Frank McCormick writes:
> I am trying out a window manager which uses XML (uugh!) for it's
> configuration file.
> Making changes with a text editor has almost blinded me...what is the
> "best" GUI editor which handles XML ??
> Thanks
> --
> Cheers
> Frank
You should check out the xml-mod
Le 26 avril 2012 17:15, James Allsopp a
écrit :
> Hello,
> I want to update from Squeeze to Wheezy but want to avoid Gnome 3 at all
> costs, is there a way of doing this successfully?
> Thanks
> James
> --
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> debian-user-REQUEST@lists.**debian.orgwith
> a subject
Hello there, i'm currently using scrotwm and the current version in Sid is 1
year old. I was wondering what was keeping the maintainer to update it. So,
I emailed to ask him.
If It's because the maintainer is not active anymore, I could update the
package myself, but it's just that i can't upload i
You have sent email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Due to the enormous amount of junk mail I receive, I have to make
sure that you are really a person to whom I can reply via email.
Please confirm that you wish to send me email by replying to this
message. Include the confirmation code ad09f8a7 in
You first need to tell xdm (or kdm or gdm) to allow XDMCP connections.
There are some security considerations in allowing anyone to connect, so you
may just want to add just your Windows host to the list. The config file
for this is in /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess (or /kdm/ or /gdm/). Once you've made
I have both a 3C905B-FX (fiber NIC) and a 3c59x-series card in my
I grabbed 3Com's driver from
and just patched my kernel source tree:
patch -d /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.18 -p0 < 3c90x-1.0.0/patch-2.2.5
I then did
> I tried the following simple script with tclsh:
> ...
Did you set execute permissions on the script (chmod +x hello)?
I don't speak for the Federal Reserve Board, it doesn't speak for me.
I'm interested in getting an infrared device for my desktop Linux box at
home. My requirements are that I must be able to control my VCR & Dish
Network satellite receiver and it must be able to receive commands from the
remote. Using it to sync with my palm would be nice, but it's really the
does anybody know how to authenticate with pam against a kerberos server
(I'm using the heimdal packages). The kerberos server is a win2000
Thanks in advance,
Dirk Allard
BUGH Wuppertal - Polymere Materialien
Tel +49-202-4393873
> Why not just stick with an installation package like is used for
> RealPlayer?
Real does not allow redistribution of their binaries, which means that it
would not be legal for you to fetch the binaries off of Debian's archive.
Software like that requires an installer.
> > Please read the Debian Social Contract policy:
> >
> >
> > If you want to see which packages do exist in Debian, refer to:
> >
> I went and looked at that page, and lo and behold there's a w
after booting with
the debian install cd? One addition: before this I had grub as boot loader
(mandrake Linux).
Dirk Allard
BUGH Wuppertal - Polymere Materialien
Tel +49-202-4393873
Fax +49-202-4393880
does anybody know of a automated virusscan (like amavis) working with exim?
Dirk Allard
BUGH Wuppertal - Polymere Materialien
Tel +49-202-4393873
Fax +49-202-4393880
> Can someone tell me why glimpse was obsoleted in potato/non-free?
According to the Debian Weekly News, it was removed
from Potato (but remains in unstable) because of bugs
Package: glimpse (debian/non-free).
Maintainer: Marco Budde <[EM
I've got a Stylus 740 and have no problems at all.
The Printing HOWTO Support Database says that the 740 is "Mostly"
rather than "Completely" support:
I'm not sure what is missing to keep it from being "Completely" supported.
> Why the hell did you send it to the list? Most of us would not be plagued
> by a windows virus, however it wasn't a real bright thing to do!
> If anyone inadvertanly ran this program on a windoze box, check:
If you read the
> HOWEVER it can remove lilo (and usually does) so keep a rescue disk handy
> if you use lilo to reinstall once win98 overwrites the bootsector.
I think what it usually tries to do is make the win98 partition the bootable
partition. You can use your rescue disk and cfdis
I'm no BIOS expert, but I believe 0x80 is the "primary master" and 0x81
is the "secondary master". My cdrom is a "primary slave" (i.e. it is
physically connected to the "primary master").
