Ok. Just upgraded my trusty old PAS16 to a SB32PNP. After stuffing around for a bit so it didn't kill my eth0, things seem to almost be working. Only problem is that MP3 files do not play properly. When using mpg123, I get a nasty skipping. This does not happen when playing .mods with mikmod. Perhaps the SB32 output routines use more CPU/DMA time, and with the load of decompressing the MP3s, I don't have enough CPU to do it? The box in question is an AMD 486DX4-100. But, I had no problems playing MP3s with my PAS16.
Just installed splay, and it seems to have the same problem. Any suggestions? I don't really want to go back to the PAS16, it has this nasty hardware bug where the right/left channels can get reversed sometimes. -- ______________________________________________________________ | ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and | | manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. | ; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://minion.org ; : raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .