> i tried running it frm the command line a got:
> can't load library libXt.so.6
> u would think it would install everything it needs!
> any ideas, should i dslect and install it or does anyone have a good
> for ti?
> thabkx again
> - Original Message -
> From: Beavis
> To:
I've been rather fighting the inconsistancies myself. I might get to
fixing up console someday.
Oh yeah, there's something called ICCCM which xemacs follows under X which
among other things describes a method (IMO the Right Way) to
consistantly read and interpret keypresses.
Basically (going f
On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 01:12:01PM -0800, Bart Friederichs generated a stream
of 1s and 0s:
> Hi,
> Here another one from the guy that can't get Debian installed due to a bad
> PC (I think). When I run dselect and it starts installing all goes well
> until one of the packages gets a segfau
Send me what you have on.
I have managed to mv files that I did not meant to. Can someone tell me if the
following is part of /etc/security/access.conf?
[03:49:10 /tmp]$ cat /etc/security/access.conf
auth required pam_unix_auth.so
accountrequired pam_unix_acct.so
password required pam_un
On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 10:39:38AM +0530, K. Sudheesh wrote
> Dear Friends,
> I have installed the Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 distribution on my 486
> machine called "sarasvati.nio.org" with 32MB RAM. This has a local HP
> LaserJet 4M+ printer attatched to it over a serial port. The printer
I just bought an I-Opener, and I need to get a floppy drive for it.
Teac sells an external USB floppy drive (the Teac FD05PU), but I'm not
sure it will work. It's for iMac's, does this make any difference?
Cameron Matheson
> There were no other way. Were can I get sendmail 8.10 and the sasl
> patches?
there isn't a debian sendmail 8.10 package yet but there is the sasl
packages (libsasl7 and libsasl-dev).
download sendmail source from www.sendmail.org and there is some good info
on how to make it all work in the d
> there isn't a debian sendmail 8.10 package yet but there is the sasl
> packages (libsasl7 and libsasl-dev).
Actually there is a debian package of sendmail 8.10.
You can find it at http://www.debian.org/Packages/unstable/mail/sendmail.html
Emil Soleyman-Zomalan
I have a question about networking.. here's the situation:
I have 2 Debian boxes with Ethernet cards, & respective cabling. I have an
on-campus Ethernet connection, with 1 static IP & 1 etherjack allocated to me.
Currently, I have the two PC's both online and configured to use the static
IP, 160.9
I suppose it's the height of naivite to expect an answer about Debian around
here, but here goes...
Once again... I upgraded to Potato. Yes, stupid, but I'm really really
tired of waiting.
The upgrade thought it a great idea to remove my working alsa-modules
package and replace it with... NOT
Don't upgrade unless you have to. I always have to remind myself of that - if
my machine is working and I can do the tasks I need to do, even though there is
a new fangled a super-cool version of my software, I don't have to install it.
I still need to remind myself.
That said, I just instal
I'm kinda in a similar situtation as (if there are any errrors in this
txte it's because I'm am currently drunk) you are. What i have is one
computer that is my server and a secind thgat is my workstation (s3erver
p100 and workstaionathlon 500). On my workstaion I use both linux ad
windshit, IP ma
A day or two ago I took the plunge and upgraded to frozen. A few small
glitches, but they were easily dealt with and mostly I was very
pleased by how smooth and how straightforward the upgrade process
was. Thanks and praise to the developers.
I have one problem however.
I had three versions of R
First, I want to thank all who helped me install my printer. Running
magicfilterconfig was the anwser.
Now I would like to know how to enable the GNOME desktop. It came with my
Debian/GNU Linux package, and I tried using "dselect."
So far I have several window managers available: fvwm95, olwm, ic
You do have to edit configuration file. Look in
/usr/doc/gnome-core/README.Debian (actually, it probably exists in each of the
/urs/doc/gnome* dirs). It tells you how to do it through .xinitrc or with xdm.
Gnome should work wiht all of those windows managers (are there window managers
that D
Setting up a new dialin PPP server, and getting "unauthorized remote IP
address" upon dialin (from Win95/98). Had this problem last week
and fixed it by editing the pap-secrets file, but the same trick
hasn't worked this time.
Here's the options file:
On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 02:34:16PM +0100, J.H.M. Dassen Ray" wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 21:32:35 -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
> > but it just flashes the characters
> >
> > 2FA:
> That's from the Master Boot Record program.
