mount ntfs question

2001-11-27 Thread jim R.
Hi, i created a cdrom under win2k. now, i am trying to read it under the linux and it tells me: mount -f ntfs /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom I get: fs type ntfs is not supported under kernel. when i use other file systems in get medium not found. Jim __ Do Y

debian read mac formatted zip disk question (2)

2001-11-07 Thread jim R.
HI, What i meant was how can i make debian linux to recognize mac formatted zip disk?. mounting is easy. but how to mount so that linux can recognize mac formatted disk. drive on linux is parallel not scsi. Jim __ Do You Yahoo!? Find a job, post you

mount mac zip disk on debain question

2001-11-07 Thread jim R.
Hi, I have mac zip disk that i like to mount them on debian linux. How do i do this?. Jim __ Do You Yahoo!? Find a job, post your resume.

xdm- 'this is an unsecure session'??

1999-01-23 Thread jim r
I just installed the slink XDM package. It works fine, but the login screen shows something to the effect of 'this is an unsecure session'. the /etc/X11/xdm/Xresources file shows: xlogin*greeting: Debian GNU/Linux (CLIENTHOST) and further down Chooser*label.label: XDMCP Host Menu from CLIENTHOST

RE: Switch to Red Hat?

1999-01-08 Thread jim r
Hi I grabbed all the 99.2 rpm's and alien -d'd them. there were error messages here and there, but the packages were debianized successfully (I had updated GTK and GLIB from the source to 1.1.11, so I didn't need those rpms). The first time I started 'gnome-session' I was flooded with message

kernel 'oops'

1998-12-09 Thread jim r
I recompiled my kernel (2.0.34...straight from the installation) to add sound support (NOT as a module), and when I boot to that kernel, I see, in the rapidly passing stuff, a phrase resembling 'unable to..(something).. ISOLATE ..(something) and then one 'oops' message in it's entirety. dmesg i & DOOM

1998-11-29 Thread jim r
I just downloaded the linux doom binary and .WAD. Running the linuxxdoom results in "can't find library ''". I tried making a symlink to (ln -s, and it still didn't work, although '' is listed in the /usr/X11R6/lib directory (cuz of the syml

libgnome_0.30-3.deb & libgtkxmhtm10_0.30.1-3.deb

1998-11-28 Thread jim r
Where are these files? I d/l'd all the necessary files, according to the web pages at Installing went fine until I tried to install the gnome_core_0.30-2.deb package. It said I have an old version of libgnome (I have 0.30-2, needs 0.30-3) and that I need libgtkxmhtm10_0.30-3and

boot hot keys

1998-11-24 Thread jim r
Are there any hot keys available during boot up? specifically, one that puts the machine in single user mode? __ Get Your Private, Free Email at

colors in text-mode

1998-10-27 Thread jim r
Once more the newbie asks a question: I was wonderinghow might I get the login prompt to use some colors? nothing fancy...just the text in a color other than white. __ Get Your Private, Free Email at

Debian Menu Methods & WMaker Menu Config

1998-10-27 Thread jim r
I've installed several non-debian packages (some RPMs and what not). How do I safely update my Window Maker menus? If I hand-jam the changes, will the results be wiped out the next time I install a .deb? orwill the changes cause a .deb install (specifically the menu update part) to screw up

clearing screen after logout & login screen

1998-10-27 Thread jim r
How do I clear the screen after logout? so...instead of walking up on the remnants of the X server terminating and a login prompt, all that shows on the screen is the login prompt... what script is it? For that matter, how can I change the login prompt itself?both lines (Debian GNU/Linux (