Re: Wireless Frustration

2003-02-11 Thread Patrick Ouellette
H. George,,, wrote: > Date: Sun, 09 Feb 2003 13:09:21 -0500 > From: "Thomas H. George,,," <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Wireless Frustration > > Can anyone recommend a wireless adapter (pci or usb) which is known to > work with Woody righ

Wireless Frustration

2003-02-09 Thread Thomas H. George,,,
Can anyone recommend a wireless adapter (pci or usb) which is known to work with Woody right out of the box? I have struggled for a month with my Actiontec Wireless USB Adapter and linus-wlan-ng and all I have ever achieved is to have the ready light come on when the system is shutting down fo