Re: Potato locked up on shutdown - processes still running

1999-12-05 Thread Mark M
On Fri, Dec 03, 1999 at 10:48:15AM -0800, aphro wrote: > It may not help but i remapped ctrl-0alt-del to go to runlevel 1, instead > of reboot usually allows for a clean shutdown when something goes > wrong(like X breaking, or some startup script hanging the system) Hi Nate, Thanks for the idea.

Re: Potato locked up on shutdown - processes still running

1999-12-03 Thread aphro
On Sat, 4 Dec 1999, Mark M wrote: z10354 >After running for about 20 days and then shutting down, init froze with z10354 >`processes still running' (or something similar) before unmounting any z10354 >drives (actually before saving random seed I think). I could switch z10354 >consoles, but init h

Potato locked up on shutdown - processes still running

1999-12-03 Thread Mark M
Hi, For a few months now, I have had the error message - `/dev/hda4 busy - mounted ro' (hda4 is my /var) after all partitions are unmounted on shutdown. I haven't worried about it too much up until now. After running for about 20 days and then shutting down, init froze with `processes still ru