Re: IP address printing w/ LPRng

1998-07-08 Thread Brian Morgan
Jim: Could you repost that message you sent yesterday? My windows machine went crazy last night and said I had 4,000+ messages this morning (mostly duplicates). I then went a little crazier, and just started deleting left and right, and somehow accidentally deleted your last message. Thanks,

Re: IP address printing w/ LPRng

1998-07-08 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
Hello, I just have one question -- when I print to LaserJet with "lp" (from lprng package) command, it seems it didn't use spool directory. In other words, when I do: $ lp lp waits until it sends whole file to the printer, instead to put the file into queue. How to change it? Thank y

RE: IP address printing w/ LPRng

1998-07-07 Thread Lewis, James M.
y exists (create it) and set the permissions. On my system they are drwxrwsr-x root:lp. If you already have a direcotry for this queue, just rename it. jim -- From: Brian Morgan[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 1998 3:52 PM To: Lewis, James M. ; Debian User group

Re: IP address printing w/ LPRng

1998-07-07 Thread Brian Morgan
I've redone my printcap file to read: lp1||Remote printer entry:\ :lp=:\ :rm=\ :rp=text:\ :sd=/var/spool/lpd/\ :mx#0:\ :sf:\ :sh: Shouldn't that lp line read lp=/dev/lp1:\ ??? I also modified my hosts.lpd

RE: IP address printing w/ LPRng

1998-07-07 Thread Lewis, James M.
Brian, Those things have 2 printer names configured. They are "text" and "raw". The text one adds cr when it sees an lf and the raw one does not. I don't know if there is a way to make new printer names for those things. You might telnet into it to see if you can. Umm, I just checked one and