I just take the default by hitting enter numerous times.
The path depends on who made the CD, I would guess.
On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, dkphoto wrote:
> >how did you mount the cd-rom? (what commands did you use?)
> >
> >here's how i do it:
> >
> ># mount /dev/hdc /bt
> >
> >(where /bt is a directory
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 07:35:32AM -0800, aphro wrote:
> what user/group is uid 30/group 31 ? majordomo usually pukes when trying
> to write to /var/log/majordomo so check permissions on that thats the only
> directory where i have recieved a similar error with (although it was kind
> enough to tel
I'll do that if no more reasonable solution is found, Bob.
It's appearing to me that such is likely. Thank you for the reply
and possible best solution.
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 10:31:28AM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
> I never could get the permissions configured correctly on the Debian
I'm on a PC so things might be different:
Debian 2.1 r 2 dselect will try to mount my cdrom on
/var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt. The install process creates
The path my dselect defaults to is
All of this is default. I'm not sure why you
aren't getting these defaults...
On W
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco Giardini) wrote:
>how do i make a deb file after having used the apt-get source filename
>and the dpkg-source -x file.dsc?
Change into the directory apt-get source or dpkg-source created for the
package and run 'debuild'. At least, that's the way I prefer to do it.
There a
> Just looking through the list archives and saw mention of a sound
> program called AU Real which worked well. But no other mention of it and
> cant find it at freashmeat. Where is it?
> Thanks
> Peter
I got it from http://linux.aureal.com
Maybe it's st
This is really getting off the track. I'm getting advice on how to mount
a CD and as far as I can tell, I am not having any trouble mounting a CD.
I am having trouble determining what path dselect is asking for ON the CD.
AFTER the CD is mounted, dselect asks me for the path to the folder /
I had configured my Dell Latitude LM laptop to be able to type the
accents by striking the ' key and the the appropriate vowel. The '
would not type until the next character was hit. Similar process
ocurred with the ~ followed by the n. The hard drive had to be
reconfigured and I have not been a
this is what i got:
bebo:/var/lib# ls -l | grep major
drwxr-xr-x 6 majordom majordom 1024 Apr 20 1999 majordomo
bebo:/var/lib/majordomo# ls -l
total 4
drwxrwsr-x 2 majordom majordom 1024 Mar 29 1998 archives
drwxrwsr-x 2 majordom majordom 1024 Mar 29 1998 digests
I'm running Debian (slink) on an Alpha, and attempting to recompile the egcs
compiler suite from the Debian source package;
after unpacking the source, I ran
# dpkg-source -us -uc -b
in the source directory, but the build
I am having a problem with bootp on a fully updated Slink system. I try
to access it from my Xterminal and my Xterminal says it is not getting any
ip address. I look (ps aux) at the bootp server and it does not have
bootpd running. So I try to start it from the command line and it does
not start
Yes, you can either comment out a few lines in debian/rules (anything
referring to with_check) or install expect and dejagnu.
On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Shaun Cloherty wrote:
> I'm running Debian (slink) on an Alpha, and attempting to recompile the egcs
> compiler suite from the Debian source pack
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 12:48:35PM -0500, Jim Kannengieser wrote:
> Thank you for this suggestion. I tried it last night and the upgrade went
> very well, except for one problem. X no longer starts. I get a specific
> socket-related error message, but I left the text of it at home and won't
> have
can someone please provide me a list of uri's for potato for apt to work
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
I'm using potato. Today I tried doing "locate filename" and I got
"warning /var/lib/locate/locatedb more than 8 days old". My understanding
is that this is supposed to be updated daily via cron in the script
/etc/cron.daily/find. I wondered if cron was broken so I tried running
the script manual
i was wondering why debian (maybe linux in general, or is it
bash?) doesn't allow you to use ^A^D to logout ..it just says to use
'exit' to log out.. im sure i could override this but wanted to ask incase
there is something security related to ^A^D ..i use it on my sgi indy and
it works great..can
Clyde was just trying to help you, you need to be more patient and read more
carefully. On most install cds, the distribution path is:
If it is not there your on your own. I would suggest exploring the cd and
writing down the path when you've found it, then go back to ds
> > Thank you for this suggestion. I tried it last night and the upgrade went
> > very well, except for one problem. X no longer starts. I get a specific
> > socket-related error message, but I left the text of it at home and won't
> > have be able to quote it for a while. However, I can say that
Hello again. After upgrading to potato, I have been suffering from severe
problems with X. Right now I am faced with one I cannot make go away with the
knowledge that I have. When I try to startx, I get the following error message:
Fatal server error:
could not find default font 'fixed'
Any hel
Robert Waldner said:
> On Thu, 27 Jan 2000 10:55:13 +1300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >When copying passwd files (ie smbpasswd, passwd, group, shadow) from one=
> >machine to another via ftp... should it be via ascii or binary mode
> When in doubt always use binary mode, so your files get t
Hans said:
> Can someone give me a pointer to some on-line info on group management
> (preferably in laymen's terms).
