
Last night I got the exciting message on my screen:
scsi0: medium error on channel 0, id3, lun 0, CDB: read (6)....
Current Error sd08:02 sensekey medium error
additional sense indicates record not found

repeating many times as I tried to boot.  A day ago, I got a crc check
sum error on a known working kernel, and then before I got the medium
errors, I had fsck troubles, and couldn't get the file system repaired.

Does this look like a certain hard drive failure, or does anyone think it
could be caused by something else, say bad cache, ram, etc.?

I'm asking because I'd hate to return the drive to Seagate, only to find
that the problem is somewhere else.  I also plan on doing some separate
drive testing, but wanted to get other input as well.

Thanks in advance!


P.S.  I do have backups, and, oddly enough, ordered an extra drive a
couple days ago as a coincidence.  Therefore, my life isn't ruined :-)

Chip Atkinson          [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work)
Xi Graphics            [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)
Denver, CO             (303)298-7478 (work)

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