Re: X Window Manager

2001-01-10 Thread Kenward Vaughan
On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 12:36:52PM -0600, Lance Simmons wrote: > On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 12:51:32PM -0500, cdryburgh asked about window > managers. Here's my suggestion: > > No question in my mind: uwm. It has the best interface I've ever used. > You can perform any operation on any window by clic

Odd Restart

2001-01-10 Thread Benjamin Pharr
I have just installed Debian 2.2r2 on my desktop and I other than configuring LILO and installing the 2.4.0 kernel on it I have done nothing. It boots up just fine, but if I let it sit there after booting up it will restart, not reboot, itself. It causes fs corruption and when it gets to the

Re: OT: X window-managers

2001-01-10 Thread ktb
On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 11:47:28AM -0800, Xucaen wrote: > Hi all. I'm curious.. > I installed X for the first(?) time last weekend > and I installed FVWM. I had heard about Gnome, > but decided not to use it because I wanted > something fast and small. Now I'm wondering, what > are the advantages

Re: Whirl logo instead of Tux

2001-01-10 Thread Mircea Luca
Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote: > > I'm trying to make sense of this thread, but I guess I'm too dense: exactly > when > would this boot logo show up? > > 1) post LILO but pre kernel load? > 2) post kernel load but pre init? > 3) Is it used as a background picture for xdm or gdm? > > FWIW, I've ne

Re: When was /dev/gpmdata put into use??

2001-01-10 Thread John Foster
Carel Fellinger wrote: > Maybe someone should have a look if this bug is already reported. > So install libgpm-dev and do "apt-get -b source mc" and you should > be in business again. Thanks folks; for the tips & also for helping me figur

X no mouse cursor

2001-01-10 Thread hammack
Hardware:  PII 266 mhz 64MB, 2MB on Diamond, kensington TB (PS/2) OS: Linux 2.2.17 pre10 i686 [ELF] Problem:  startx results with screen and no cursor.  - Blue/green screen appears with menu and a few horizontal lines. - "enlightenment" scrowls and dissappeears. - no cursor is present - ct

Re: Command line search and replace

2001-01-10 Thread Joey Hess
Jonathan D. Proulx wrote: > also note that you must quote the wildcard '*.txt' to prevent shell > expantion, but I feel the example stands bugs and all. Using xargs or > for i in `find . -name '*.txt'` can result in stack overflows if there > are alot of file (I don't know howmany, but it happened

Re: Hi All

2001-01-10 Thread Henry House
On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 09:44:12PM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote: > hmmm... i was under the impression that suid wasn't honored for scripts? > > or was that just bash scripts? It is a kernel restriction (warranted or paranoid as the case may be) but it can be bypassed if need be by writing a lit

Re: Dist-upgrade woes

2001-01-10 Thread Myles Green
On Tuesday 09 January 2001 21:49, Joey Hess wrote: > JP Sartre wrote: > > Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5 > > /usr/lib/perl5/5.6/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6 > > /usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl > > /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux /usr/li

Re: Voodoo 3

2001-01-10 Thread Willy Lee
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 "Peter" == Peter Gruber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, David Steinberg wrote: >> But I'm completely lost as to what to do to get it to work... >> >> If I try to run /usr/bin/test3Dfx, I get: gd error (glide): Can't >> find or acces

Re: pgaccess in frozen

2001-01-10 Thread Oliver Elphick
Jonathan Markevich wrote: >I upgraded PostgreSQL to the potato version, and lost pgaccess. Oh well, >it's broken out into another package, right? Fine. I apt-get installed >that. > >Now it won't run at all. It gives me: ... > >I noticed it installed tk and tcl 8.2. Could it have

Re: Hi All

2001-01-10 Thread Willy Lee
"Sathish" == Sathish C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Hi All > I want to give permission to create and delete users on my > machine,to some specified users. I tried giving execute permissions > on useradd and userdel to those users. It did not work. Then I set > setuid bit and tried. It worked.