I guess you are correct about this, because I took the drive an
On one of my servers, I had to put this in pap-secrets to allow dialins:
# Every regular user can use PPP and has to use passwords from /etc/passwd
* silly "" *
hamish silly ""
charles silly ""
without the particular user/IP lines, it woul
> Now that I've upgraded to frozen, though, rvplayer5.0 always produces
> a segmentation fault; G2 has expired; and the performance I get with
> RealPlayer 7 (on the files that it will accept) is not great (it
> doesn't seem to handle buffering very well).
> This doesn'
How do you create a boot disk where you can pass it kernel parameters
such as
append = "hd=683,16,38 hd=64,32,202"
I just grabbed the append specification from LILO stuff in the Running
Linux book [129]. The book says how to add it in lilo, but gives no
indication for putting the info
I just use xkeycaps to redefine the keys.
Check dselect for it. Am I following this thread correctly?
On Sat, Mar 18, 2000 at 04:55:23PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I've been rather fighting the inconsistancies myself. I might get to
> fixing up console someday.
> Oh yeah, there
"Arun V. Hodigere" wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if i could get a zip drive for linux. could
> anybody throw some light on this as to where i could get this ...
Well, if you are using an internal model it will be easily mounted as
/dev/hdX4, and nothing more.
If you are using a paralel
I just searched for swat in dselect and found it. I found it in usual
debian sources. Are you using apt sources? I have Samba 2.0.5 listed
in dselect.
On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 05:19:45PM +0100, FreeMan wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to use swat on my Linux-box for easier configuration of
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Shaul Karl wrote:
> I have managed to mv files that I did not meant to. Can someone tell me if
> the
> following is part of /etc/security/access.conf?
> [03:49:10 /tmp]$ cat /etc/security/access.conf
> #%PAM-1.0
> auth required pam_unix_auth.so
> accountrequ
> What is the correct gpm configuration for a Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2
> three-button wheel mouse ? I keep getting the following message in my
> logs:
_possibly_ the right config may be "imps" (IntelliMousePS/2) - but that's
just an idea ...
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.si
Yeah, I finally managed to set it up!!! I threw the magicfilter into the
trashcan and tried apsfilter. Not the .deb, but the newest (5.2 I think)
version from the author's homepage. And that can automatically be configured
to print via smbclient! It was so easy. I recommend it to all of you
> I have a question about networking.. here's the situation:
> I have 2 Debian boxes with Ethernet cards, & respective cabling. I have an
> on-campus Ethernet connection, with 1 static IP & 1 etherjack allocated to me.
> Currently, I have the two PC's both online and configured to use the static
> "Ray" == Ray writes:
Ray> On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 21:32:35 -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
>> but it just flashes the characters
>> 2FA:
Ray> That's from the Master Boot Record program.
>> I also tried booting with a floppy with IDE support, but it won't
- Original Message -
From: Sean Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Adam Shand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Debian User List
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: alternatives to gnotepad+
I don't know anything about gnotepad+.
But would vile(xvile) another vi clone a
I just installed an old Sound Blaster Pro CD-ROM and compiled kernel
support for it. I think I have done everything right because the boot
messages list it at the right address and it seems to be named sbpcd-0.
It is also listed in /proc/devices as a block device.
But I can't figure out how to mo
Colin Watson wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Antonio Rodriguez) wrote:
> >Is there any way of knowing which packages from the frozen portion are
> >already bug-free and completely ready to be included in the next release
> >2.2?
> You can't be sure, but you can probably get a fairly good idea from
I have a very strange problem with IP masquerading. If I just set it up for
basic access (nothing unusual, just masquerading for the in-house LAN thru my
box which has a RoadRunner connection), everything is peacy - except that my
brother can't play Jedi Knight over the 'net.
I know how to se
> I just installed an old Sound Blaster Pro CD-ROM and compiled kernel
> support for it. I think I have done everything right because the boot
> messages list it at the right address and it seems to be named sbpcd-0.
> It is also listed in /proc/devices as a block device.
> But I can't figure o
I think I am trying to measure data transfer rate from harddisk. I
have read UDMA-mini-HOWTO on LDP site and it also said "UDMA drives
will give you between 10 and 15 MB/s using UDMA mode 2 (33 MB/s) or 4
(66 MB/s) enabled". If the DTR never gets higher than 33MB/sec then
why use DMA-66, since
> I have a very strange problem with IP masquerading. If I just set it up for
> basic access (nothing unusual, just masquerading for the in-house LAN thru my
> box which has a RoadRunner connection), everything is peacy - except that my
> brother can't play Jedi Knight over the 'net.
> [...]
Does anybody know how to install Frontpage Server Extension on a Debian
system with libc6?
