Re: Ax25-utils crash , Help me !

1998-10-06 Thread Karl F. Larsen
Hi Tony, just a good guess based on the fact that ALL of Linux crashes. It sounds very much like a Hardware failure. As a rule software will not crash Linux. Now the z8530 hardware is capable of bringing down Linux if it fails. So suggest you look at the driver software first and then the

Ax25-utils crash , Help me !

1998-10-05 Thread Tony Schonfeld
hello , i repeat my problem for the debian-user mail-list : I use Debian 2.0 with Libc6 and libc5 , kernel 2.0.35 , z8530drv 2.4c and ax25-utils 2.1.42a . In the kernel i've compile in modules : CONFIG_AX25 CONFIG_NETROM CONFIG_ROSE CONFIG_NET_RADIO CONFIG_BAYCOM CONFIG_MKISS CONFIG_SCC All