I figured out the answer to my own question,
"How to switch from KDE to GNOME with the latest
Storm release".
The login dialog box has a little menu running
across the top, and one of the items is "Session",
from which you can choose:
it was that easy.
> To:
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 2:48 AM
> Subject: KDE-->GNOME, how to switch
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Check /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager symlink..
- Original Message -
From: "Greg Strockbine." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 2:48 AM
Subject: KDE-->GNOME, how to switch
I did the stormix install of the latest Deb,
and I told it to install both KDE and GNOME.
It comes up in KDE and I can't figure out how
to make the switch to GNOME. I thought I had
to put something like "gnome-exec" in my
xstart file, but I don't even see such a file
in my home directory, just a
4 matches
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