For the full scoop, try man group.
The simple version, though, will probably be sufficient:
/etc/group is the file where groups are defined. Each line is of the form
aphro said:
> i was wondering why debian (maybe linux in general, or is it
> bash?) doesn't allow you to use ^A^D to logout ..it just says to use
> 'exit' to log out.. im sure i could override this but wanted to ask incase
> there is something security related to ^A^D ..i use it on my sgi indy and
On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 02:30:33AM +, john smith wrote:
> hello
> can someone please provide me a list of uri's for potato for apt to work
> properly.
Here's what I'm currently using:
deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian potato main contrib non-free
deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-
>Clyde was just trying to help you, you need to be more patient and read more
You're right. It's been a very frustrating day all around. Sorry.
It seems I do indeed also have an issue with mounting the CD. Dselect
asks me for the name of a block device. Since I cannot find that term
On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, dkphoto wrote:
> It seems I do indeed also have an issue with mounting the CD. Dselect
> asks me for the name of a block device. Since I cannot find that term
> anywhere in any of the documentation, I'm stuck! What is a block device,
> and how do I get its name? (Should I
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> My system crashes from time to time but I cannot reproduce the crashes.
> It may run 2 month without any problems and suddenly a daily cronjob or a
> simple shell command seems to cause the crash. Here is what I could write
> today from
hi all
apt-get occasionally gives me the error below when i do an install or and
Global symbol "$idtoelt" requires explicit package name at
/usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/FrontEnd/Web.pm line 199, <> chunk 3.
debconf: failed to initialize Web frontend
debconf: falling back to Gtk fronten
Hi all,
I have php3 installed and running, i also installed the php-mysql packages
but whenever I try to access a php3 script with mysql functions the script
will fail with the message:
"Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect() in
/home/www/projectoX/teste.php3 on li
To whom it may concern
Please refer to the attached news information for Inchon International Airport
in Korea. This news letter(attached file) should be delivered to personnel who
are related to airport business and are interested in our facilities/services.
If this is
> "Fatal error: Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect() in
> /home/www/projectoX/teste.php3 on line 11"
add the following line to your .php3 code:
dl ("mysql.so");
I think you will need to load the library. try this in your php
And make sure you have these lines in your
extension_dir = /usr/lib/php3/cgi
extension = mysql.so
Jorge So
Is it possible to install pppoe on slink? It isn't
listed at all on the slink package list, and the
potato version requires new potato versions of
ppp, libc, etc... I have a slink cd, and I have
boot disks for potato, but I can't complete a potato
installation (and install pppoe) without connecti
>From a slink system, recently ran apt-get dist-upgrade, which went
fine, then ran apt-get -d upgrade to get the held-back packages.
Finally, ran apt-get upgrade to install/config them.
They unpacked fine, but when they went to install, auctex and cvs each
launched a graphical config screen -- bu
> From: Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > "Daniel" == Daniel Barclay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Daniel> I don't know why Debian people can't understand that
> Daniel> releases/versions also need to be accessible by names that
> Daniel> _don't_ change.
> Why refer to in
Its working now,
Thank you very much Shao.
Have fun...
- Original Message -
From: Shao Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jorge Sousa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 4:52 AM
Subject: Re: PHP3 + Mysql -> connecting problems
> Hi,
> I think you will
I tried apt-getting Licq 0.75.x a couple days ago and it wouldn't run.