I was able to compile Apache with the frontpage module but the installation
of the extension failed becaused the binary therein are compiled against
libc5 and there aren't any sources @=
I hate this stuff
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 04:54:14PM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On one of my servers, I had to put this in pap-secrets to allow dialins:
> # Every regular user can use PPP and has to use passwords from /etc/passwd
> * silly "" *
> hamishsilly ""
> charles
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> > What is the correct gpm configuration for a Logitech MouseMan+ PS/2
> > three-button wheel mouse ? I keep getting the following message in my
> > logs:
> _possibly_ the right config may be "imps" (IntelliMousePS/2) - but that's
> just an ide
I'm using mgetty on a modem so I can call in from elsewhere. I also
have pppd set up to use the same modem to dial out. This arrangement
was working quite well for a long time. Now at startup, mgetty is not
releasing the modem, and if I kill it, init restarts it with the same
The prob
I have a similar problem. Everything is OK with X with config:
Section "Pointer"
Device "/dev/mouse"
ZAxisMapping 4 5
With gpm, I have tried type=imps2. No good, but...
when switching off gpm (/etc/init.d/gpm stop) with that config, and
- Original Message -
From: Julie San Shang Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 11:17 PM
Subject: want to install debian over redhat
Did you try making installation boot disks and start installation from
If you have enough disk space it is better to have a se
Hi All,
I trid to find the FreeS/Wan package ( http://www.freeswan.org )
in the debian non-us ditribution. However I was unable to find it.
Are there any plans to include it?
Wojciech Zabolotny
Can someone explain (or point me to the correct
documentation for) the procedure for making the
Windows key pop up the start menu for the kde, fvwm or
icewm desktops?
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
Hi all, Debian people.
I'm quite new to perl and, in particular to libwww-perl.
I fell on it because I was looking for some API to write
www clients to automatically fill forms.
The problem I have is that I cannot get the same result from
the serve
I upgraded my Potatoe for one month, since a little problem appears:
the font dimension is big on certain applications ( for example
Netscape, the gimp...) and I can't modify their. I try to modify
XF86Config without effect.
Is anybody meeting the same problem?
>From what may this problem come fro
> I have a similar problem. Everything is OK with X with config:
> Section "Pointer"
> Protocol"IMPS/2"
> Device "/dev/mouse"
> ZAxisMapping 4 5
> EndSection
> With gpm, I have tried type=imps2. No good, but...
> when switching off gpm (/etc/init.d/gpm stop) with that con
I'm wondering how other debian potato-boxes behaves in X. I have a 2 month old
potato system running on a dual-celeron, 256Mbyte ram and a Matrox G400. The
kernel is a patched 2.2.14 (using the IDE-patch from hedrik). X freezes totally
after a few days of use. Sometimes I'm able to go to a cons
I am currently running Mandrake 7.0 Air and have become inspired by
I want to run Debian.
Currently , (Air) supports my Ultra 66 Hard drive and my Sound Blaster
Live audio card.
If I install Slink, do I get support for these two peices of hardware?
Or do I have to wait for Potato to come
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 07:22:13PM +0100, Alberto Maurizi wrote:
> Hi all, Debian people.
> I'm quite new to perl and, in particular to libwww-perl.
> I fell on it because I was looking for some API to write
> www clients to automatically fill forms.
> The pro
hi sven,
i'm experiencing this kind of freezes, too.
i also use kernel 2.2.14, but i'm not running debian (but suse) and use
xfree 3.3.5.
the programm that causes these freezes _seems_ to be netscape, but who
knows for sure ...
maybe because i own an abit board, too (it's a bx6) ...
> I'm wonderi
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 01:05:08PM -0600, Charlie Ebert wrote:
> Currently , (Air) supports my Ultra 66 Hard drive and my Sound Blaster
> Live audio card.
> If I install Slink, do I get support for these two peices of hardware?
> Or do I have to wait for Potato to come out?
If you install Slink
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> > I guess my real question is, can I do a connect like this:
> >
> > inet > hub ---> box1
> > |
> > +-> box2
> "of course" you cannot do so, because the second box would need a
> separate global ip.
Yes, you ca
> I know these two hardware items ARE supported in the LINUX of today but
> does the LINUX of today
> cover any of the 2.1 releases???
The support for devices is not in Linux distributions, but in the kernel
itself. Currently, the default kernel installed in slink is the 2.0.36
series, but
> "Charlie" == Charlie Ebert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am currently running Mandrake 7.0 Air and have become inspired
> by Debian. I want to run Debian.
> Currently , (Air) supports my Ultra 66 Hard drive and my Sound
> Blaster Live audio card.
> If I install Slink
I usually dial-up to my ISP and get an assigned IP address for the session.
I am thinking of connecting my ethernet card to a network, so I might have
two connections at once.
