Subject: Swap partitioning
Date: Sat, Dec 19, 1998 at 08:13:32AM -0500
In reply to:Christian Lavoie
Quoting Christian Lavoie([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Figuring out that StarOffice5 is too much a resource hog (actually, SOffice
> + mp3 + 12 or 13 netscape windows, etc. etc.)
On 19-Dec-98, Christian Lavoie took time to write :
> Linux partition is: /dev/hda7
> Current swap: /dev/hda8
> New swap: /dev/hda9
> 64megs of RAM
> 1) Will adding another swap partition really help SOffice?
sure... but not as much as more memory
> 2) Where does I configure Li
Figuring out that StarOffice5 is too much a resource hog (actually, SOffice
+ mp3 + 12 or 13 netscape windows, etc. etc.) for my current config, I've
decided to add another swap partition to my Linux. I setup'ed (is that a
word?) lilo and everything... Booted and took a look at 'top'. Oh surprise,
Figuring out that StarOffice5 is too much a resource hog (actually, SOffice
+ mp3 + 12 or 13 netscape windows, etc. etc.) for my current config, I've
decided to add another swap partition to my Linux. I setup'ed (is that a
word?) lilo and everything... Booted and took a look at 'top'. Oh surprise,
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