Re: ApacheBench broken for (most) SSL sites on Bookworm?

2025-01-12 Thread cen
On 11/01/2025 19:37, Michael Stone wrote: This is because some servers drop a connection when they're done rather than closing it gracefully. (This is actually becoming more common than not due to changes in the way HTTPS is used between browsers and servers on the modern internet.) You can try

ApacheBench broken for (most) SSL sites on Bookworm?

2025-01-11 Thread cen
It seems that ab encounters some kind of an SSL issue with most https sites I tried (google, cloudflare proxied sites etc). Not all, seems to work fine with a personal blog site I host on Debian/apache2 server or with Some kind of an SSL issue but searching around I f

Re: zfs load-key on boot randomly reports wrong password if I type too fast

2023-12-11 Thread cen
EN=${#PASSWORD}    echo "Got $FIRST ... $LAST, length $LEN"        attempt=$((attempt + 1))    sleep 3    fi done echo "Maximum attempts reached. Exiting." On 12/8/23 21:53, David wrote: On Fri, 8 Dec 2023 at 20:22, cen wrote: I have a very weird issue that.. if I

zfs load-key on boot randomly reports wrong password if I type too fast

2023-12-08 Thread cen
Hi I have an encrypted ZFS volume which I unlock at boot time using this systemd service: [Unit] DefaultDependencies=no Before=zfs-mount.service [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/usr/sbin/zfs load-key -a StandardInput=tty-force [Install] WantedBy=z