I believe if I had connected my cdrom to the "secondary master" it would be
a "secondary slave". The "secon
> From a slink system, recently ran apt-get dist-upgrade, which went
> fine, then ran apt-get -d upgrade to get the held-back packages.
> Finally, ran apt-get upgrade to install/config them.
> They unpacked fine, but when they went to install, auctex and cvs each
> launched a graphical confi
> Like most of you, I like playing with opeating systems. I am having
> difficulty using lilo to boot Win2K from hdb. Here's my lilo.conf file.
The trouble is that Windows wants to boot from "C:", not "D:". You can use
lilo to remap the BIOS and fool it. My Windows drive is on hdc (hdb is my
I've got two machines and a null modem. Both are dual bootable with Windows
and Linux. I can get pppd running when they are both running Linux and I
can get Direct Cable Connection to work when they're both Windows. What I
can't get (and the only thing I really want) is to get pppd running on t
I continue to have trouble accessing web pages on my in-laws Slink machine.
I can telnet to machines (even to port 80), but I can't get lynx, netscape,
or kfm to browse web sites. I'm using mindspring and I have no proxies set.
I can connect to the same account on my machine and access web sites
> Is Debian going to include Kermit in its next iteration, or is it too late
> to include now? Notice Frank de Cruz' recent comment on licensing...
It's still not DFSG compliant:
According to the license:
The source code may not be changed beyond any patches required
> Tom Allard hat gesagt: // Tom Allard wrote:
> What version of xmame are you using? Here xmame 0.36b6.1-1 runs without
> problem, but the xmamerc has another syntax than earlier releases.
Upgrading to xmame-x 0.36b6.1-1 has solved my josytick problems.
Thanks to all.
> It does not mention ppp but I think that also needs to be updated.
I don't think you need to replace ppp until you get to
kernel version 2.2.11.
I don't speak for the Federal Reserve Board, it doesn't
> > I compiled the joystick module and created the js0 device with:
> ^^^
> Which? You must compile at least two. In your case, that'd be joystick and
> joy-analog.
I did have the joy-analog module. My problem was that I hadn't modified my
> > My problem is that I can't get any web browsers to work. I use wvdial
> > to connect to MindSpring and the ppp connection seems fine. I can use
> > telnet, ssh and ftp to connect to sites on the internet. My resolv.conf
> > seems to work fine and I can use "nslookup" to find the IP addresse
> Now what makes Windows so incapable of having these same problems?
> I've never heard of anyone having trouble running the Win95 installer
> on a system that just had DOS because of video hardware.
I had trouble installing Windows 95 on a machine with a Diamond Stealth II
video card. Turns
> Why is it so hard to get anywhere with Linux? In plain do
> I get help with the install?
You can get a lot of help right here. What, exactly, are you having
trouble with? Are you able to get to a command line interface or
are you getting stuck before th
> This is an email I recieved from macromedia after I asked them to
> support our OS. I think maybe if enough people show interest maybe
> we'll get flash for linux. Fire off and email to the address in the
> email please.
I think you should read the Linux Advocacy mini-HOWTO.
> I've been getting dropped from my ISP unexpectedly from time to time
> and I'm not sure how to go about debugging it. There is nothing
> unusual in syslog or messages, but I noticed this in ppp.log. (kernel
> 2.2.12 pppd 2.3p5). Any debugging tips would be greatly appreciated!
According to th
I just upgraded my Slink kernel from 2.0.34 to 2.2.10 and wanted to play
with the joystick drivers. I've got a M$ Sidewinder (not a 3d pro or
anything, just a plain analog 2-button, 2-axis joystick that plugs into the
game module on the soundcard).
I compiled the joystick module and created t
> You say you can "nslookup" the sites; can you "ping" any of them?
Yes, and I can even telnet, ssh and ftp to them.
One other thing I failed to mention: I have apache installed (to give them
a nice customized home page as well as easy access to docs via dwww) and I
I have a machine for my in-laws that I built using Slink and I got them
an account on MindSpring for their web browsing pleasure (about all they
will use this machine for other than Word Perfect).
