On Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 02:17:54PM +0700, Dmitry wrote:
> Greetings!
> Why variable PS1 dose not change when set it before a command:
> Like this:
> A="a1" LANG="C.UTF-8" PS1="new" B="b2" bash --noprofile
> $A, $B, $LANG -change
PS1="Works $PS1" bash --noprofile --norc
On 8 Feb 2024 14:17 +0700, from lbvf50.mob...@gmail.com (Dmitry):
> Why variable PS1 dose not change when set it before a command:
> Like this:
> A="a1" LANG="C.UTF-8" PS1="new" B="b2" bash --noprofile
> $A, $B, $LANG -changed, $PS1
Why variable PS1 dose not change when set it before a command:
Like this:
A="a1" LANG="C.UTF-8" PS1="new" B="b2" bash --noprofile
$A, $B, $LANG -changed, $PS1 - not.
Works only when I explicitly set in current process.
export PS1="(chro
On 6/2/22 22:50, Will Mengarini wrote:
* David Christensen [22-06/02=Th 19:18 -0700]:
Now I can almost match your prompt -- there is a dash before 'bash':
2022-06-02 19:05:10 dpchrist@laalaa ~
$ PS1="\\h/${TTY#/dev/} \\s$SHLVL \\w \\A \$?\\\$"
laalaa/pts/8 -bash1
* David Christensen [22-06/02=Th 19:18 -0700]:
> [...]
> Now I can almost match your prompt -- there is a dash before 'bash':
> 2022-06-02 19:05:10 dpchrist@laalaa ~
> $ PS1="\\h/${TTY#/dev/} \\s$SHLVL \\w \\A \$?\\\$"
> laalaa/pts/8 -bash1 ~ 19:08 0$
On 6/2/22 19:25, Greg Wooledge wrote:
On Thu, Jun 02, 2022 at 06:01:11PM -0700, David Christensen wrote:
This is my PS1. '\u' does not work on all of Debian, FreeBSD, Cygwin, and
macOS, so the expansion of ${USER} is inserted between two string literals
when .profile runs and sets
On Thu, Jun 02, 2022 at 06:01:11PM -0700, David Christensen wrote:
> This is my PS1. '\u' does not work on all of Debian, FreeBSD, Cygwin, and
> macOS, so the expansion of ${USER} is inserted between two string literals
> when .profile runs and sets PS1:
> 2022-06-02
$' is $?:
debian/pts/4 bash3 ~ 14:56 0$perl -e 'open "gweeblefleep" || die'
debian/pts/4 bash3 ~ 14:57 0$perl -e 'open "gweeblefleep" or die'
Died at -e line 1.
debian/pts/4 bash3 ~ 14:57 2$
What is you
r before the prompt-ending '$' is $?:
>>>> debian/pts/4 bash3 ~ 14:56 0$perl -e 'open "gweeblefleep" || die'
>>>> debian/pts/4 bash3 ~ 14:57 0$perl -e 'open "gweeblefleep" or die'
>>>> Died at -e line 1.
gt; debian/pts/4 bash3 ~ 14:56 0$perl -e 'open "gweeblefleep" || die'
>>> debian/pts/4 bash3 ~ 14:57 0$perl -e 'open "gweeblefleep" or die'
>>> Died at -e line 1.
>>> debian/pts/4 bash3 ~ 14:57 2$
>>> -
On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 10:59:28PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
> On Mon 12 Apr 2021 at 11:26:49 (-0400), Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 10:18:19AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > > I'm not using PS1 to test whether stdout is a terminal, but whether
On Mon 12 Apr 2021 at 11:26:49 (-0400), Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 10:18:19AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > I'm not using PS1 to test whether stdout is a terminal, but whether
> > the file is running interactively. From man bash:
> >
> >
Quoting Carlos Mennens on 2010-08-04 11:40:33, in Message-Id
Sorry to necro the thread; was reading through my archives and found
this message just now :)
> How can I force Debian to use a custom colored PS1 I have defined
> under /root/.bashrc for all new users I create with '
Quoting Paul E Condon on 2010-08-20 17:36:32, in Message-Id
> i.e. they are after a statement [ -z "$PS1" ] && return which, I
> think, executes return if PS1 is empty.
> The comment just before the above line of code is:
Hi Paul!
Paul E Condon wrote:
> I'm debugging some bash scripts and reading the scripts that come as
> part of Squeeze installation. I find several places where there are
> statements the set a value from variable PS1, BUT all of them seem
> to be in scripts that only get e
In <84lj80alu2@sauna.l.org>, Timo Juhani Lindfors wrote:
>Paul E Condon writes:
>> I would
>> have thought 'interactive' should be characterized by having a tty
>> attached to sysin and sysout for communication to a 'user'.