Re: Box refusing connections after changing to static IP? SOLVED

2001-01-10 Thread Willy Lee
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 "Dan" == Dan White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Willy Lee wrote: >> > Sounds like and IP conflict. >> >> Oh! I never thought of that. Pardon me, I'm rather new at this. >> How would I go about confirming this? > Try using arping to see if any oth

Re: Debian installer stops before it is finished

2001-01-10 Thread sg . au
On Mon, 08 January 2001, Daegyu Kim wrote: > > Hi, It is a problem (probably) the most commonly ancountered. The > problem is due to X setting which is done differently from the hardware > that you have. > > You need to have detailed spec information especially about horizontal > and vertical fr

RE: Unable to Install Debian From CD

2001-01-10 Thread sg . au
On Tue, 09 January 2001, "Holp, John Mr." wrote: > >, > > I have been trying to install Debina "official" distribution for the > past 2 to 3 days - version 2.2.17 > > There is no problem with my CD in that installation takes right off > when you boot with the first CD in the drive

Re: dpkg on other OSs

2001-01-10 Thread Colin Watson
Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >at work we are looking into package management for sysadmin stuff that we >do. Its not really my project but, as a debian supporter and a true believer >in dpkg being better than rpm or anything else that I have seen, I am >pushing for dpkg to be used.

Re: dselect: 1 not upgraded

2001-01-10 Thread Martin Schulze
Jeff Hornsberger wrote: > Hi, recently X crashed while I was in the middle of upgrading some > packages with dselect. Since then whenever I Install things with dselect > it says that 1 package is not being upgraded. What I'm wondering is how > I can find out which package it is that's not being

2.4.0 and NFS

2001-01-10 Thread Ferenc Kiraly
Hi! I recently started using th 2.4.0 series of kernels: test11, test12, prerelease and 2.4.0 on a woody system. With all of them, as well as with 2.2.18, I have problems accessing our SGI NFS server. 2.2.17 seems to work flawlessly. Every now and then, usually when attempting an NFS w

Utilizzo ICQ dietro a Firewall

2001-01-10 Thread Marco Ruffa HD Bargain
salve, ho installato la release di Debian per impostare una macchina come firewall. Ora vorrei tentare di installare un server sockd o socks non ho ben capito datala scarsa documentazione reperita, per creare connessioni in grado di far passare pacchetti TCP senza dover aprire specifiche porte sul

java 2

2001-01-10 Thread Andreas Fromm
Hi, is there a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which implements Sun's Java 2 Standard Edition packed as .deb for potato? Please cc me any info about. Thanx, Andreas Fromm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

webcam support for linux?

2001-01-10 Thread Andreas Fromm
Hi, does anybody know about something on using webcams with linux? Please cc me any info about. Thanx Andreas Fromm [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to get Woody on an Off-line computer?

2001-01-10 Thread Preben Randhol
D-Man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/01/2001 (10:21) : > > Yes, and AFAIK that 'sid' will be 'unstable' forever. Testing is > a new designation that now refers to 'woody'. The purpose of testing > is to allow users to get the latest stuff but not unstable. Testing > will become stable once the

Re: How to get Woody on an Off-line computer?

2001-01-10 Thread Preben Randhol
Andrea Vettorello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/01/2001 (10:20) : > There is a good little tutorial in /usr/share/doc/apt called > offline.text.gz who describe how to update a machine without network > access... Ah thanks! Looks like what I need. -- Preben Randhol --- http://ww

Modem errors

2001-01-10 Thread Joerg Johannes
Hi there I cannot access my modem (Lasat safire 560). It is connected to /dev/ttyS1(=com2). When I try to dial out with wvdial, I get an Input/Output error, when I try to "query modem" with kppp, I get "modem busy" Any idea what could be wrong? The modem worked under SuSE and RH. thanks, joerg --

Tape support under Linux 2.2.x

2001-01-10 Thread Daniel de los Reyes
I am planning to add a tape drive to my Linux box but I am not very sure about which are supported. It seems to me compatibility is not a quite an issue and I should expect all of them to work the same way floppy drives do, but I am not sure. Any advice? Any URL I could check? -- ___

Re: Voodoo 3

2001-01-10 Thread Peter Gruber
On 9 Jan 2001, Willy Lee wrote: > "Peter" == Peter Gruber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, David Steinberg wrote: > >> But I'm completely lost as to what to do to get it to work... > >> > >> If I try to run /usr/bin/test3Dfx, I get: gd error (glide): Can't > >> find or acc

Re: webcam support for linux?

