Help!: snmpwalk not showing interface properties on mrtg and iog - Previously : snmp and MIBs - missing interface properties

2004-02-12 Thread peteredhair
I've installed the snmp and snmpd packages. The problem is iog and mrtg can't get the interface properties for my network card her'e what i get. bear:/etc/postfix# snmpwalk -v1 localhost public system.sysDescr.0 = Linux bear 2.2.20-idepci #1 Sat Apr 20 12:45:19 EST 2002 i686 system.sysObjectID.0

snmp and MIBs - missing interface properties

2004-02-11 Thread peteredhair
i'm trying to get iog to run on debian stable. Downloaded the .deb from testing, installed all dependent packages from stable and installed the iog .deb. Everything went ok. Now for the troubled part. When i run iog i get the message: bear:/etc/postfix# iog SNMP Error: no response received SNMP