In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler) writes:
> Graeme Stewart
> > I'm sure that many of us are very concerned about the future of Debian
> > re. what we have read.
> I am.
I am not concerned. While it would be nice if everyone was perfect,
made the correct decisions the
At 06:49 PM 11/29/96 -0500, somebody wrote:
>However since you have said so, I officially hand in my resignation.
>I wish you good luck with Debian in the future.
Come on guys!!! I am not a Debian developer (yet) but I am a Debian user and
I think we need everybody's effort in order to make Debia
> what is happening to the debian distribution? is it folding?
Absolutely not. Debian is strong and growing. This entire mess
was actually a bit of a growing pain with different people having
different ideas about what would make Debian the strongest.
There is no cause for concern regarding the
what is happening to the debian distribution? is it folding?
Name: Allan W. Bart, Jr.
Date: 11/30/96
Time: 1:21:37 PM
This message was sent by Chameleon
> This thread seems to have appeared in the debian-user lists a little
> like a bolt from the blue. I am a very keen Debian user and
> proselytiser and I'm sure that many of us are very concerned about the
> future of Debian re. what we have read.
> I don't want debian-user to become a war zone
Graeme Stewart
> I'm sure that many of us are very concerned about the future of Debian
> re. what we have read.
I am.
> I really hope that it succeeds, in fact I hope to contribute to its
> success, but my _perception_ at the moment is of technical secrets being
> kept from users (re. XFree3.1)
From: Graeme Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This thread seems to have appeared in the debian-user lists a little
> like a bolt from the blue. I am a very keen Debian user and
> proselytiser and I'm sure that many of us are very concerned about the
> future of Debian re. what we have read.
> "Bruce" == Bruce Perens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Bruce> From: "Brian C. White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I never placed my position as "distribution manager" on the
>> line for this point. I just said that if you didn't want me to
>> do my job, then say so.
Bruce> Indee
From: "Brian C. White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I never placed my position as "distribution manager" on the line for
> this point. I just said that if you didn't want me to do my job, then
> say so.
Indeed you didn't. I think the problem is mine. I've been able to delegate
almost _everything_ about
> I've thought about this for many hours, and I'm afraid I agree with Ian.
> If we release with XFree86 3.1, that will be the last Debian release ever,
> because we will have blown our credibility. We just can't afford to do it.
> So, I'm afraid I really must accept the resignation you offered yest
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