My understanding is that the IP address comes from the ethernet card
(hmm... but then it couldn't be assigned in a loc
> > > I guess my real question is, can I do a connect like this:
> > >
> > > inet > hub ---> box1
> > > |
> > > +-> box2
> > "of course" you cannot do so, because the second box would need a
> > separate global ip.
> Yes, you can do so, as long as you tell
> I usually dial-up to my ISP and get an assigned IP address for the session.
> I am thinking of connecting my ethernet card to a network, so I might have
> two connections at once.
> My understanding is that the IP address comes from the ethernet card
> (hmm... but then it couldn't be assigne
> > > I guess my real question is, can I do a connect like this:
> > >
> > > inet > hub ---> box1
> > > |
> > > +-> box2
> Yes, you can do so, as long as you tell box2 to route its traffic through
> box1. You did know that the gateway is a wholly logical and
Also what about kedit part of KDE. It opens more than
one file simultaneously.
BTW, are there .debs for KDE in Debian? I tried GNOME,
but it wasn't really my kind of desktop, and KDE looks
Jonathan Nieder
Get Your Private,
Hoi joostje, All!
> Does anyone know how to make the Alt keys generate Meta?
> That is I want Alt-F to generate Meta-F (under Emacs, bash, etc).
I put these lines to my .Xclients:
xmodmap -e "clear mod1"
xmodmap -e "keycode 64 = Meta_L" -e "add mod1 = Meta_L"
Now left alt generates the
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 06:40:09PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I upgraded my Potatoe for one month, since a little problem appears:
> the font dimension is big on certain applications ( for example
> Netscape, the gimp...) and I can't modify their. I try to modify
> XF86Config without effect.
how do I configure the colors ls shows? I cant find any kind of manual
for this ... neither man ls nor info ls nor /usr/share/doc/fileutils ...
Andreas Sliwka | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | f y cn rd ths y mst hv bn sng nx
GCS/MU/L d-(+) S:+
> BTW, are there .debs for KDE in Debian? I tried GNOME,
> but it wasn't really my kind of desktop, and KDE looks
> good.
Yep, take a look at:
Unless I'm mistaken, KDE2 will be included in Debian's site because of
all the licensing changes, but for noe kde.tdyc.com is where y
I'm seeing this with netscape 4.72 (libc6 version), 2.2.14 and
xserver-svga 3.3.6-6. If I bring up netscape, click on the location
box and start to type, it will freeze every time. If I wait a few
seconds after clicking on the box, the vertical cursor line will appear
in the box and I can type w
Sven Esbjerg writes:
> I'm wondering how other debian potato-boxes behaves in X.
Mine does.
> I have a 2 month old potato system running on a dual-celeron, 256Mbyte
> ram and a Matrox G400. The kernel is a patched 2.2.14 (using the
> IDE-patch from hedrik).
Dual Pentium III, Tyan S1837UANG mb, 3
> "Andreas" == Andreas Sliwka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi, how do I configure the colors ls shows? I cant find any kind
> of manual for this ... neither man ls nor info ls nor
> /usr/share/doc/fileutils ...
Try man dircolours and info dircolors.
> mfg -- Andreas Sliwka |
The linux hardward compatability HOWTO at
says the following about ATAPI tape drives:
> ATAPI tape drives
> For these an alpha driver (ide-tape.c) is available in the kernel.
> ATAPI tape drives supported are
> Seagate TapeStor 8000
> Conner
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 09:09:23PM +0100, Andreas Sliwka wrote:
> Hi, how do I configure the colors ls shows? I cant find any kind of
> manual for this ... neither man ls nor info ls nor
> /usr/share/doc/fileutils ...
>From man ls:
control whether color is use
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 15:10:49 -0500, Bart Szyszka wrote:
> Unless I'm mistaken, KDE2 will be included in Debian's site because of
> all the licensing changes
You are probably mistaken. While there is a license change in that KDE2 uses
Qt2 which unlike Qt1 which KDE1 uses is free, the license un
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Antonio Rodriguez) wrote:
>Colin Watson wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Antonio Rodriguez) wrote:
>> >The reason is that I plan to prepare my own CDs next time, so I
>> >thought could be a good idea to start collecting packages so that when I
>> >run the rsync it can get most from m
Hello fellow Dusers,
I am (and have been) trying to get my home machines running with the
following configuration. So Far I have had little success.
I have Debian Box (Potato) configured with ppp (Love it!)
My wife has a winblows box (Hate it!)