My problem is that I can't get any web browsers to work. I use wvdial
to connect to MindSpring and
> I manually exchanged ImageMagicks display against xv on
> /etc/mailcap. But every time I install an application which alters
> /etc/mailcap, display is again inserted. How can I prevent that?
See the man page for update-mime(8).
Basically, you create a file in /usr/lib/mime/packages . There i
> I have my printer (Epson Stylus Color Pro) configured with magicfilter
> and it prints PS fine, but when it prints text it doesn't eject the
> final page. This means I have manually go to the printer and push the
> eject button. If I don't manually eject the page the next print job
> starts prin
> Doesn't VMware make wine obsolete?
VMware is not Free software. Not only is it not free, but it costs
quite a bit! And not only do you have to buy VMware, but you then ALSO
need to buy your guest OS from Redmond.
If you really need a full Windows setup, then VMware might be the
answer for yo
The standard slink jdk only includes green_threads, but Star Office
requires native_threads.
You can get everything you need from:
(or try other mirrors, see:
You nee
ELF is the binary format, not a library:
% file /bin/bash
/bin/bash: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, dynamically
linked (uses shared libs), stripped
I don't speak for the Federal Reserve Board, it doesn't speak for me.
I was just reading about the Securelinux Crack and saw that part of the
crack involved getting a shell as "nobody". See
I checked my slink machine and, sure enough, "nobody" had /bin/sh as his
shell. Is there ANY need for this a
I'm having trouble getting KDE to work properly in Chinese (for my in-laws
machine). I have chinese fonts installed (intlfonts-chinese and
intlfonts-chinese-big 1.1-2) and KDE 1.1.2 (had the same problem in 1.1.1),
including kdebase-i18n.
I can set the Language to "Simplified Chinese (zh_CN.G
Add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list (or replace slink with
potato if that's what your using):
deb slink kde contrib rkrusty
I don't speak for the Federal Reserve Board, it doesn't speak for me.
I believe this is a bug that occurs when the "Windows 95 Bug Workaround" is
enabled in the kernel or kernel module. Recompile your kernel without the
bug workaround enabled. For more information:
You can use the dwww package to read /usr/doc (and man and info) through
your web browser.
I don't speak for the Federal Reserve Board, it doesn't speak for me.
> The problem is that "you" own the X session, "root" doesn't.
> The easiest way to get this to work is to type
>xhost + localhost
> before you do your su. This means that you'll let anyone
> from the host "localhost" (ie, your computer) connect to your
> X.
> However, I recall th
> I think I'll remove Linux and use just Windows on my home computer until
> Linux gets the games support it needs to attract more people like me.
Why not dual-boot?
I don't speak for the Federal Reserve Board, it doesn't speak for me.
it could be that it's all in the kernel. gmemusage will show how big
the kernel is along with other apps.
-- Tom Allard (m1tca00) X3593
> > Well, vim (and gvim) is actually quite powerful for development
> > purposes. All the best (IMO) that emacs had was taken into vim already.
> there's one thing missing: indenting code. I had no real problem
> producing a fortran-90 .vim for syntax, so the coding is nice. And
> there s
> * I don't like mouses. I have 10 fingers and I like fast
> keystrokes. It's amazing what you can do with 10 fingers, and at what
> speed you can do it :-) This means that for instance, I prefer to type
> `M-x man' and get a manpage with hyperlinks and all the stuff you want
> in the same window,
> On the contrary, Emacs is more suitable for developement purposes, and
> actually for many other things.
Well, vim (and gvim) is actually quite powerful for development
purposes. All the best (IMO) that emacs had was taken into vim already.
> Personally, I practically
aol or tu-berlin.
clue? running mailq I sense significant differences in the
queued mails:
queued mail sent from pine:
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 10:08:01 +0200 (CEST)
From: Dirk
I cant get my Cirrus Logic GD7543 Chip work in 800x600 resolution in Xfree
3.12. Anyone have any ideas? I had to tell Xfree I was running a clgd5424
chip to get it to work at all.
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