On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 01:39:40PM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
> Aha, smailconfig. OK, I tried reinstalling smail before and now running
> smailconfig, same error. Guess I'll try exim next.
exim is the standard MTA for Debian these days - in fact, smail was
removed from potato due to a number o
upon removing smail apt-get installed sendmail which comes with its
own e-z konfiguration skrypt and runs great. Can't see why anyone would
want to use anything else. Can't see either why anyone would want to have
a mail daemon on their box other than for mailing cron output,
given that
> You should try reconfiguring smail - there's probably a program called
> smailconfig in /usr/sbin that will do that for you, or failing that
> removoing and reinstalling should do the trick. If smail doesn't
> configure itself I'd try another MTA (exim is the default choice for
> recent Debian
On Thu, Jul 20, 2000 at 09:39:08AM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
> Sendmail (which is smail, anyway) doesn't work either.
Invoking the sendmail binary gets you the same MTA but it bypasses many
of the checks MTAs perform
> It neither sends the mail nor returns it to the sender like it claims to.
Sendmail (which is smail, anyway) doesn't work either.
It neither sends the mail nor returns it to the sender like it claims to.
09:33:06$ sendmail root
09:33:20$ smail: mail moved to /var/spool/smail/error/13FJGC-0006PKC
09:33:43# cat /var/spool/smail/error/13FJGC-0006PKC
On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 09:58:47AM -0700, Krzys Majewski wrote:
> 550 You are not permitted to send mail
localhost isn't in the list of systems that smail will allow to forward
mail through it. How you tell smail about that I don't know.
> What gives? The only reason I'm trying to set this up
Since everyone else is asking questions that are completely unrelated
to Debian I'll do my bit and ask one that's only slightly related.
I've got Smail- 1998-Aug-2 #2 with the default
(ie empty) config files. Here's the problem:
09:54:21# ./smail restart
Restarting mail transport agen
Hallo Derek Tam
> >A sample "mailsession" could be:
> >
> >220-haitech.martin.home Smail- (#2 1998-Mar-18) ready at Sun,
> 17 May 1998 18:21:21 +0200 (CEST)
> [snip]
> >250 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Recipient Okay.
> Ugrading to the newest hamm smail packa
> "DT" == Derek Tam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> A sample "mailsession" could be:
>> 220-haitech.martin.home Smail- (#2 1998-Mar-18) ready at Sun,
DT> 17 May 1998 18:21:21 +0200 (CEST)
>> 250 '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Recipient Okay.
DT> Ugrading to t
In a previous email that was somewhat unrelated to my following
Martin Bialasinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>A sample "mailsession" could be:
>220-haitech.martin.home Smail- (#2 1998-Mar-18) ready at Sun,
17 May 1998 18:21:21 +0200 (CEST)
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