I'm pretty sure I've heard of people here having similar experiences.
Does anyone know if it has been fixed yet? The Debian unstable
tree has 0.75.2 while 0.75.3 is out.
Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
> I would suggest using xf86config as opposed to XF86Setup
Is there anything in between? I find xf86config unbearable because it
forces you to set everything up all over again where XF86Setup can
use the existing setup.
Bart Szyszka [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ:4982727
GigaBee Interactive http://
Hash: SHA1
For reference...
The New Oxford Dictionary of English says...
daemon (2) /di'[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ (also demon)
noun {Computing} a background process that handles requests for
services such as print spooling and file transfers, and is dormant
when noot
Can someone please explain the difference between the two??
Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1 ___ _ _
Department of Communications/ __| |_ __ _ ___ |_ / |_ _
I'd like to have a look at gated routing daemon, but I can't find any
.deb package with it. Am I blind ? Or I need to compile it from tar ball
TIA, Alex
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 11:50:49AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm using licq (from potato). Since I don't have a sound card, I thought
> I'd replace the playing of wave files in the OnEvents tab of the options
> dialog with the command "echo -e '\a'" so my machine would beep when I get
> a
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 09:51:56PM -0600, Dave Sherohman wrote:
> So, to create a group named 'stooges', all you need to do is add
> stooges:x:5000:larry,moe,curly
If you don't feel like editing /etc/group (since if you screw something
up it could be Bad), you can use adduser, like so:
Because of an upgrade of our computer network I must
run the primary and secondary DNS one 1 server with
two NIC's for a while...
Has anyone experiance with this?
My guess would be to run named twice and
point to two config dirs and edit the
named.conf seperatly to run each named on
the right
Has anyone out there successfully upgraded perl from version 5.004 to
5.005? It won't let me install 5.005 without its version of perl-base,
but I can't seem to replace perl-base because 5.004 depends on it, and I
can't remove perl-5.004 because too many things depend on this.
If anyone can tell
For a frozen potato:
I have a non-Debian package that requires wishx. So far,
I have found wishx in tclx76 (tclx80 doesn't seem to exist).
However, tclx76 won't install, as its dependancies cannot
be satisfied. Neither tcl76 or tk42 can be found (by apt-get).
How should I run this applic
is there a point to this ? just because you have a secondary DNS
registered with internic doesnt mean you have to have one, i ran w/o a
secondary DNS for 40+ domains for well over a year.
the only reason i can see for 2 name servers is incase 1 goes out the
other is still there, if they are on th
I have installed debian to coexist with windows 98 but I can no longer
boot windows. my lilo.conf only shows linux.it automatically boots linux and
the windows partition is no where to be found. worse, I even forgot to label
my windows partition. is there a way this can be fixed?
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
aphro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>is there a point to this ?
>just because you have a secondary DNS
>registered with internic doesnt mean you have to have one, i ran w/o a
>secondary DNS for 40+ domains for well over a year.
That means that 50% of the people
On Thu, 27 Jan 2000 00:02:01 PST, aphro writes:
>is there a point to this ? just because you have a secondary DNS
>registered with internic doesnt mean you have to have one, i ran w/o a
>secondary DNS for 40+ domains for well over a year.
there can be some reasons for this:
- some customers are
after having tried to install kde via dselect (by adding the
appropriate entry from ftp.kde.org to the apt/sources.list), dselect
seemed to deselect several packages (among them: bsdmainutils, cron
...). Now, every time I use dselect, it tells conflicts because of
the uninstalled packages.
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 10:55:22PM -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote:
> 1) Upgrade from hamm to potato (you might need to go to slink first). The
>bug fixes along are worth it.
Could I use apt to do this? Is there somewhere a howto for doing this?
> 2) Use a newer kernel. 2.2.9 is about 6 months o
having installed Majordomo, it runs perfectly until I try to subscribe
to a mailing list. Doing "echo subscribe natp_ms|mail majordomo", I
get an error message saying
"Couldn't append key file : No such file or directory"
The documentation does not say anyithing on this 'key file', but I
On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Werner Reisberger wrote:
> [...]
