On Tue, 26 Nov 1996, Edward Urenda wrote:
> I had installed the cpp package in lieu of installing gcc. I find myself
> getting more into programming and will require gcc.
> I have tried to avoid using deseled, opting to choose dpkg -i instead.
> How can I remove cpp without breaking any depend
> You can do this one of two ways (There may actually be more ways than
> this):
> dpkg -i --force-conflicts /path-to-package/gcc*.deb
> dpkg --purge cpp
You can even NOT do it, since gcc Depends: on cpp. Actually it would have
deleted cpp already if it conflicts with gcc.
> > Is linux kernel vfat support compatible with the vfat32 from the
> > microsoft recent OEM WIN95 release?
> >
> > lawrence,
> I would strongly doubt it. vfat used to be just a superset of the fat
> filesystem so it was too difficult to add support. vfat32, on the
> otherhand, is a big ju
> Here is my .gnus file: (BTW, should I put this stuff in .gnus, or
> .emacs, or does it matter?):
Don't know. All my stuff's in my .emacs monstrosity.
A couple of things. The folder that you want mail to go in to in your
home directory may (or may not) need to
> I'm starting to think there are serious problems with my mail setup, and
> I have no clue as to whether they are related or not :(
> Thanks again
You could also have a leftover (stale) lock file that's tripping
everyone up.
Just for comparison (user names change
> I set the permissions to those you have, but I get this message
> approxamately 5 min after doing "echo test | mail lars" at any given
> terminal:
Are you runnning sendmail, or smail?
> Reading active file from lars_mail via nnml...
> nnml: Reading incoming mail
Can debian handle dual processors and does debian (or any linux) have a
windows/win95 emulator?
- mIcHaEl
///\ The Australian Internet Company
c-00 ISP par Excellence
\ > http://www.electric-rain.net/ (mine)
|\_- http://www.aic.net.au/ (not
Fundamental wrote:
> Can debian handle dual processors and does debian (or any linux) have a
> windows/win95 emulator?
dual processors - yes, you need to compile the kernel by yourself
windows 3.1 - yes with wine (free) or WABI ($200)
windows 95 - NO
> > >
> > > root:x:0:root,"your loginname"
> > > ...
> > I don't like that. It seems unsafe to me. There's gotta be
> > a better solution
> >
> > Currently, I am putting in special users in /etc/suauth
> > but I only know the syntax for making su ask for the current
> > users passwd, and not ro
Ooops. I just bounced this post, hoping elm would let me edit it. :-(
I tried Linux 2.1.13, and found that start-stop-daemons,
which Debian uses extensively during bootup, did not work,
and possibly some other scripts. Hence 2.1.13 was useless
and I am back to 2.1.10. Has anyone else experienced t
bo always seems to be empty on master; nothing in the directory.
Is this just me? Running ncftp, on this SPARC/Solaris ..
TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
> The mailing lists are back up. A spam filter is in place. If you post from
> an address the list doesn't recognize, [EMAIL PROTECTED] will
> mail you a copy of the list rules, and will insist that you send it AGREE
> before it will let you post.
I just noticed this. I wonder if perhaps the wordi
Bruce Perens wrote:
> From: Alberto Brizio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Here is the problem, the Sound Card. For the aztcd driver to work, it
> > needs that the IDE port of the Sound Card be initialized, so the best
> > way I've found (many thanks to Prof. Zimmermann) is to use loadlin after
> > boot
(I don't think this has very much to do with debian-devel, so I
removed it from the headers)
> "HM" == Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
HM> I just noticed this. I wonder if perhaps the wording could be
HM> made a little friendlier; I found it a bit intimidating,
HM> especially a
Nelson Minar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: What's the right solution? Assume disk is cheap, bandwidth is fairly
: cheap, but sysadmin time is really expensive. If Debian could provide
: some solution, it would be a big help to Linux administrators.
The solution running here is:
1) /, /etc, /var in
Guy Maor writes:
> Add this to your XF86Config file:
> Section "Modules"
> Load "pex5.so"
> Load "xie.so"
> EndSection
Alternatively, if you don't use PEX and XIE then don't add the Load
lines. Save yourself a bit of memory...
Steve Early
I just did mknod to create tty9 through tty12. Everything seems to be
working fine, but I thought I would just check to make sure those vt's
weren't disabled for a reason.
TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail
The ATAPI 6X CDROM on my Sharp 9080 notebook seems to work OK but
generates the following errors:
hdc: packet command error: status=0x51
hdc: packet command error: error=0x50
hdc: code: 0x70 key: 0x05 asc: 0x20 ascq: 0x00
I always get them when I mount the CDROM, and occasionally thereafter. I
I want to install Netscape in my Debian-Linux 486DX2 (66Mhz).
I had obtained from my CD destribution, and from the archives the
then I try to install "dpkg -i netscape_3.01-1.deb" and all works fine
(no error
"Hamish" == Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Hamish> Ooops. I just bounced this post, hoping elm would let me edit
Hamish> it. :-( I tried Linux 2.1.13, and found that
Hamish> start-stop-daemons, which Debian uses extensively during
Hamish> bootup, did not work, and possibly some other s
I am looking at using qmail as a replacement for smail/sendmail.