2001-01-10 Thread Liam Ward
Andreas, If you are looking for a dedicated webcam, have a look at They have a webcam (that looks like a camera, not a computer) that runs Linux and has a built in web server and networking. I haven't used it but the review in Linux Journal impressed me. It costs $499. Also, try

Re: Mgetty-fax: Receiving multiple pages.

2001-01-10 Thread Brian Potkin
On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 10:54:03AM +1030, Paul Schulz wrote: > Greetings, > > I managed to set up the mgetty and mgetty-fax packages, at it is both > sending and receiving faxes straight out of the install.. > > 1. Install packages > > 2. To receive faxes, enable mgetty in '/etc/inittab' on th

Re: Will 'apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.17' work OK?

2001-01-10 Thread Jeff Green
I upgrade 40 webservers regularly. When we change the kernel that includes apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.17 (we cook our own not use the standards but if you assume they are OK no difference) and apart from the fact I'm not brave enough to do all 40 in parallel I do it without qualms. Never had

Re: Utilizzo ICQ dietro a Firewall

2001-01-10 Thread Sebastiaan
Hi, I would better understand if you write this in English, but I guess you are trying to make ICQ work from behind a firewall. In the Firewall-HOWTO, there is a part that covers this issue. You can first try to: ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L 4000 -R 4000 where is

Re: Tape support under Linux 2.2.x

2001-01-10 Thread garyjones
At Wed, 10 Jan 2001 11:29:31 +0100 , Daniel de los Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >I am planning to add a tape drive to my Linux box but I am not very sure >about which are supported. >It seems to me compatibility is not a quite an issue and I should expect all >of them to work the same way

Re: Will 'apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.17' work OK?

2001-01-10 Thread Frank Rocco
As a newbie using Storm Linux, what is the syntax for Apt-Get to install a new Kernal? Thanks Frank

Re: Hi All

2001-01-10 Thread D-Man
On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 11:08:12PM -0800, Henry House wrote: [snip] | It is a kernel restriction (warranted or paranoid as the case may be) but it | can be bypassed if need be by writing a little C wrapper: |#define REAL_PATH "/path/to/script" |main(ac, av) |

Re: LDAP auth for some users

2001-01-10 Thread Frank Copeland
On 9 Jan 01 20:48:54 GMT, Anton Emmerfors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >Using the current style in /etc/pam.d/login I am asked twice for >passwords which I don't want. So I tried converting to the "new style" >(value=action) but then it won't work at all. You need to do something along the lines of

Re: Tape support under Linux 2.2.x

2001-01-10 Thread Robert Waldner
On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 04:03:18 PST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: >I definitely need /something/ to do backups to >(alternative suggestions, anyone?). Anyway, I found > quite interesting, >particularly

Re: Will 'apt-get install kernel-image-2.2.17' work OK?

2001-01-10 Thread Frank Rocco
As a newbie using Storm Linux, what is the syntax for Apt-Get to install a new Kernal? Thanks Frank

Re: X Window Manager

2001-01-10 Thread Carl Fink
People recommended uwm, and it sounded interesting. If anyone else is looking to try it, keep in mind that there's no man page, no documention gets installed in /usr/doc, and no documentation of the program at its home page, meaning you'll have to read the source or something to figure out how it

Re: GeForce2 MX, drivers, X4...

