Re: bash history search key binding

2006-02-26 Thread cga
Lei Kong wrote: [...] Thanks for your advice, but misteriously, it is back to normal now. I swear to god I didn't do anything, oh, wait, maybe I did an aptitude upgrade without even knowing about it. maybe your bash history was accidentally reset.. or lost its cd* commands .. maybe the key

Re: Re: bash history search key binding

2006-02-25 Thread Lei Kong
Hi all, I am using debian testing, and the bash version is 3.1.5. I have the following lines in my .bashrc to assign arrow keys to history search: bind '"\M-[A":history-search-backward' bind '"\M-[B":history-search-forward' what does $ bind -P | grep history say? It

Re: bash history search key binding

2006-02-25 Thread cga
Lei Kong wrote: Hi all, I am using debian testing, and the bash version is 3.1.5. I have the following lines in my .bashrc to assign arrow keys to history search: bind '"\M-[A":history-search-backward' bind '"\M-[B":history-search-forward' what does $ bind -P | grep history say? It