mpv crashes on exit and all windows that have not been closed up to this point hang

2021-01-11 Thread
Package: mpv Version: 0.29.1-1 Hello, I hope this ist the correctly mailinglist, I am not shure whether I interprets the trigger of the bug correctly. But in my opinion, the reason of the error is not by doublecmd, I have tested many Versions of doublecmd, all with the same result. Other players

Re: Squid 3.0 on Debian 5

2010-08-12 Thread

Ihre Anfrage: Message could not be delivered

2005-07-15 Thread Ihr WEB.DE-Kundenservice
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2004-07-02 Thread
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: debian-user-digest Digest Volume 2004 : Issue 459 Today's Topics: Re: automatically restarting dying d [ Mark Ferlatte <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] Re: Mozilla Print Problem