2001-01-10 Thread Nico De Ranter
I took the binary (tgz) distribution from the XFree86 website and installed it over my existing X 3.3.x. It worked without problem. Didn't have to install anything from NVidia (according to the readme on the NVidia website, support for the Geforece2 MX is included in the newest 4.whatever relea

USB and Potato 2.2.18pre21

2001-01-10 Thread Olivier Billet
Hi everyone, wonder if it's possible to set up an USB mouse under XFree86 3xxx ? I already have a PS/2 mouse so I tried to use the "XInput" section in the XF86Config with "USB" as Protocol I had the error "USB" not supported on this system ? What should I do ? Thanks, Olivier.

Re: GeForce2 MX, drivers, X4...

2001-01-10 Thread Casey Webster
The stock drivers for nvidia's cards depend on mesa for opengl, so you will not get accelerated 3d graphics. whether you need/want them us up to you, but here is what do do if you want them. from nvidia's ftp there is a NVIDIA_KERNEL*.tgz and an NVIDIA_GLX*.tgz, grab both and make sure the get th

RE: GeForce2 MX, drivers, X4...

2001-01-10 Thread Fernando Carvajal
i installed it on a Debian 2.0 , I downloaded X 4.0.x ,and NVidia driver 0.95. it works fine You must assure yorself that had the Kernel-Headers, if you have not installed the source, in your Path or especified at the comand line: make SYSINCLUDE= . these were all my problems you also have t

Re: USB and Potato 2.2.18pre21

2001-01-10 Thread Casey Webster
check out i am setting up my usb joystick and came across that, should help you. On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Olivier Billet wrote: > Hi everyone, > > wonder if it's possible to set up an USB mouse under XFree86 3xxx ? > > I already have a PS/2 mouse so I t

Re: Tape support under Linux 2.2.x

2001-01-10 Thread Marc SCHAEFER
Robert Waldner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > any SCSI-tapedrive should do AFAICT. never had any problems (with scsi, > those things which reside on the floppy controller or come with their > own cards are another matter altogether). Except the ones which do not behave like a SCSI Tape (Sequential

Installation manual: How to get the latest release ?

2001-01-10 Thread Marc SCHAEFER
Hi, I intend to print a few (say 100) of the i386 French, German and English installation manuals. However, before sending this out, I would like to be sure it's the latest released version. For example, on the 2.2r2 CD1 you can find a file called, which is version 2.2.20 (30th of

Re: USB and Potato 2.2.18pre21

2001-01-10 Thread Olivier Billet
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 07:02:11AM -0600, Casey Webster wrote: > check out OK, it worked perfectly ! Thanks a lot Casey !!!

Re: apt-get update and upgrade

2001-01-10 Thread Hall Stevenson
>> I've ran "apt-get update && apt-get -u upgrade" about every >> other day for the last week or so and the only packages >> showing up for upgrade are libgnomeprint6 and libguile6. I >> would think more packages would be getting updated than >> this or is that an incorrect assumption ?? I guess on

Re: GeForce2 MX, drivers, X4...

2001-01-10 Thread Nico De Ranter
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 06:47:02AM -0600, Casey Webster wrote: > The stock drivers for nvidia's cards depend on mesa for opengl, so you > will not get accelerated 3d graphics. whether you need/want them us up to > you, but here is what do do if you want them. Aha, I didn't know that (didn't try a

Re: LDAP auth for some users

2001-01-10 Thread Anton Emmerfors
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 12:07:40PM +, Frank Copeland wrote: > >Using the current style in /etc/pam.d/login I am asked twice for > >passwords which I don't want. So I tried converting to the "new style" > >(value=action) but then it won't work at all. > > You need to do something along the lin

libcurses/libncurses problem

2001-01-10 Thread Giulio Morgan
I believe I have a problem in my libcurses/libncurses configuration. I have a woody system, upgraded to from potatoo, upgraded to from slink. Following is my directory structure showing the relevant files. from /lib lrwxrwxrwx1 root root 18 Aug 26 1999 -> libc

Re: wacky kernel question

2001-01-10 Thread Bob Hilliard
Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Carel Fellinger wrote: > > it's because on a teletype you couldn't erase, so backspacing wouldn't > > help in keeping things readeable:) > > Hm, ok, that makes sense. I was thinking in the context of dumb > terminals; teletypes were slightly before my ti