>That is not true. If I run "bash foo.sh" then I am not running shel
On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Paul E Condon
> I'm debugging some bash scripts and reading the scripts that come as
> part of Squeeze installation. I find several places where there are
> statements the set a value from variable PS1, BUT all of them seem
> to be in scri
Paul E Condon writes:
> I'm debugging some bash scripts and reading the scripts that come as
> part of Squeeze installation. I find several places where there are
> statements the set a value from variable PS1, BUT all of them seem
> to be in scripts that only get executed if P
I'm debugging some bash scripts and reading the scripts that come as
part of Squeeze installation. I find several places where there are
statements the set a value from variable PS1, BUT all of them seem
to be in scripts that only get executed if PS1 is already non-empty.
i.e. they are af
Carlos Mennens wrote:
> How can I force Debian to use a custom colored PS1 I have defined
> under /root/.bashrc for all new users I create with 'useradd' or
> 'adduser'? Is there somewhere I can modify this like in /etc/profile?
> Can someone just let me know what
How can I force Debian to use a custom colored PS1 I have defined
under /root/.bashrc for all new users I create with 'useradd' or
'adduser'? Is there somewhere I can modify this like in /etc/profile?
Can someone just let me know what the correct process would be for Debian
Hi folks
I'm wondering if it'd be a good idea to have PS1 set to
'${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)[EMAIL PROTECTED]:$(realpath "$(pwd)")\$ '
instead of the default
'${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w\$ '
and make it a suggestion
On Fri, May 20, 2005 at 10:38:09PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
> Jacobo221 wrote:
> >I like customizing my PC. In my console I use the following PS1 var:
> >
> >PS1='\n\033[34;1m[\w]\033[0;34m\$ '
> >PS1=$PS1'\033[s\033[1;1f\033[37;47;1m\033[K Terminal:
* Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005 May 20 22:42 -0500]:
> I use bash, and also have a colour-coded prompt. I see similar problems
> to what you're describing. I've just learned to live with it. I only
> mention this so you'll know you're not alone. Sorry I don't have a
> solution for you.
I us
Jacobo221 wrote:
>I like customizing my PC. In my console I use the following PS1 var:
>PS1='\n\033[34;1m[\w]\033[0;34m\$ '
>PS1=$PS1'\033[s\033[1;1f\033[37;47;1m\033[K Terminal:
>\033[2m\l\033[1m\033[;19fJobs: \033[2m\j\033[1m\033[;29fUser:
I didn't know what package should i file this bug to (cterm, base-utils, ...)
so i report it here and hope someone can suggest:
I like customizing my PC. In my console I use the following PS1 var:
PS1='\n\033[34;1m[\w]\033[0;34m\$ '
Todd Pytel wrote:
I suspect that root's prompt is being set somewhere and being read in
after /etc/profile, overwriting PS1. Perhaps in /root/.bashrc or
Yes, /root/.bashrc was it. Thanks a ton.
(Remove all underscores,_if any_, from my email address to
On Mon, 08 Dec 2003 00:57:25 -0500
"H. S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have tried to find on the web how to change my root prompt. I tried
> setting the PS1 in /etc/profile but it seems that is not read when I
> do "su -" to change to root.
No, it is
I have tried to find on the web how to change my root prompt. I tried
setting the PS1 in /etc/profile but it seems that is not read when I do
"su -" to change to root. But if I do "source /etc/profile" as root, I
get my changes prompt, but then I loose the root environ
On Sun, Jul 13, 2003 at 08:21:34PM +0200, Sebastian Kapfer wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 19:30:10 +0200, Robin Gerard wrote:
PS1="${cyan}[$TIME [EMAIL PROTECTED] \[${YELLOW}\#$NC\]] \[\w\$ "
did the trick.
On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 19:30:10 +0200, Robin Gerard wrote:
> with this PS1 I get:
> [18:31 : 0.16]
> but if I write a very long command the cursor remains on the same line and
> overlaps the prompt.
>From "man bash":
> \[
NC='\e[0m' # No Color
# Shell prompt:
LOAD=$(uptime | cut -c 45-49)
TIME=$(date +%H:%M)
PS1="${cyan}[\$TIME [EMAIL PROTECTED] ${YELLOW}\#$NC] \w\$ "
andrej hocevar wrote:
> I'm losing my temper here -- why did the first prompt work normally
> and the second looks fine, yet if I try to type more than one line,
> it doesn't start a new one but starts overwriting the very same one
> instead!?