> I tried to compile 2.2.14 but it failed with many error messages in
> console.c. Isn't it possible to run hamm with newer kernels. Last time
> I read on this list Debian is kernel independent (someone asked why his
> potato uses a 2.0.39 k
During shutdown process, I SOMETIME obtain the following error message :
(A) "can't umount /dev/hda3, '/' is busy".
When I boot Linux again I obtain :
(B) "/dev/hda3 has reached maximum mount count, check forced..."
and It seems Linux is scanning my /dev/hda3 partition.
At the end :
> It would be really helpful if someone would just tell me the path that
> dselect is asking for?? I can go backwards from there to figure out why I
> didn't get it.
First, I need to say that I've never installed Debian on a Mac, so my
suggestion could be plain dumb.
Well, said suggestion is: "Ju
Please Help!!!
Has anyone experience with getting ISDN running on a Sparcstation10?
I'm using Debian potato with a 2.2.14 Kernel.
I think the ISDN-Chipset is an AMD7930 (it is the only with possible
Sparc-support). So I compiled Hisax as a module with support fo the AM7930
but when im going to in
I have got the same problem with 'more' and 'less' too.
How did you configure 'ls' for displaying colors when piping to 'more' ?
Thank you.
-- Memo - Header ---
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date: 26/01/2
I´m trying to get mrtg to work, the relevant configuration is
Target[WatchZwerg.intern.waldner.priv.at]: 2:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MaxBytes[WatchZwerg.intern.waldner.priv.at]: 1250
Title[WatchZwerg.intern.waldner.priv.at]: WatchZwerg
(WatchZwerg.intern.waldner.priv.at): eth0
On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 01:32:33AM -0500, Simon Law wrote:
> For reference...
> The New Oxford Dictionary of English says...
> daemon (2) /di'[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ (also demon)
I don't have this dictionary,
and I don't know the meaning of these pronunciation symbols.
Remember the non-natives.
Could anyone send me a working example of port forwarding? I just tried to
get it going to no avail.
I test setup has a firewall connecting and
doing nothing but routing. Now i want it to redirect some ports (I tried
23,25,80) from its own address to 172.26.
If you installed lilo on the mbr, you could modify /etc/lilo.conf adding
the win98 partitions.
In this moment I don't remember the exact syntax, (I am working on WINNT4.0
but you could look for it in "/usr/doc/lilo" or 'man lilo'
When you will modify "/etc/lilo.conf", don't forget of running
I am looking for a couple of good timeservers in the Netherlands for use
with netdate. I was using www.surfnet and news.surfnet.nl, but now
news.surfnet.nl refuses to tell the time, which is not very social...
Linux daria 2.2.14 #2 Wed Jan 26 15:38:00 CET 2000 i586 unknown
11:46am up
>/etc/group is the file where groups are defined. Each line is of the form
That's it? Even a child could have figured that out. There were two files
(/etc/group and /etc/group-) but I edited the first and it worked.
There were already a great number of group
I installed debian 2.0 successfully with tetex. When I compile a package
with seminar package used, it says seminar.cls not found. But I have
installed the tetex-src package and seminar.cls is there in the system.
So, what to do?
On Wed, Jan 26, 2000 at 03:44:07PM -0500, Arcady Genkin wrote:
> Hi all!
> I've installed Flash plugin for netscape. Neither of the sites can
> autodetect that the plugin is installed. Even at www.flash.com I had
> to click on "If you know that you have Flash installed" link.
> Typing "about:pl
Fitsch wrote:
> Michael Meskes wrote:
> >
> > Could anyone send me a working example of port forwarding? I just tried to
> > get it going to no avail.
> >
> > I test setup has a firewall connecting and
> > doing nothing but routing. Now i want it to redirect some por
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Egbert Bouwman) wrote:
[OT, but anyway ...]
>On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 01:32:33AM -0500, Simon Law wrote:
>> For reference...
>> The New Oxford Dictionary of English says...
>> daemon (2) /di'[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ (also demon)
>I don't have this dictionary,
>and I don't know the
Hi Alex,
the problem is that I put the "c" and not the share point. Thanks.
