Re: Tyan Tomcat i7221A

2005-11-29 Thread Hodgins Family
Good morning! I'm about to buy 6 boxes with the Tyan Tomcat i7221A mainboard in it. The client wants to run Debian. Now .. I don't know a lot about the hardware support in Debian. Can someone advise me on this? Will this box install with the latest stable install CD? The full sp

Tyan Tomcat i7221A

2005-11-29 Thread Johan Kooijman
Hi all, I'm about to buy 6 boxes with the Tyan Tomcat i7221A mainboard in it. The client wants to run Debian. Now .. I don't know a lot about the hardware support in Debian. Can someone advise me on this? Will this box install with the latest stable install CD? The full specs ca