Re: potato web browsers

2002-02-18 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Sun, Feb 17, 2002 at 09:35:01AM -0600, Alex Malinovich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: > Galeon should work with no problems on a Potato system. I had it running > for a couple of weeks on my desktop before I upgraded to sid. I've run > it on a P133 with 40 megs of RAM with no major problems. And Ga

Re: potato web browsers

2002-02-17 Thread Richard Cobbe
Lo, on Sunday, February 17, will trillich did write: > On Sun, Feb 17, 2002 at 09:35:01AM -0600, Alex Malinovich wrote: > > Galeon should work with no problems on a Potato system. I had it running > > for a couple of weeks on my desktop before I upgraded to sid. I've run > > it on a P133 with 40 m

Re: potato web browsers

2002-02-17 Thread will trillich
On Sun, Feb 17, 2002 at 09:35:01AM -0600, Alex Malinovich wrote: > Galeon should work with no problems on a Potato system. I had it running > for a couple of weeks on my desktop before I upgraded to sid. I've run > it on a P133 with 40 megs of RAM with no major problems. And Galeon is, > by far, th

Re: potato web browsers

2002-02-17 Thread Alex Malinovich
Galeon should work with no problems on a Potato system. I had it running for a couple of weeks on my desktop before I upgraded to sid. I've run it on a P133 with 40 megs of RAM with no major problems. And Galeon is, by far, the most superior browser I've had the pleasure of EVER using. There are re

Re: potato web browsers

2002-02-17 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 11:05:52PM -0600, will trillich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: > i know that somewhere out there someone has concocted a list of > potato-friendly x-window-system web browsers. nice comparison > table. relative functionality and speed. utility. bugginess. I've reviewed browser

Re: " potato web browsers" + Opera, Mozilla/Netscrape

2002-02-08 Thread Leonardo F. S. Boiko
> > mozilla seems slow, konq i havent had much experience with, > > It's almost unusable here, but I attributed that to the machine -- on a > Pentium Classic 166MHz, _everything's_ slow, even with 96MB. ;) Once I As I said before, I'm with a Pentium 100, 32MB, Opera 6, WindowMaker, a tweaked ke

Re: potato web browsers

2002-02-08 Thread Leonardo F. S. Boiko
> > Opera6 is woody-hostile?? Since when? I use O6tp3 with GNOME > > & Sawfish, and it works really smooth. I use Woody and WindowMaker in a Pentium 100, 32mb ram. I Tried Opera 5 and it just segfaults when I invoke it. Opera 6 runs very fast and never crashed. I love these mouse gestures too.

RE:' potato web browsers' + Opera, Mozilla/Netscrape

2002-02-08 Thread nate
> to try it. Could you elaborate on what you mean by v6 being > "hostile"? What sort of behavior have you observed? And were you > able to get the Sun JRE working with it? see my other mails in the thread, i explained the problems.. haven't tried the sun JRE.. > > You know, I bought into Oper

RE:" potato web browsers" + Opera, Mozilla/Netscrape

2002-02-08 Thread Jeff Bonner
On 8 Feb 2002 1:13AM, nate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >> so, what browsers are available as potato-friendly *.deb for X? > > Opera 5 and Opera 6 are potato friendly. in my experience > opera 6 is woody-hostile though. opera 5 works good in woody. Hmm, I didn't know Opera was available as a

Re: potato web browsers

2002-02-08 Thread nate
> Opera6 is woody-hostile?? Since when? I use O6tp3 with GNOME > & Sawfish, and it works really smooth. for me, since the beginning (TP1). My laptop at home runs woody and TP1, TP2 and now TP3 all segfault instantly on startup, on my desktop at work which runs woody, it starts but the "back" f

Re: potato web browsers

2002-02-08 Thread Randy Orrison
On Fri, 2002-02-08 at 06:12, nate wrote: > > > so, what browsers are available as potato-friendly *.deb for X? > Opera 5 and Opera 6 are potato friendly. in my experience > opera 6 is woody-hostile though. opera 5 works good in woody. Opera 6 is working fine for me in woody, and I've found it to

Re: potato web browsers

2002-02-08 Thread Ron Johnson
On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 22:12:51 -0800 (PST) "nate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > [snip] > Opera 5 and Opera 6 are potato friendly. in my experience > opera 6 is woody-hostile though. opera 5 works good in woody. [big snip] Opera6 is woody-hostile?? Since when? I use O6tp3 with GNOME & Sawfish, and i

Re: potato web browsers

2002-02-08 Thread nate
> i know that somewhere out there someone has concocted a list of > potato-friendly x-window-system web browsers. nice comparison > table. relative functionality and speed. utility. bugginess. > > searching at google finds wy too many not-even-close pages. > > so, what browsers are available a