Weird. It seems as though bash doesn't like having es
function jbs() {
if [ "$(jobs)" = "" ]
then echo " "
echo -e " :: ($(jobs | awk '{print $3}' | tr "\n" ",")\b)"
export PS1="[${BLUE}\h
--- Marcelo Leal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2002-03-13 19:30):
> why my PS1 variable is [EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w\$ in console (not X). And in X
> (eterm)
> is \s-\v\$ ???
> i wanna the first way... in the second only bash version appears.
The prompt which contains only the shell
Marcelo Leal, 2002-Mar-13 14:57 +:
> hi folks,
> why my PS1 variable is [EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w\$ in console (not X). And in X
> (eterm)
> is \s-\v\$ ???
> i wanna the first way... in the second only bash version appears.
> thanks!
I control my prompts from my ~/.bas
hi folks,
why my PS1 variable is [EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w\$ in console (not X). And in X
is \s-\v\$ ???
i wanna the first way... in the second only bash version appears.
> I have freshly installed Slink and put the following lines in my
> ~.bashrc :
> case $TERM in
> xterm*)
> PS1 ="\[\033]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: \w\007\]\w\$ "
Isn't the white space character before the = sign cause ba
On 19-Nov-1999 ktb wrote:
> I have freshly installed Slink and put the following lines in my
> ~.bashrc :
> case $TERM in
> xterm*)
> PS1 ="\[\033]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: \w\007\]\w\$ "
> ;;
> *)
On 18/11/99 ktb wrote:
case $TERM in
PS1 ="\[\033]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: \w\007\]\w\$ "
PS1 ="\w\$ "
I get the following error when I open
I have freshly installed Slink and put the following lines in my
~.bashrc :
case $TERM in
PS1 ="\[\033]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]: \w\007\]\w\$ "
PS1 ="\w\$ "
Forwarded on request. This sure has charm ;)
- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Subject: Re: ANSI Color Escapes in $PS1.. heh.
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marcus Brinkmann)
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 00:36:51 -0500 (EST)
On Wed, Dec 02, 1998 at 12:41:06PM -0600, Ryan King wrote:
> Just how stupid an idea did I have when I did this:
> $PS1="[\e[31m\h\e[m:\e[34m\u\e[m:\e[31m\w\$\e[m]"
> in my /etc/profile?
> It looks really nifty until I try to do commands that wrap around,
Ryan King said
> I don't quite get it... I tried replacing my \e's with ^['s and surrounding
> all escapes with /[/] pairs, and it wouldn't work at all (just the
> "source" were displayed.. IE the same as typing `echo $PS1`)
I'm sorry. I wasn
> How would one check to make sure the terminal is capable of ANSI escape
> sequences?
> -brad
I'd do this by not coding in the escape sequences directly, but by using
export PS1="\[`tput setaf [EMAIL PROTECTED] sgr0`\]:\[`tput set
*-"Ryan King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Just how stupid an idea did I have when I did this:
| $PS1="[\e[31m\h\e[m:\e[34m\u\e[m:\e[31m\w\$\e[m]"
| in my /etc/profile?
Chuck explained what was going on. Your prompt could be:
How would one check to make sure the terminal is capable of ANSI escape
On Wed, 2 Dec 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ryan King said
> > Just how stupid an idea did I have when I did this:
> >
> > $PS1="[\e[31m\h\e[m:\e[34m\u\e[m:\e[31m\w\$\e[m]&qu
Ryan King said
> Just how stupid an idea did I have when I did this:
> $PS1="[\e[31m\h\e[m:\e[34m\u\e[m:\e[31m\w\$\e[m]"
> in my /etc/profile?
Not stupid at all!!
> It looks really nifty until I try to do commands that wrap around, in which
> case the f
Ryan King wrote:
> Just how stupid an idea did I have when I did this:
> $PS1="[\e[31m\h\e[m:\e[34m\u\e[m:\e[31m\w\$\e[m]"
> in my /etc/profile?
> It looks really nifty until I try to do commands that wrap around, in which
> case the first line returns, b
Just how stupid an idea did I have when I did this:
in my /etc/profile?
It looks really nifty until I try to do commands that wrap around, in which
case the first line returns, but keeps going on the current spot.
The real disaste
I am looking for jummpers,pinouts, any available help to get these units
going maybe with IBM's dos package. I am doing this as both a challenge and
to resell to a needy home, of course, only after I am sure that it's working
Have it to the "F" key screen. Any suggestions or hel
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