Re: Strange google chrome gdk error.

2010-08-19 Thread Brian Ryans
Quoting Angus Hedger on 2010-08-13 09:56:32, in Message-Id > [30220:30220:283489464055:ERROR:chrome/app/] > Gdk: shmget failed: error 28 (No space left on device) WARNING: I'm just talking from my posterior here, but it's about all I've got at this point. Maybe someone can

Strange google chrome gdk error.

2010-08-13 Thread Angus Hedger
Hey, I have this odd error that has been bugging me, and I haven't been able to google up anything to help me fix it, only stuff I could find was from 2002 on a freeBSD mailing list. To summarise my problem; I have a quite resource heavy windows program i run in WINE via playonlinux, after runnin