Re: wacky kernel question

2001-01-10 Thread Cliff Sarginson
I am glad to see I am not the only oldie on the list :) Bring back paper tape and drum storage I say... Cliff > Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > > > Carel Fellinger wrote: > > > it's because on a teletype you couldn't erase, so backspacing wouldn't > > > help in keeping things readea

Re: X Window Manager

2001-01-10 Thread Lance Simmons
There's good documentation for uwm in /usr/doc/ude/. It explains exactly how to use and modify uwm. The documentation is in the ude directory because uwm ("Unix Window Manager") is part of the planned ude ("Unix Desktop Environment")--so far as I know, it's the only part of ude that's currently us

Re: X Window Manager

2001-01-10 Thread Lance Simmons
On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 09:28:44PM -0800, Kenward Vaughan wrote: > The only thing I > miss (and it may be strictly my ignorance) are icons for certain apps. But > it's s light and fast! Just edit your menu hook files (defaults are in /etc/X11/ude/; you can edit those or put dotfiles in your

Re: dpkg on other OSs

2001-01-10 Thread Stephen Carpenter
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 08:25:56AM +, Colin Watson wrote: > Stephen Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >at work we are looking into package management for sysadmin stuff that we > >do. Its not really my project but, as a debian supporter and a true believer > >in dpkg being better than rpm

Re: Voodoo 3

2001-01-10 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
On Wed 10 Jan 01, 11:30 AM, Peter Gruber said... > > The problem is: If I start test3dfx in a xterm from X ist works. great > If I start it from the console it doesn't. it's not supposed to work from a console > If I start quake from X it works it just ignores keypresses unless I > switch to

Re: eml attached file problem

2001-01-10 Thread Bob Hilliard
uuenview/uudeview (from the uudeview package) will code/decode base 64 and a number of other formats. Bob "David B. Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > To quote Erdmut Pfeifer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, > # Copy these lines into a file, e.g. "", make it executable > # and call it lik

Re: wacky kernel question

2001-01-10 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
On Wed 10 Jan 01, 3:07 PM, Cliff Sarginson said... > I am glad to see I am not the only oldie on the list :) > Bring back paper tape and drum storage I say... in which case you should join the united states air force. computer operators are still being trained on papertape / card drives and dru

Re: Hi All

2001-01-10 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
heh... i completely missed that. henry, what's up with the K+R? ;) and i'm a competant enough C programmer to know you can call scripts from C, but that wasn't the point. useradd is a script, not a C executable. so i have no idea why it would honor his request for setuid since he didn't men

Re: libcurses/libncurses problem

2001-01-10 Thread Christopher W. Aiken
I had libcurses problems when I tried to compile an application (pine 4.31 I think, can't remember). What I had to do was: cd /lib ln -sf libncurses The compile/link was looking for "libncurses" and there was none. The symb link created by the above ln command worked. -=[cwa

Getting out of X

2001-01-10 Thread Jeff Binder
I have been trying to get X working on my SuperMac c500 (an old world PowerMac), and I was having trouble getting the ADB mouse working. The problem is, the settings I have now cause X to crash at startup, leaving just a white screen. Worse, X automatically launches when I start the computer up. Ho

Re: Hi All

2001-01-10 Thread Hall Stevenson
>> > Interesting. That's not ANSI C. (It's K&R style) > heh... i completely missed that. henry, what's > up with the K+R? ;) Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie "invented" Unix. The "R" comes from Dennis' last name. The "K" comes from another person actually. His name is "Brian Kernighan". He i

RE: wacky kernel question

2001-01-10 Thread Lewis, James M.
> On Wed 10 Jan 01, 3:07 PM, Cliff Sarginson said... > > I am glad to see I am not the only oldie on the list :) > > Bring back paper tape and drum storage I say... > > in which case you should join the united states air force. computer > operators are still being trained on papertape / card d