Both have ethernet cards and are cabled to each other
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 07:58:34PM +0100, Sven Esbjerg wrote:
> Hi
> I'm wondering how other debian potato-boxes behaves in X. I have a 2
> month old potato system running on a dual-celeron, 256Mbyte ram and a
> Matrox G400. The kernel is a patched 2.2.14 (using the IDE-patch from
> hedrik). X f
That has something to do with your hard disk cache. Because, when the data
requested by the PC happens to be in the internal cache (typically
512k-2megs), it can be transferrred to the mainboard at full bus speed rate!
That's an improvement of UDMA! And, the interfaces are always a little b
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 12:25:06PM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 09:09:23PM +0100, Andreas Sliwka wrote:
> > Hi, how do I configure the colors ls shows? I cant find any kind of
> > manual for this ... neither man ls nor info ls nor
> > /usr/share/doc/fileutils ...
> >Fr
this is normal, netscape is trying to resolve some domain names during
that point..and i guess because of its single-threadedness(?) that it
freezes during resolution(found it when running an strace on the process)
happens on every version of netscape/X i have used be it linux libc5 linux
libc6, o
It really sucks, basically. I found out that I had to track down the
manufacturer of my large hard drive, get the specs from them, and then pass
them on to cfdisk/fdisk and ignore the warnings that those programs gave me. I
also remember that one of them sinply would not work (fdisk, I think)
How are you connecting the two machines? If you do not have a hub, you need to
have a crossover cable to go direct from one ethernet card to the other
(adduming you are using 10/100baseT, not coax). After figuring out that, you
should be able to configure the rest. Use swat for the samba con
I apologize, but I remember that several days ago someone was talking about a
free web access deal. Some company who pays for free internet access by
putting advertising on their hompage, and requesting users to load it as their
start page. It worked with linux, which was the prime factor.
I've done what you want with a linux box (Slink) and several winthings,
I used ISDN there, but I don't think that makes much different with a
analogue modem. You should use diald to bring up the connection if
needed. You can do IP masquerading with ipchains.
How does your /etc/init.d/network looks
well it seems that i already have xlib6g installed
with /usr/x11r6/lib/libXt.so.6 & libXt.so.6.0
do i need to move them to a different location?
maybe netscape isn't recognizing it, how can i fix that
or do u think the problem is a bit more complex?
- Original Message -
From: Jonas Steve
Once again, how do you specify the CHS specs for cfdisk or fdisk?
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 01:37:17PM -0800, Percival wrote:
> It really sucks, basically. I found out that I had to track down the
> manufacturer of my large hard drive, get the specs from them, and then pass
> them on to
I've been comparing (not)lame313 and bladeenc today and (not)lame does
sound equally good at 128 compared to bladeenc at 256 bitrate. I use The
Who's 'Won't Get Fooled Again' for comparison, if you wonder.
What I can't get done with (not)lame is batch jobs. Bladeenc simply names
the mp3 after the
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 01:50:38PM -0800, Percival wrote:
> I apologize, but I remember that several days ago someone was talking about a
> free web access deal. Some company who pays for free internet access by
> putting advertising on their hompage, and requesting users to load it as
> the
I use a single workstation at home. Recently, other family members have started
to use my system. The /etc/X11/XF86Config is edited by me for my preferences,
but is there a way to let users decide e.g. what resolution to start their X
session with. I like 1600x1200 but they might prefer say
Try the linux-laptop page:
Tim Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Does anyone have any info on getting the sony cd51 pcmcia cd player to work
> with debian
> it installs itself at ide2=0x180,0x386
> I am using the sony vaio n505ve
> tim
On Sun, Mar 19, 2000 at 02:02:11PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
> Once again, how do you specify the CHS specs for cfdisk or fdisk?
You have to go into "Expert" mode. The command is 'x' with fdisk. I
don't remember for cfdisk.
| Eric G.
I have the same problem here. I have posted to perl.misc and libwww
mailinglist without any success. However, the answers are positive, and
lots people mentioned to have a go on the module CGI.pm.
Please have a look at the following form:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes:
>> The bootfloppies for Slink don't handle UDMA66. You need to use
>> bootfloppies with a kernel on them that's patched for UDMA66
>> support (using the IDE patches from
>> ftp.kernel.org:/pub/linux/kernel/people/hedrick/). I'm not sure if
>> potato's b
You have understood my question, and thanks to you and Jean for your answers.
The key is the IP address is a property of the connection, not the
computer. Because of the way the initial system install works, I had
thought it was a property of the machine (where it asks for your ethernet
> "Adam" == Adam Di Carlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Adam> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes:
>>> The bootfloppies for Slink don't handle UDMA66. You need to use
>>> bootfloppies with a kernel on them that's patched for UDMA66
>>> support (using the IDE patches from
92 matches
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