ISA network cards

2003-08-21 Thread jleclair
I'm trying to set up an old 486 as router/nat/firewall server for home network. The 2 nics are dlink 220 isa. When I run modconf, I choose the NE net module with this parameter: io=0x300 This works and the module loads for eth0. How do I load the module now for the second nic? I don

ISA network cards

2003-08-16 Thread jleclair
Can anyone assist me installing a d-link 220 isa nic? The OS is woody, and the platform is intel 486. The install routine doesnt see the card. Have also tried a few modules but no auto-probing was successful. Guess I have been spoiled with PCI plug n play! A nod to a good link with documentatio