Re: libcurses/libncurses problem

2001-01-10 Thread David Z Maze
Christopher W Aiken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: CWA> I had libcurses problems when I tried to compile an application CWA> (pine 4.31 I think, can't remember). What I had to do was: CWA> CWA> cd /lib CWA> ln -sf libncurses CWA> CWA> The compile/link was looking for "libncurses"


2001-01-10 Thread August
hey all, i'm setting up an ftp (wu-ftpd) server and i'm wondering if there is any way to set the ftp users start dir? say i have a dir called /stuff, and i want 5 (or however many users) so when they login, their start dir is /stuff.. is that possible to do? and if so, how? thanks!! -- @ugust

Re: kernel 2.4 - modutils

2001-01-10 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you about this. The modutils build for potato to use kernel 2.4.0 is at It was built on an up to date potato system, and should install on yours without any problems. noah On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 01:16:59PM +0100

Re: Hi All

2001-01-10 Thread Henry House
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 07:44:09AM -0800, Peter Jay Salzman wrote: > heh... i completely missed that. henry, what's up with the K+R? ;) Ask Tom Christiansen. :-P > and i'm a competant enough C programmer to know you can call scripts from C, > but that wasn't the point. useradd is a script,

Re: Hi All

2001-01-10 Thread sena
On 10/01/2001 at 11:12 -0500, Hall Stevenson wrote: > > Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie "invented" Unix. The "R" comes from > Dennis' last name. The "K" comes from another person actually. His name > is "Brian Kernighan". He invented the programming language "B", which > Dennis Ritchie evolved int

Re: Removing mesa safely

2001-01-10 Thread Colin Watson
Jonathan Markevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >I upgraded to XFree 4.0.2 last week, and it went well. However, in trying >to install the nVidia driver, I had a conflict with Mesa... it wants to >remove mesa as well as all of kde2! I believe it provides gl1 or something >of that nature... The ques

Re: The OReilly Book distro

2001-01-10 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 08:40:30PM -0800, Nate Amsden wrote: > since others seem not to like it i suppose i should point out that it > was > the best cd i ever got for debian 2.1. i got a few others from other > sources and none worked as reliabliy as the one from oreilly. worked > perfectly every

Netscape TT font choices

2001-01-10 Thread Marvin Stodolsky
Using the xfs xfstt font delivery services, all is fine except for one minor nuisance. Under Netscape the choices: Variable Width Font: Arial Narrow (Ttf) Fixed Width Font: Courier New (Ttf) There is the occassional warning: Warning cannot convert string helvicita-bold--

Re: Hi All

2001-01-10 Thread David Wright
Quoting sena ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > Ken Thompson invented B in 1970. He did it for the first UNIX system, running > on the DEC PDP-7. It was an experimental language. > > B was inspired on BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language), by Martin > Richards. BCPL was a simplification of CPL (Cambridg

Re: wacky kernel question

2001-01-10 Thread Carel Fellinger
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 03:07:14PM +, Cliff Sarginson wrote: > I am glad to see I am not the only oldie on the list :) > Bring back paper tape and drum storage I say... You had paper tape? You lucky bastard, we had to toggle switches:) -- groetjes, carel


2001-01-10 Thread Fernando Carvajal
I want to fix a bug in gnome( gmenu crash Bug#76094: gmenu crashes on new item)that seem to be fixed in gnome-core-1.2.4.deb as i had read in the news at I have installed potato 2.2r0 so the package currently installed is gnome-core-1.0.5.deb. The problem is that at

Re: Getting out of X

2001-01-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 11:02:40AM -0500, Jeff Binder wrote: > I have been trying to get X working on my SuperMac c500 (an old world > PowerMac), and I was having trouble getting the ADB mouse working. The > problem is, the settings I have now cause X to crash at startup, leaving > just a white scr

Re: Hi All

2001-01-10 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 08:34:23AM -0800, Henry House wrote: > Are you sure? > > romana:~/$ file /usr/sbin/useradd > /usr/sbin/useradd: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, Alpha (unofficial), version 1, > dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped > > (Probably say something else on your system, but

