On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 08:52:37AM +0530, Deboo ^ wrote:
> On 5/21/07, Roberto C. Sánchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Strange. I know on my system when my hourly rsync backup runs, it can
> >take a couple of seconds for things that are normally instantaneous.
> >Beyond that, I am not sure. D
On 5/21/07, Roberto C. Sánchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Strange. I know on my system when my hourly rsync backup runs, it can
take a couple of seconds for things that are normally instantaneous.
Beyond that, I am not sure. Does this happen all the time or only at
certain times? Is your mach
onsole. No NFS either. Atleast jed
> shouldn't take up similar time that sometimes emacs does? Even emacs
> runs in about 2 seconds or less normally so I wonder what causes the
> delay? Cronjobs?
Strange. I know on my system when my hourly rsync backup runs, it can
take a
On 5/21/07, Roberto C. Sánchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do you have a low memory or slow machine? Do you have one or more
filesystems mounted over a slow network?
256 MB should suffice for console. No NFS either. Atleast jed
shouldn't take up similar time that sometimes emacs
On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 07:32:09AM +0530, Deboo ^ wrote:
> When I start emacs or jed at times, both of them pause for a long tiem
> before starting up. This only happens sometimes. How can I dermine
> what is the cause?
Do you have a low memory or slow machine? Do you have
When I start emacs or jed at times, both of them pause for a long tiem
before starting up. This only happens sometimes. How can I dermine
what is the cause?
Please don't Cc: me, I'm subscribed to the list.
with a
Hi all
I usually edit (live) in xemacs, but when I am running around as root
editing a bunch of small files from the console/an xterm, xemacs is a
bit heavy weight.
So I thaught, no probs, jed is an emacs clone, and all the basic editing
keys should work. Well, turns out I was wrong. In jed
On Wed, 30 Jan 2002 22:23:25 +0100, Ralf G. R. Bergs wrote:
>I already edited /usr/share/jed/lib/jed.rc by changing the following lines:
> % enable_menu_keys ();
> enable_top_status_line (0);
The author of the Debian package, Charl P. Botha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, gladly
Hi there,
is there anyone who can help me with disabling this f*ck*ng keystrokes to
the menus???
I already edited /usr/share/jed/lib/jed.rc by changing the following lines:
% enable_menu_keys ();
enable_top_status_line (0);
If I'm not totally mistaken this used to do the
According to the documentation you should be able to read documentation
about jed's functions by using the command ESC-H F . However,
all functions give the same result "undocumented".
The directory /usr/share/jed/lib shows lots of .slc files. These files are,
as far as i know,
of installing on slink.
>> I've been using Debian for
>> years, but its jed setup is,
>> to say the least, rather misguided. For some
>> obscure reason, the files
>> that make up the standard jed tar ball are
>> spread in Debian over sever
.jedrc script.
> Do I ever agree! I've been using Debian for
> years, but its jed setup is,
> to say the least, rather misguided. For some
> obscure reason, the files
> that make up the standard jed tar ball are
> spread in Debian over several
> deb packages. More c
CM-compliant programs assume that.
We probably also need more modifier bits. I wonder if xfree86 4 will have
any differences.
-- Ferret no baka
On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, matt garman wrote:
> Hello:
> I use jed with emacs keybindings as my editor. Often, I need to use the
> Alt ke
I use jed with emacs keybindings as my editor. Often, I need to use the
Alt key, but it doesn't take when I'm in X. I know I can use the Esc
key to get the same functionality, but I'd rather not (then I might as
well use vi if I have to reach for the Esc key all the ti
I've hunted around the man page, but I can't seem to find a way to have jed
use ispell on anything more than one word (ESC $). Is there a way to have
jed spell-check the whole document?
David J. Kanter
"Humans have an innate tendency to attribute significan
> Would be very nice to be able to do that...
And... It would be nice to be able to use the Delete key to remove to the
right (now it just beeps me)...
peter - please Cc: replies to me
I'm using jed with WordStar keybindings; how can I get it to honour the Home
and End keys so that I can get to the beginning/end of the line with them?
Would be very nice to be able to do that...
peter - please Cc: all replies to me
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrea Mennucci) writes:
> Is there a way I can tell xterm to set TERM=xterm-color ?
Put: "XTerm*termName: xterm-color" in /etc/X11/Xresources to do this
for everyone, or in ~/.Xresources for yourself, or say:
% xterm -xrm '*termName: xterm-color'
to do it for jus
Hi to everybody
Maybe there is an easy answer to this but I couldnt find it
When I used Slackware there was a command like ``color-xterm''
and I would have an xterm with color support
In debian if I run ls --color=auto
or jed (with ANSI_COLORS enabled)I see colors;
but if I ru
On Wed, 20 Aug 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> How to remove the top line -> '*** Debian GNU/Linux *** ...'
> In emacs, I can do: '(menu-bar-mode -1)'
to you .jedrc
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How to remove the top line -> '*** Debian GNU/Linux *** ...'
In emacs, I can do: '(menu-bar-mode -1)'
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On Sat, 26 Oct 1996, Boris D. Beletsky wrote:
> >make jed and/or slsc under X?
> /usr/bin/xjed
> jed for x
> it's included
And where is xslrn? I need to have jed for xterms. I could use it once ...
On Fri, 25 Oct 1996, Marcelo Magallon wrote:
> I just installed the newest jed package, and it won't start under
>X... it says "terminal not powerful enough for Slang". Is there a way to
>make jed and/or slsc under X?
I just installed the newest jed package, and it won't start under
X... it says "terminal not powerful enough for Slang". Is there a way to
make jed and/or slsc under X?
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