Quote Request!!

2015-05-28 Thread PC Solutions
payment as we set-up to purchase with our cooperate credit card information up front for this order. Bob Tunny | Purchasing Manager PC Solutions & Integration 11221 W Lincoln Ave West Allis, WI 53227 Direct: (484)352-2283 Fax:(484) 354-5436 E-mail: bob.tu...@pcsolutionsinc.us

RE: Is there a prgram that decompile swf (flash movie) to fla (flash source) on debian?

2006-04-08 Thread Lloyd Bayley - Berowra PC Services
Don't know how good it is, but I found this for you... http://www.nowrap.de/flare.html It purports to have a linux version and be freeware Good luck, Lloyd Bayley Berowra PC Services P.O. Box 270 Berowra Heights NSW 2082 Ph: (02) 9456-0292 Mob:0411-541-007 Email: [

RE: minor (major) fetchmail problem

2006-04-08 Thread Lloyd Bayley - Berowra PC Services
Yes, I realise that...been thinking of it but when I change the cron job to run as another user, that user has to be logged in. I log on locally as rootmaybe I should log on as myself and 'su -' if I need to do anything system-ish... Lloyd Bayley Berowra PC Services P.O. Box 2

RE: minor (major) fetchmail problem

2006-04-08 Thread Lloyd Bayley - Berowra PC Services
gards, Lloyd Bayley Berowra PC Services P.O. Box 270 Berowra Heights NSW 2082 Ph: (02) 9456-0292 Mob:0411-541-007 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web:www.berowrapc.com -Original Message- From: Ron Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, 9 April 2006 12:29 PM To: debian

RE: minor (major) fetchmail problem

2006-04-08 Thread Lloyd Bayley - Berowra PC Services
to find a way of turning it's user-checking off. :-) This didn't happen beforeKernels and packages are getting pickier! :-) Lloyd Bayley Berowra PC Services P.O. Box 270 Berowra Heights NSW 2082 Ph: (02) 9456-0292 Mob:0411-541-007 Email: [EMAIL PROT

RE: minor (major) fetchmail problem

2006-04-08 Thread Lloyd Bayley - Berowra PC Services
at bug all along that the last install was ignoring and this one picked up. Dear me, the tiredness-factor plays a big part sometimes! :-) Kind Regards, Lloyd Bayley Berowra PC Services P.O. Box 270 Berowra Heights NSW 2082 Ph: (02) 9456-0292 Mob:0411-541-007 Emai

minor (major) fetchmail problem

2006-04-08 Thread Lloyd Bayley - Berowra PC Services
find a password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Any ideas?   Kind Regards,       Lloyd Bayley Berowra PC Services P.O. Box 270 Berowra Heights NSW 2082    Ph: (02) 9456-0292 Mob:    0411-541-007 Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web:    www.berowrapc.com  

חג שמח!

2005-05-11 Thread pc

Warning: Possible Virus Infection

2004-03-28 Thread Diag PC
This is an automatic message from the Guinevere Internet Antivirus Scanner. A message was received from you with a subject of Mail Delivery (failure [EMAIL PROTECTED]) The message was addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The message probably contains a virus. You will want to consult with you

Re: Question

2004-03-28 Thread Redaktion PC-Special
http://www.pc-special.net/?idcat=4 gestellt werden. Bitte melden (registrieren) Sie sich vor einer Anfrage im Forum an. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis. Die Redaktion der PC-Special. -- Redaktion PC-Special kostenlose Computer-Hilfe - Webmastertools, Scripts und mehr url: http://www.pc

Win2K/ linux dual-boot

2001-07-05 Thread Nelson PC
hey all. total newbie here never touched linux.  i am looking to remedy that by installing some flavour of linux/ unix on my Windows 2000 box.  There is lots of documentation out there about installations w/ 98.  Can't find anything about Win2K.  Who has this set-up, and is there anythi

Linux Installation

2000-04-22 Thread college pc
Dear, Sir How are you ... I have 4 CD's  , 2 Binary & 2 source of Debian Linux 2.1r2 . I try to install it.   1-  I ask about applications, are they included in these 3 other cd's or not.? 2- Until I complete installation nothing about ( please insert CD label 2 or 3 or 4 )     for what they