Re: Installing from CD-ROM: problems

1999-11-13 Thread peter karlsson
Michelle Konzack: > If you run dselect, choose teh accessmetode multicd2 > (or like this, because I do not know exactly). We changed it to apt (setting up with apt-cdrom, but it didn't find all the lists) > +--+ .~. > | Michelle'

Re: Installing from CD-ROM: problems

1999-11-13 Thread Michelle Konzack
At 19:39 13.11.1999 +0100, you wrote > This was the original Message: MK>Hi! MK> MK>A friend of mine is installing Debian from cd-roms (from a machine without MK>Internet connectivity), and since I have never done that myself, I'm a bit MK>at a loss to why it won't work correctly. Here's th

Installing from CD-ROM: problems

1999-11-13 Thread peter karlsson
Hi! A friend of mine is installing Debian from cd-roms (from a machine without Internet connectivity), and since I have never done that myself, I'm a bit at a loss to why it won't work correctly. Here's the problems: * The initial dselect install only installed from the first cd, it seemed not