Gravis Gamepad Module

2001-01-10 Thread Scott Patterson
I cannot get my gravis gamepad to work. I'm using a Sound Blaster Live and plugging the gamepad directly into the gameport. I can get the joystick.o module to load, but, that's it. I tried loading joy-analog.o but no luck (it fails). Same for the joy-grip.o module (it fails also). I'm running the 2

Re: Gravis Gamepad Module

2001-01-10 Thread Xucaen
hi. according to the hardware-HOWTO,( you need to download a driver from creativelabs for the soundblaster Live card. I'm not sure if this is the problem, but it's worth mentioning. good luck! xucaen --- Scott Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECT


2001-01-10 Thread sa
不能对人民实行专政 ――致全国公安干警、武警的一封公开信 李克江 我是一名有四十多年工龄的老公安,亲身经历了发生在中国大地上的大小运动,遭遇过 社会的各种问题,工作带来的欣慰和愧疚都曾有过。现在,看到å

Re: Netscape TT font choices

2001-01-10 Thread Hall Stevenson
> Using the xfs xfstt font delivery services, all is fine > except for one > minor nuisance. Under Netscape the choices: > Variable Width Font: Arial Narrow (Ttf) > Fixed Width Font: Courier New (Ttf) > > There is the occassional warning: > Warning cannot convert string >

Re: Tape support under Linux 2.2.x

2001-01-10 Thread Gary Jones
On 10 Jan 2001, you wrote: > On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 04:03:18 PST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: > >I definitely need /something/ to do backups to > >(alternative suggestions, anyone?). Anyway, I found > > quite interesting, > >particularly http://www.linuxd

RE: Gravis Gamepad Module

2001-01-10 Thread Burns, Brad
Title: RE: Gravis Gamepad Module Yes, the emu10k1 module is needed, I believe. should have it.. I am pretty sure I remember seeing the gameport support being compiled into it when I installed it myself. > -Original Message- > From: Xucaen [mailto:[

Re: how to grep without changing timestamps?

2001-01-10 Thread R. Ransbottom
On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 wrote: > on Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 02:04:57PM -0500, Maciej Kalisiak ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) > wrote: > > Is it possible to grep a ton of files without modifying their > > date/timestamps? Currently if I use grep, it changes the access time > > of all files to

Re: Debug X - "could not open default font 'fixed' "

2001-01-10 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Jan 09 2001, M David Tilson wrote: > It's a "fatal server error" - How to fix? Try to reinstall the xfonts-base package. It worked for me when I was using X4. []s, Roger... -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rogerio Brito - [EM

Re: Removing mesa safely

2001-01-10 Thread Laurent Boulard Debian User
Le Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 10:37:37PM -0500, Jonathan Markevich écrivait : > I upgraded to XFree 4.0.2 last week, and it went well. However, in trying > to install the nVidia driver, I had a conflict with Mesa... it wants to > remove mesa as well as all of kde2! I believe it provides gl1 or somethin

(OT) exec nonreadable shell scripts

2001-01-10 Thread Rick
sorry for off-topic, but I've been banging my head trying to set up shell scripts that can be executed but not read by a user. Basically, for : #!/usr/bin/bash echo hullo! *** [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~]$ chmod 111 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~]$ ./ ./ ./ Permission den

ncurses / libncurses

2001-01-10 Thread Benjamin Pharr
I can't use 'make menuconfig' when trying to use the kernel because ncurses is not installed. I have tried: apt-get install ncurses apt-get install libncurses apt-get install libncurses-dev all with no luck. I'm not very familiar with the Debian packaging system, so could someone help me out

RE: ncurses / libncurses

2001-01-10 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
On 10-Jan-2001 Benjamin Pharr wrote: > I can't use 'make menuconfig' when trying to use the kernel because ncurses > is not installed. I have tried: > > apt-get install ncurses > apt-get install libncurses > apt-get install libncurses-dev you need libncurses5-dev apt-cache search ncurses also

