Patrick Hsieh wrote:
> Hello list,
> I created a file as root and chown it to a common account, then su to
> that account, trying to delete it as that account but failed. Any idea?
this is one of the most problems for unix newbies...
basically, when you remove a file you don't modify it, b
On Wednesday 04 September 2002 11:14, Patrick Hsieh wrote:
> Hello list,
> I created a file as root and chown it to a common account, then su to
> that account, trying to delete it as that account but failed. Any idea?
> # touch todel
> # chown pahud todel
> # ls -l todel
> -rw-r--r--1 pah
Hello Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
the permission of that dir is
home:/home/swiab# ls -dl .
drwxr-xr-x 16 swiabswiab4096 Sep 4 16:25 .
Is there anything wrong?
> Check the permissions of the directory the file is in.
> --
On Wednesday 04 September 2002 01:14, Patrick Hsieh wrote:
> Hello list,
> I created a file as root and chown it to a common account, then su to
> that account, trying to delete it as that account but failed. Any idea?
> # touch todel
> # chown pahud todel
> # ls -l todel
> -rw-r--r--1 pah
Hello list,
I created a file as root and chown it to a common account, then su to
that account, trying to delete it as that account but failed. Any idea?
# touch todel
# chown pahud todel
# ls -l todel
-rw-r--r--1 pahud root0 Sep 4 16:08 todel
# su pahud
> rm -f todel
rm: cann
Type: rm - -test
A -- permits the user to mark explicitly the end of any com-
mand line options, allowing rm to recognize file arguments
that begin with a -.
A. M. Varon wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Aug 1997, Mike Miller wrote:
> > I have a file on my machine that I create
On Mon, 11 Aug 1997, Mike Miller wrote:
> I have a file on my machine that I created that begins with a hyphen.
> How can I delete it. rm -test says can't delete est using option -t (or
> whatever). How do I tell it not to use the hyphen as a switch?
Use Midnight Commander. Type mc to run the pro
The universal answer comes from comp.unix.faq. Try
rm ./-test
This should work no matter which ls you are using.
Mike Miller wrote:
> I have a file on my machine that I created that begins with a hyphen.
> How can I delete it. rm -test says can't delete est using option -t (or
> whatever).
try rm "-test"
Regards, | Debian GNU/ __ o
.| R L / / _ _ _ _ _ __ __
Jeff | E I / /__ / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
(FidoNet 1:3644/9) | D N// /_/ /_/\/ /___/ /_/\_\
> I have a file on my machine that I created that begins with a hyphen.
> How can I delete it. rm -test says can't delete est using option -t (or
> whatever). How do I tell it not to use the hyphen as a switch?
The easiest (and more portable since not all versions of rm
include the "--" o
I have a file on my machine that I created that begins with a hyphen.
How can I delete it. rm -test says can't delete est using option -t (or
whatever). How do I tell it not to use the hyphen as a switch?
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On Aug 11, Mike Miller wrote
> I have a file on my machine that I created that begins with a hyphen. How
> can I delete it. rm -test says can't delete est using option -t (or
> whatever). How do I tell it not to use the hyphen as a switch?
With most GNU tools, '--' means "end option processing he
> I have a file on my machine that I created that begins with a hyphen.
> How can I delete it. rm -test says can't delete est using option -t (or
> whatever). How do I tell it not to use the hyphen as a switch?
rm -- -test
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