On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 04:01:52PM +0200, Micha Feigin wrote:

| Under 2.6 all mice go to /dev/input/mice, the ps2 one also goes to
| /dev/psaux (you could get a hyper sensitive mouse this way, drove me
| crazy with the touchpad).
I did this, intentionally, for a while.  The problem is that the
laptop's touchpad is only PS/2.  Thus gpm can only use PS/2 on
/dev/psaux.  So I put the external scroll mouse in the USB port.  Then
I wanted both the mouse, if present, and the touchpad to work in both
the console and X.  I also wanted the scrolling to work in X.  Thus I
had gpm reading both mice, and repeating them.  X read the repeater to
get the touchpad, but also went directly to the USB mouse as IMPS/2 to
get scrolling.  The result was that the external mouse was doubly
sensistive in X since X got one event from each of /dev/gpmdata and
/dev/input/mice for each actual event on the mouse.  A little funky,
but makes sense if you approach it one level/aspect at a time.

| I think you can also access indevidual mice in /dev/input/mouse<n>

Yes, at least for USB mice in 2.4.


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