Re: ncurses / libncurses

2001-01-10 Thread James Dietrich
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 12:29:25PM -0600, Benjamin Pharr wrote: > I can't use 'make menuconfig' when trying to use the kernel because ncurses > is not installed. I have tried: > > apt-get install ncurses > apt-get install libncurses > apt-get install libncurses-dev > > all with no luck. I'm no

Re: Getting out of X

2001-01-10 Thread Jeff Binder
I tried switching ttys, but nothing happens (or if it does, I can't tell because the screen is white. Nothing seems to work. Unless there's some way to interrupt X while it's starting up, I'll have to re-install the whole system (Which takes about an hour). [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Subject: R

Re: ncurses / libncurses

2001-01-10 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
>> all with no luck. I'm not very familiar with the Debian packaging system, >> so could someone help me out? Thanks! > > apt-get install libncurses5-dev > teach a man to fish. As I did in my mail, whenever answering a question here on debian-user, provide a way to find the answer, not just

Re: (OT) exec nonreadable shell scripts

2001-01-10 Thread Eric Richardson
Rick wrote: > > sorry for off-topic, but I've been banging my head trying to set up shell > scripts that can be executed but not read by a user. > > Basically, for : > > #!/usr/bin/bash > echo hullo! > > *** > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~]$ chmod 111 > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~]$ ./ > .

Re: (OT) exec nonreadable shell scripts

2001-01-10 Thread brian moore
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 06:24:33PM +, Rick wrote: > sorry for off-topic, but I've been banging my head trying to set up shell > scripts that can be executed but not read by a user. Not doable. The shell needs to read them in order to execute them. (Well, you could do something REALLY evil

useradd for nonroot (was Hi All)

2001-01-10 Thread Rick
install sudo that will let you allow users to run things as other users, including root...and you can say what they can and can't run. sudo rocks. rick Sathish C writes: > > Hi All > > I am having debian linux on my machine. > > I want to give permission to create and delete users on my m

Re: strange bash feature

2001-01-10 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Jan 09 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ls -l 'which ls' > ls -l 'which ls' > ls: which ls: No such file or directory I don't know about the repeating syndrome, but to get the path to ls, you have to use "`", not "'". []s, Roger... -- =-

Re: Getting out of X

2001-01-10 Thread Karl Soderstrom
On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 01:36:48PM -0500, Jeff Binder wrote: > I tried switching ttys, but nothing happens (or if it does, I can't tell > because the screen is white. > Nothing seems to work. Unless there's some way to interrupt X while it's > starting up, I'll have to > re-install the whole syst

Re: (OT) exec nonreadable shell scripts

2001-01-10 Thread Rick
that is what I was afraid of. I'd given some thought to sudo or suid but maybe letting users read the script is okay. So much for security through obscurity ;) thanks again rick brian moore writes: > On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 06:24:33PM +, Rick wrote: > > sorry for off-topic, but I've been b

How stable is "testing"?

2001-01-10 Thread Rogerio Brito
Dear community, I've noticed that there are some programs in testing that I'd like to use (and at least one that I have to use), but I'm very scared of it not working correctly or breaking badly when, say, I'd need to get something done fast. So, I

Re: Getting out of X

2001-01-10 Thread Xucaen
did you install the correct X server? That could be causing the problem as well.. what kind of video card do you have? xucaen --- Jeff Binder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I tried switching ttys, but nothing happens (or > if it does, I can't tell because the screen is > white. > Nothing seems to

Re: (OT) exec nonreadable shell scripts

2001-01-10 Thread Xucaen
would writing scripts in a compiled language like C be a solution? can a user have permission to exec a script contained in a directory they don't have read access to? xucaen --- Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > that is what I was afraid of. I'd given some > thought to sudo or suid but > may

Re: How stable is "testing"?

2001-01-10 Thread Jon Pennington
Rogerio Brito wrote: > > Dear community, > > I've noticed that there are some programs in testing that I'd > like to use (and at least one that I have to use), but I'm > very scared of it not working correctly or breaking badly > when, say, I'd need to get

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