I am using now on a sun workstation for testing, and it seems to work fine.
My question is does anyone know of a reader that can access the maildir files
is the qmail-preferred way of storing mail)? Right now I must use mai
On Wed, 27 Nov 1996, Johnie Ingram wrote:
> This is the first 2.1 kernel I've tried, so I don't know if its a bug
> or a feature. (Its startup messages mentioned being POSIX-certified,
> mabye things like "#!/usr/bin/perl -w" and "#!/usr/bin/make -f" are
> unsupported now?)
Is this not the realm
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Johnie Ingram
>"Hamish" == Hamish Moffatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Hamish> Ooops. I just bounced this post, hoping elm would let me edit
>Hamish> it. :-( I tried Linux 2.1.13, and found that
>Hamish> start-stop-daemons, which Debian u
On Tue, 26 Nov 1996, Andrew Y Ng wrote:
> What file do I put my PGP public key in to have it displayed in my
> finger info in Debian Linux?
c u...
Artur Zaworski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The $1000 charge for advertising (it's not really a fine) is a donation to
Debian's still-in-formation corporation, "Software in the Public Interest".
I doubt I'll be collecting it any time soon, it's mostly a strategy to put
off spammers.
On Wed, 27 Nov 1996, Johnie Ingram wrote:
> This is the first 2.1 kernel I've tried, so I don't know if its a bug
> or a feature. (Its startup messages mentioned being POSIX-certified,
> mabye things like "#!/usr/bin/perl -w" and "#!/usr/bin/make -f" are
> unsupported now?)
Nope. It's just a bug.
"Andrew" == Andrew Martin Adrian Cater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Johnie> Yes, the exact same thing happened to me, apparently because
Johnie> 2.1.13 does not understand the "#!/usr/sbin/perl --" line in the
Johnie> script. No script which gives an argument to its processor works
Andrew> My gu
Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> Hi.
> I want to install Netscape in my Debian-Linux 486DX2 (66Mhz).
> $ netscape
> unable to obtain ... (I do not remenber exactly something about colors)
> unable to obtain ...
> bus error
> $
> Can you help me?
Netscape is unable to allocate colo
I am running Debian 1.1. I want to use it as a file server for MSDOS
6.22. I was wondering what can I use to facilitate this. I know that I can
use WFWG to connect to the samba server but is there such a thing for
MSDOS? I want to be able to boot off a floppy and have the Linux exported
I have heard that there is an SMB client for DOS. Check out:
Also look at:
Good luck.
Chris -)-
On Nov 27, 11:29am, Matthew Hewitt wrote:
> Subject: DOS <--> Linux
: I am
Woops.. caught the spamfilter (Only mildly annoying)
here is the original
> Okay, I fsck'd up bad :) Instead of doing the smart thing and deleting
> Dos/WFWG (Actually, I need to keep dos until I get the BBS up under
> Linux) then making all my drives ext2 I just used one.
> /d
> > I tried to connect and then choose ftp from the dselect access menu but
> > I couldn't get the pppd to connect right. as far as I can see everything
> > is exactly the same (Except lots of stuff that should be in /usr/bin and
> > /usr/sbin is in /bin and /sbin instead.. pppd and chat are i
On Wed, 27 Nov 1996 09:30:56 CST ugs ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I just did mknod to create tty9 through tty12. Everything seems to
> be working fine, but I thought I would just check to make sure those
> vt's weren't disabled for a reason.
No, no problem with it.
Go ahead.
I recently installed the XFree 3.2 packages from unstable in my machine.
Although most things seem to work fine, I'm experimenting a very odd problem
with the xrdb command.
If I run
xrdb -merge .Xresources
I get the message:
xrdb: cannot run '/lib/cpp -traditional -Dlinux -D__i386__ -
>I am running Debian 1.1. I want to use it as a file server for MSDOS
>6.22. I was wondering what can I use to facilitate this. I know that I can
>use WFWG to connect to the samba server but is there such a thing for
>MSDOS? I want to be able to boot off a floppy and have the Linux exported
my news box is regularly throttling with the log message "File exists
writing symlinking article file -- throttling".
I've found a relevant section in /usr/doc/news/inn-faq-5, which
describes the problem and also has a fix (run 'ctlinnd renumber'), but
this is only a patchup job...in a couple of
There is indeed a MS "DOS for Workgroups" product. You need Microfoft's
free TCP/IP stack from their FTP site on top of this.
If you have 8MB and at least a 486 on the client systems, run Windows 95
on them and boot it in DOS mode most of the time. You'd really only have
to boot Windows mode to do
I found a program on SUNSITE (in system/filesystems) for
defragmenting disks under Linux, and I was wondering if anyone has
compiled it. I tried, but the compiler says function FIRST_INODE (or something
close to that, sorry but the code is at home and I'm at school) is
undefined. What it real
On Wed, 27 Nov 1996, Matthew Hewitt wrote:
> I am running Debian 1.1. I want to use it as a file server for MSDOS
> 6.22. I was wondering what can I use to facilitate this. I know that I can
> use WFWG to connect to the samba server but is there such a thing for
> MSDOS? I want to be able to
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