscape Communicator from GNOME and displays this error
> message:
> /dev/dsp not found.
> What?s that device used for? How can I "mount" it?
> Thanks in Advance. Yope
It's the sound device. If no sound driver is lo
I will be very, very greatfull for your help. I'am newbie and I have big
trouble (big for me of course). I would also apologize for my english. I'am
from Poland and english isn't my nativ language. Here is some kind of map.
It should illustrate my problem.
I'm getting a new harddisk for my laptop soon, and I'd like to try
installing Debian on reiserfs on it. I was thinking of doing it like
- install debian on 'spare' partition (by CD's)
- compile kernel 2.2.17
- get pcmcia/airo drivers from floppy and install
- download 2.4.2 kernel
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 01:19:06PM +0100, Mateusz Mazur wrote:
> Hello.
> I will be very, very greatfull for your help. I'am newbie and I have big
> trouble (big for me of course). I would also apologize for my english. I'am
> from Poland and english isn't my nativ language. Here is some kind of ma
I installed 2.2 and upgraded to the 2.4 kernel. I configured my sound card
in the kernel and it works fine with real audio and XMMS. Problem is when I
put a cd in the cdrom drive and execute Gnome CD player, I get the following
error message:
Error accessing cdrom device
Please check to make sure c
i've posted on this in the past, there is an open-source project that is
very good, can't remember the name really.
Maybe someone on the list does ?
-Original Message-
From: Dave Whiteley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 22 maart 2001 12:18
To: M G Berberich
I have troubles with dselect/dpkg since I started an update of my Linux
Box running Debian woody. This problem can be focused to the
post-installation --configure process:
dpkg complains:
"Can't locate object method "value" via package "Debconf::Question" at
Casper, et. al.:
Sorry I got distracted from this thread.
If I am understanding this lilo.conf properly, I have a question and would
appreciate comments on my rough plan to install, to see if I am missing
something or if it should work. TIA for the help.
(1) When the lilo.conf points to /dev
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 11:52:28PM -0700, Jason Majors wrote:
> You should have /usr/bin/X11/communicator, which is a symlink to
> /etc/alternatives/communicator, which is a script that will run netscape or
> mozilla depending on the situation. I just discovered that this morning and
> haven't had
Hi to everyone!
Does anyone know what is wrong with http://security.debian.org? Why it is
so slow? I am trying to do a dist-upgrade since the last two days and the
process almost stops at this site... :(
Marcelo Chiapparini
There is no particular order for installing any windows / linux config. BUT
... (taratatata)
If you install Linux first and have installed LILO into the MBR (i believe
any) windows installation later on will simply clear the MBR so you'll be
unable to boot into Linux but you system will default bo
Yes, I've done the adduser (myusername) cdrom.
Alson van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 04:45:57AM -0800, Dale Morris wrote:
> > I installed 2.2 and upgraded to the 2.4 kernel. I configured my sound card
> > in the kernel and it works fine with real audio and XMMS. P
(If it matters, I'm using xemacs 21).
I want to define a function key to run a macro.
I can do it within a session:
ESC x global-set-key RET eif-indent-buffer RET
but I can't get it to work in the initialisation file ~/.emacs:
(defalias 'eif-indent-buffer (read-kbd-macro
"ESC x mark- whole
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 06:53:38PM -0800, Alexander Poquet wrote:
> > Hi folks.
> >
> > I have a rather large collection of MP3s that I burned onto CDs
using my
> > step-brother's burner, which is on a Windows box. I burned it on
> > the DirectCD system. Anyway, I compiled Joliet extensio
>are there any tools/hints/recommendationshow to adminstrate a pool of
>At the moment we have connected stand-alone-systems sharing some
>resources via nfs and nis. From a users view this is O.K. but from
>administrators view it is not. Package-installations/upgrades and
In Wed, 21 Mar 2001 02:53:55 Darryl cum veritate scripsit :
You might be better off to ask this question in
Try the package
Details of how to set up is rather involved, but see the
README.Debian files, and if there is anything u
Although I can't tell you what went wrong, don't reinstall yet. Using a
windows machine, head over to tomsrtbt:
There is a version to install from windows.
With tomsrtbt, you will be able to mount your original root partition and
fix the problem.
Gil Elad wrote:
Just to throw a spanner clean into the works on this issue, I have
Windows 2000 pro and linux dual booting here on my machine. I had debian
set up, did the 2000 install, and it never even touched the bootloader.
