Re: kde2 and wmdockapps

2001-07-15 Thread Andy Saxena
Absolutely! "Dock Application Bar" can be accessed from Panel => Add => Extension menu. There is a bug that may not allow you to display all your dockapps. You can resolve this by writing a startup script that will launch your dockapps. -Andy On Sunday July 15 2001 17:31, Jonathan Daugherty wr

kde2 and wmdockapps

2001-07-15 Thread Jonathan Daugherty
Is there an easy way to run wm dockapps in kde2? -- Jonathan Daugherty Dept. of Computer Science / UCNS Workstation Support Group The University of Georgia /^.{10}\ +\d+\ +(\d+|\w+)\ +(\d+|\w+)\ +(\d+(\.\d+|)(M|k|G|)).*/ - master ls!