Re: Missing memory and defunct rodent

2000-12-22 Thread Nate Amsden
Glyn Millington wrote: > I tried append="mem=160m" in lilo.conf, ran lilo and got a kernel panic - > not only the kernel let me tell you! The bios knows it's there but > the kernel sn't picking it up. What should I add to lilo.conf? try append="mem=159M" not sure if the capitalization matt

Missing memory and defunct rodent

2000-12-20 Thread Glyn Millington
Greetings - two questions. 1. I have just added 128MB of memory to the miserable 32 already on my machine at home and it seems that the kernel is only detecting 64MB of it. A vast improvement, but I want it all... I tried append="mem=160m" in lilo.conf, ran lilo and got a kernel panic - not