Re: Want custom Deb distro

2001-12-30 Thread Petre Daniel Phillip Charles rules.. At 11:44 AM 12/30/01 +1100, Penguin wrote: Hello, Debian community! Thanks thanks thanks for all your responses to my other posts. I am learning much more like this than my Bachelor of Computer Science trash! :-P And I am in my final terms... ah

Re: Want custom Deb distro

2001-12-29 Thread dman
On Sun, Dec 30, 2001 at 11:44:08AM +1100, Penguin wrote: | I only have a 56K modem and its just impossible for me to sit there and | download all this myself, constantly redialling after my pathetic TWO isp | providers keep cutting me off, one is down and so use the other... then get | cut off

Want custom Deb distro

2001-12-29 Thread Penguin
Hello, Debian community! Thanks thanks thanks for all your responses to my other posts. I am learning much more like this than my Bachelor of Computer Science trash! :-P And I am in my final terms... ahem. What I would like to know now is this: I see from the list of distributors of Debian CDs