Quoting Alex McCool ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> >
> ># smbmount file://sideraco/c /mnt -U Linux -I -D
> sideraco -P
> >AriaLinux
> >
> Your first arg is incorrect it should look like the
>and i'd suggest going to fvwm (or even twm *shiver*) to reduce memory
>usage even further.
Why would you shiver over twm. I dumped all my wm's and now run twm
exclusively and I'm happier than ever :^) -- Hans
Could you attach, please, your lilo.conf?
On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Joseph de los Santos wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed debian to coexist with windows 98 but I can no longer
> boot windows. my lilo.conf only shows linux.it automatically boots linux and
> the windows par
I am using ntpdate (potato) and configured it to use: ntp.xs4all.nl
and ntp.demon.nl. I used the same hosts for netdate, IIRC.
On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 11:47, Wouter Hanegraaff wrote:
> I am looking for a couple of good timeservers in the Netherlands for use
> with netdate. I was usi
On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Robert Waldner wrote:
> this is probably the best solution because you can take
> all the zones and configuration and simply move it to/fro
> your (then) only server.
This is refused by some registries. In Hungary, for example, the
registries only register domains
Thanks for all the help. For the moment, I have linked
/etc/resolv.conf to /etc/dhcpcd/resolv.conf. It is a kludgy situation
and I will probably look into other dhcp client packages, but for now
it works.
the "LaterDude"
ICQ: 52640402
Thanks for all of the replies. Last I check out the LDP (
about a week ago ) they said that all HOWTO's still needed to be in
LinuxDoc format instead of DocBook. I have not found any information
about customizing LinuxDoc though I have found plenty about DocBook.
My intention now is
Check and see if "xfstt" is running, (ps x | grep xfstt). If it is, check the
/etc/X11/XF86Config file for the proper FontPath statement, either:
FontPath "unix:/7101"
FontPath "inet/"
This is a possible reason.
On 27-Jan-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello again. After up
On 27-Jan-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> If you installed lilo on the mbr, you could modify /etc/lilo.conf adding
> the win98 partitions.
> In this moment I don't remember the exact syntax, (I am working on WINNT4.0
> now),
> but you could look for it in "/usr/doc/lilo" or 'man lilo'
Adding 2 li
Joseph de los Santos wrote:
> I have installed debian to coexist with windows 98 but I can no longer
> boot windows. my lilo.conf only shows linux.it automatically boots linux and
> the windows partition is no where to be found. worse, I even forgot to label
> my windows partition. is ther
I am trying to install libtiff3g, so I can install kde, it requires
libz1 but I can't find it anywhere.
Any help would be appreciated.
--- Ed Cogburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To clear up the earlier confusion from above: I now know the
> stuff is coming from *GNOME* (latest version of GNOME, I'm using "potato"
> updated almost daily). It now sets the keyboard every time it starts, thus
> the value of AutoRe
> >
> >> I installed frozen on a Micron Transport Xpe
> >>
> >> After the kernel boot messages finish displaying my display goes blank?
> >> Has anyone seen this before?
> >> Could it be the terminal setting?
> >> If I hook a monitor to the back port I can view on the monitor - but
> never
> >> t
--- Kurt Swigart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My ppp connection quits working when I start X. It doesn't happen all
> the time, just about 60%. Stopping X does not make it better.
How heavy is the overall system load?
> The problem seems to be with the modem (or the serial port), since even
Just so people know...
If you are currently running WindowMaker from unstable (0.61.1-1)
you may have to remove it by hand before upgrading to the newest
release (0.61.1-2). The packages wmaker-plain, wmaker-kde, and
wmaker-gnome have be phased out and there is now a single binary that
Hi all,
I need some help to manage booting from an 640MB MO-Disk (2048 bytes per
Here are the steps i have done :
>From my potato box installed on an IBM scsi-disk (sda)
fdisk -b 2048 /dev/sdb
(the option -b 2048 is not in the man-page, i found it on a japanese
Then i have ma
--- Cameron Matheson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I downloaded GNOME last night with apt, and it seems like it installed the
> programs that come with GNOME, but when I boot up, the GNOME bar-type thing
> isn't there.
