Re: upgrading Cyrus

2006-03-13 Thread listrcv
. wrote: has anyone yet updated Cyrus 1.5.19-9.2 to 2.2.12-4? Just to let you know, I did the upgrade on the past weekend, and it went flawless and much better than I thought. The renewed server's running without problems since yesterday evening, and no problems came up yet. Performance se

Re: upgrading Cyrus

2006-03-03 Thread .
Hi! The new disks are larger than the old ones, so I plan to set them up as a second RAID 1 and to do a fresh install of Testing on it. Then I would copy the mailspool from the old RAID 1 over to the new one and convert it. Once the server is renewed like that, I would remove the old disks.

Re: upgrading Cyrus

2006-03-03 Thread .
Steve Block wrote: Are you sure it's not hanging around in /usr/sbin? I built the cyrus 2.2 packages for sarge using the unstable source package for 2.2.12-4 and /usr/sbin/ctl_mboxlist is provided by cyrus-common-2.2. /usr/sbin contains ctl_cyrusdb and ctl_deliver as well. Yeah, it's there,

Re: upgrading Cyrus

2006-03-03 Thread .
Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote: ctl_mboxlist is in /usr/sbin in the Cyrus 2.1 packages. Oh! Yeah, there it is, tnx :) I was searching for it with find, but it wasn't found. If you are moving from 1.5 to 2.2, I'd recommend doing it using imapsync, instead of trying to convert the spool.

Re: upgrading Cyrus

2006-03-02 Thread Steve Block
On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 06:08:28PM +0100, . wrote: Hi, has anyone yet updated Cyrus 1.5.19-9.2 to 2.2.12-4? I was in the middle of testing the conversion on a copy of the mail spool, but lacked the ctl_mboxlist script/program. That should have been in the cyrus-common package, but it was now

Re: upgrading Cyrus

2006-03-02 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Thu, 02 Mar 2006, . wrote: > has anyone yet updated Cyrus 1.5.19-9.2 to 2.2.12-4? > I was in the middle of testing the conversion on a copy of the mail > spool, but lacked the ctl_mboxlist script/program. That should have been ctl_mboxlist is in /usr/sbin in the Cyrus 2.1 packages. You have

upgrading Cyrus

2006-03-02 Thread .
Hi, has anyone yet updated Cyrus 1.5.19-9.2 to 2.2.12-4? I was in the middle of testing the conversion on a copy of the mail spool, but lacked the ctl_mboxlist script/program. That should have been in the cyrus-common package, but it was nowhere to find in version 2.1. So I had to upgrade to