Even to the point of when the install was finished, I even had lilo
still intact and fu
> just try porsentry, it's a nice scan detector
> but be carefull: if you use portsentry and nmap your owncomputer,
> you'll find
> numerous ports open you don't use the services as portsentry
> watch many ports
> On Thursday 22 March 2001 01:35, Lars Jensen wrote:
> > How do I check if someone i
I am having difficulty getting my modem to communicate correctly with my
ISP. The problem is that once connected I do not get a route or gateway that
allows access to the Internet. All pings return network unreachable errors.
The ppp0 interface shows appropriate local and remote IPs indicating cor
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 08:31:53AM -0600, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
> > just try porsentry, it's a nice scan detector
> > but be carefull: if you use portsentry and nmap your owncomputer,
> > you'll find
> > numerous ports open you don't use the services as portsentry
> > watch many ports
> >
> > O
If you manually add a route to the gateway on your subnet of the ip address
your assigned, use a x.x.x.1 address, does it work?
> I am having difficulty getting my modem to communicate
> correctly with my
> ISP. The problem is that once connected I do not get a route
> or gateway that
> a
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 08:31:53AM -0600, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
> You may also want to try iplogger. Not only will this show ALL the ports in
> use, not just the ones you select in portsentry. Also, portsentry actually
> listens on those ports it is monitoring, so if you nmap yourself for
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 10:25:06AM -0300, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
> Does anyone know what is wrong with http://security.debian.org? Why it is
> so slow? I am trying to do a dist-upgrade since the last two days and the
> process almost stops at this site... :(
Well, it could be that you're i
"Noah L. Meyerhans" wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 08:31:53AM -0600, Brooks R. Robinson wrote:
> > You may also want to try iplogger. Not only will this show ALL the ports in
> > use, not just the ones you select in portsentry. Also, portsentry actually
> > listens on those ports it is
Right now wvdial is messed up in testing and everytime I install something
else or do a dist-upgrade it asks me the four configuration questions for
the package. How can I get it back to only asking the questions the first
time? Thanks!
Ben Pharr
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 10:50:07AM +0100, M G Berberich wrote:
> At the moment we have connected stand-alone-systems sharing some
> resources via nfs and nis. From a users view this is O.K. but from
> administrators view it is not. Package-installations/upgrades and
> configuration has to be done o
On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 01:43:34PM +, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> What should I put for ?
Now, to tell you where I've read that...
What is 'pool'? The Debian FAQ refers to doc/, project/, tools, etc.
but makes no mention of pool/. I've searched the debian-user archive
for 'pool', and only found incidental reference to it.
Ron Peterson
Network & Systems Manager
Mount Holyoke College
GPG and other info at http://www.mthol
Quoting Ron Peterson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Debian FAQ item 7.2 says that "The kernel (filesystem) in Debian
> GNU/Linux systems supports replacing files even while they're being
> used."
> How is this accomplished?
When you, say, run a program called fred, the OS finds the inode
for the file f
Lo, on Wednesday, March 21, Stan Brown did write:
> On Wed Mar 21 22:13:32 2001 Richard C. Cobbe wrote...
> >
> >Lo, on Wednesday, March 21, Stan Brown did write:
> >
> >[reformatted for 80 cols]
> >
> >> How can I set up X properly so that the fonts are displayed in the proper
> >> (eg 1/72 inch
The default gateway on my subnet uses a x.x.x.2 address, and after I
manually added it there was still no joy.
John Davidson
- Original Message -
From: "Jason P. Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 9:36 AM
Subject: RE: ppp configuration problem
> If you manu
Lo, on Thursday, March 22, Oliver Elphick did write:
> (If it matters, I'm using xemacs 21).
> I want to define a function key to run a macro.
> I can do it within a session:
> ESC x global-set-key RET eif-indent-buffer RET
> but I can't get it to work in the initialisation file ~/
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 07:10:03PM -0800, Alexander Poquet wrote:
> Apropos, I have a question: frequently I am in a directory (such as /dev,
> for example) which has more stuff in it than I can see in one screenful.
> Normally I pipe it through less, but am bothered by the 'one file per
> line
Oliver Elphick wrote:
> (If it matters, I'm using xemacs 21).
> I want to define a function key to run a macro.
> I can do it within a session:
> ESC x global-set-key RET eif-indent-buffer RET
> but I can't get it to work in the initialisation file ~/.emacs:
> (defalias 'eif-in
Rick Commo wrote:
> Time to go to the well (debian-user) again!
> A couple of weeks ago I decided that Debian would be my distro of choice.
> It's been a struggle but a rewarding one so far. Had a "simple" install
> that was sorta broken (WindowMaker was scrawed) but now have it going. Did
On 2001-03-21 21:42:32, Nuhn Yobiznez wrote:
> Have you looked in your /var/log/XFree86.log to see if
> it is enabling DRI?