You mean the panel? Package gnome-panel IIRC.
The easiest way to get a worki
--- Robyn Manning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to install libtiff3g, so I can install kde, it requires
> libz1 but I can't find it anywhere.
AFAIK it's provided by zlib1g
Doesn't APT find out on its own?
"Software is like sex; it's better when it's free"
-- Linus
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> I am trying to install libtiff3g, so I can install kde, it requires
> libz1 but I can't find it anywhere.
That's provided by the zlib1g package.
Phil Brutsche
Salman Ahmed wrote:
> I'd like to setup lm-sensors for my system which has an Abit BH6
> motherboard. The last time I tried this on my system was when I was
> running RedHat-5.2. I remember having a really hard time getting
> lm-sensors to work, and in the end my system locked up completely befo
Could anyone tell me how smooth the update from sendmail to postfix is? Also
I wonder if postfix is still considered the best MTA in terms of security.
P.S.: Please CC me on replies.
Michael Meskes | Go SF 49ers!
Th.-Heuss-Str. 61, D-41812 Erkelenz| Go Rhei
Roy Pluschke wrote:
> Salman Ahmed wrote:
> >
> > I'd like to setup lm-sensors for my system which has an Abit BH6
> > motherboard. The last time I tried this on my system was when I was
> > running RedHat-5.2. I remember having a really hard time getting
> > lm-sensors to work, and in the end m
Jonathan Markevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I got one of the above printers and reinstalled apsfilter with the
Ghostscript escp2 driver but can't print... I get an error in filter "f" or
something like that...
: Let me cut to the chase... I need a printcap! Has anyone else here got one
I have two Netgear EA201 NICs in my machine (486 running
potato). I have the NE2000 module set up for one of them;
how do I set it up for the second? Do I add another ne.o
line with different io/irq parameters to the conf.modules
- Marc
-> I have got the same problem with 'more' and 'less' too.
-> How did you configure 'ls' for displaying colors when piping to 'more' ?
-> I have setup the ls command to use the display color option using an
-> alias. It works fine. Colors are also displayed nicely when piping
-> ls stdout to
Quoting Marc Sherman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I have two Netgear EA201 NICs in my machine (486 running
> potato). I have the NE2000 module set up for one of them;
> how do I set it up for the second? Do I add another ne.o
> line with different io/irq parameters to the conf.modules
> file?
The answ
i don't know if any of u saw the piles of junk i was getting before in my
ppp.log file but after looking at it i noticed a good deal of it was from
receiving a protocol 0xfd. i looked it up and found it to be compressed
i turned off bsd and deflate compression and the problem has gone a
"Suresh Kumar.R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I installed debian 2.0 successfully with tetex. When I compile a package
> with seminar package used, it says seminar.cls not found. But I have
> installed the tetex-src package and seminar.cls is there in the system.
> So, what to do?
Probably yo
> > From: Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > > "Daniel" == Daniel Barclay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Daniel> I don't know why Debian people can't understand that
> > Daniel> releases/versions also need to be accessible by names that
> > Daniel> _don't_ change.
> >
I still didn't manage to install glibc 2.1 despite help from Tilman. Is
there anyone who can help me. The problem is: can anyone tells me which
packages I need to install (exact names, please). Thanks.
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On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 10:12:00AM -0500, Robert Beranek wrote:
> Hello!
> I still didn't manage to install glibc 2.1 despite help from Tilman. Is
> there anyone who can help me. The problem is: can anyone tells me which
> packages I need to install (exact names, please). Thanks.
Use apt-get. Y
I think you need the 3c59x driver.
>From the source file (3c59x.c):
I. Board Compatibility
This device driver is designed for the 3Com FastEtherLink and FastEtherLink
XL, 3Com's PCI to 10/100baseT adapters. It also works with the 10Mbs
versions of the FastEtherLink cards. The supported produc
more handles colors fine. But you must add the --color option
to ls when piping if you want colors.
less needs the -r option to handle colors.
: I have got the same problem with 'more' and 'less' too.
: How did you configure 'ls' for displaying colors when piping to 'm
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