SOLVED: courier fonts

2007-06-22 Thread michael
On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 12:47 +0100, michael wrote: > On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 12:41 +0100, michael wrote: > > Folks, my fonts got a little skewed when I upgraded from sarge to etch. > > Apart from a minor problem with emacs no problems until today when my > > application gives the following error > >

courier fonts

2007-06-22 Thread michael
Folks, my fonts got a little skewed when I upgraded from sarge to etch. Apart from a minor problem with emacs no problems until today when my application gives the following error font "*-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-100-*" doesn't exist (default value for "xFont" in widget ".graph") invoked fr

Re: Only Courier fonts are printed out with Xprint under Mozilla

2003-08-23 Thread R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar
03 R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar wrote: Further to my last e-mail, I have the following information: 1. Only if the 'sans serif' (bundled with Mozilla?) is selected do I get proportional fonts when printing under Mozilla, even as root. Otherwise, if I select Verdana, for instance, I get on

Re: Only Courier fonts are printed out with Xprint under Mozilla

2003-08-20 Thread R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar
Further to my last e-mail, I have the following information: 1. Only if the 'sans serif' (bundled with Mozilla?) is selected do I get proportional fonts when printing under Mozilla, even as root. Otherwise, if I select Verdana, for instance, I get only Courier fonts on printout. 2

Re: Only Courier fonts are printed out with Xprint under Mozilla

2003-08-20 Thread R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar Xprint server uses the FreeType TTF/OTF engine from Xfree86 so it needs the encodings.dir stuff set-up properly... - is that true in your case ? The Mozilla print preview with xprt-xprintorg shows the proportional sans serif fonts on web pages, but the hardcopy output from the printer only show

Re: Only Courier fonts are printed out with Xprint under Mozilla

2003-08-15 Thread R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar
ly set up? The Mozilla print preview with xprt-xprintorg shows the proportional sans serif fonts on web pages, but the hardcopy output from the printer only shows fixed width Courier fonts. Even when I save to a .ps file and view it with gv, I only see Courier fonts, unlike the print preview which s

Re: Only Courier fonts are printed out with Xprint under Mozilla

2003-08-14 Thread Roland Mainz
codings.dir stuff set-up properly... - is that true in your case ? > The Mozilla print preview with xprt-xprintorg shows the proportional > sans serif fonts on web pages, but the hardcopy output from the printer > only shows fixed width Courier fonts. Even when I save to a .ps file and >