I have a couple of DRI lines:
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DRI
(II) MGA(0): Offscreen memory usage will be limited to 512 lines if the DRI is
> What kernel are
Hash: SHA1
I installed libapache-mod-ssl on an up-to-date unstable system this
morning. I followed the instructions in libapache-mod-ssl-doc (I
think), but mod-ssl won't load.
I get this error message:
- ---
Syntax error on line 242 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
/usr/bin/X11/communicator is not the binary, but is a symlink to
/etc/alternatives/communicator, which is a symlink to
/usr/lib/netscape/476/communicator/communicator-smotif, which is a
symlink to /usr/lib/netscape/base-4/wrapper, which is a script which
does a bunch of things, including figuring o
Sorry, that should have been private mail.
Allan M. Wind email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022 finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022
Description: PGP signature
I try to view an html-attachment using mutt. After pressing "v" and
choosing the file netscape comes up. Netscape says "no such file or
directory" or something like that. Sometimes it works. Mutt seems
to copy the attached file to /tmp, start netscape and then delete the
file before ne
On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 06:40:31PM -0800, Nick wrote:
> Doesn't do it.
> Still get the unknown host message from my client machines
> Can only reach hosts through IP address directly
> I need something else on my gateway...
> qqq Up-to-date Optional packages in section net
Further investigation reveals that I am experiencing a conflict betweent
'interfaces' and 'pppd'. At least this is what prevents the default gateway
being added. My ISP does not use PAP or CHAP, so I must use a chatscript
with option noauth. However I have an eth0 interface with its own gateway to
Lo, on Thursday, March 22, Oliver Elphick did write:
> "Richard C. Cobbe" wrote:
> >Lo, on Thursday, March 22, Oliver Elphick did write:
> >
> >> (If it matters, I'm using xemacs 21).
> >>
> >> I want to define a function key to run a macro.
> >>
> >> I can do it within a session:
My printer is only printing numbers, always the same. I did a strace lpr
file and I don't understand the messages, but I think that there is a
problem with printing.
My other problem is that I am writing this mail from my computer at the
university and I don't manage to transfer the file with the
"Richard C. Cobbe" wrote:
>Lo, on Thursday, March 22, Oliver Elphick did write:
>> (If it matters, I'm using xemacs 21).
>> I want to define a function key to run a macro.
>> I can do it within a session:
>> ESC x global-set-key RET eif-indent-buffer RET
Tristan wrote:
> I use Sid with kernel2.2.19 and configured my soundcard as a module. When i
> use
> modconf to install it, it gave me a default value to enter: io=0x220
> irq=5 dma=1 mpu_io=0x330, but my soundcard is using irq 7, so i changed
> it and then installed it, but i recieved the foll
I have a computer at home that myself and my wife use, I would like to set it
up for her to be able to log in and
email/surf using Japanese fonts. I know it's possible, but I was looking for
suggestions from someone using a
similiar setup. In the past I've used the jamondo program for Win
Ron Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>What is 'pool'? The Debian FAQ refers to doc/, project/, tools, etc.
>but makes no mention of pool/.
I've submitted a FAQ update for this. See
>I've searched the debian-user archive for 'pool', and only found
>incidental ref
It's Fixed!
Thanks to Martin Würtele for a copy of a valid XF86Config-4 file I was
missing the screen entry in the device sections.
(I'm now playing dual-head yippee!)
-Thanks Max
Max Lock, Linux Systems Administrator, TELE2 uk.
Linux like wigwam. No windows, no gates, Apache inside
kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
>on Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 08:08:15AM +0100, Robert Waldner
>> A very convenient way to find out what package a given file belongs to
>> is via http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages ("Search Contents of
>> Latest Release").
>An even more
I used the latest CD's for an install, but seems to be a minimalist
Where can I find doco on adding networking ?
I want to install ssh in my potato box. However there is a bunch of packages
related with ssh in stable. So:
1) What package should I install?
2) I am in Brazil. Should I use the non-us site in order to apt-get the package?
Marcelo Chiapparini
In my Debian Distro's I didn't see any Thai Fonts
available - did I miss them? John
I have installed the gdm. But I need, temporaly, to boot into a prompt without
running X windows. How can I do it?
Marcelo Chiapparini
John Davidson writes:
> However I have an eth0 interface with its own gateway to the rest of my
> internal network.
You almost certainly don't need a default route to your internal network.
> All of this is to sya that I can now make it set the route correctly, but
> I am still unable to ping any
i belive apt-get install ssh will install openssh for you, which is what
you'll want.
Forrest English
"When we have nothing left to give
There will be no reason for us to live
But when we have nothing left to lose
You will have nothing left to use"
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