Receive FAX/DATA/VOICE with efax

1999-12-20 Thread minxu
Hi: I have been trying to setup the efax 0.9 in /etc/inittab such that it can accept fax/dada/voice adaptively according to 'man efax'. So far, I only succeeded in getting the fax reception. My modem is a class1 33.6k fax/data/voice internal modem. Has anyone better luck with efax? And what i

CLASS1 FAX receive monitor

1999-12-14 Thread minxu
Hi, there: Anyone has a good hint to use class 1 fax to receive fax? I am currently using efax but it wound be much better if the receiving status can be shown on the window. Have any such kind of monitor out there ? Thanks. -- Min Xu City College of NY, CUNY

Native thread of jdk1.1.7

1999-11-26 Thread minxu
Hi, Recently, I have a trouble of jdk1.1.7: [EMAIL PROTECTED] java]$ java echo Cannot open /proc/05406 for GC I have to use -green to make it work, although I think it used to be OK with native-thread. Do anyone know what is the problem? Can it be related to jserv? Thanks. -- Min Xu

remove custom kernel-image

1999-11-02 Thread minxu
Hi, Over time, my linux box accumulated a bunch of installed kernel-images. Can I safely dpkg --purge the unwanted kernel? Thanks. -- Min Xu City College of NY, CUNY Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel:(O) (212) 650-686

Optimizing taper

1999-08-22 Thread minxu
Hi, After some testing, I decided to use taper as my backup software. With the compress method 2 of taper, it can only reach about 6-7 Mb/min (raw speed) and the tape drive has to stop to wait for data. I try to change some parameters of the taper (in defaults.h) and it does not seem to help at

What is the reasonable performance of a home 10mbps LAN

1999-08-11 Thread minxu
Hi, there: I have just bought another new computer and built a home LAN using two 10mbps NE2000-pci cards and a hub. It turns to be that the transfer speed between the two computer varies dramatically. Sometimes, it can reach 8mbps for few seconds, and then it slows to about 600kbps or even l

What is the reasonable performance of a home 10mbps LAN

1999-08-10 Thread minxu
Hi, there: I have just bought another new computer and built a home LAN using two 10mbps NE2000-pci cards and a hub. It turns to be that the transfer speed between the two computer varies dramatically. Sometimes, it can reach 8mbps for few seconds, and then it slows to about 600kbps or even lo