Re: Can't mount non-/ partition using Thunar because of grsecurity patched 4.9.65-2 amd64 linux kernel

2017-12-23 Thread TemTem
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Re: Can't mount non-/ partition using Thunar because of grsecurity patched 4.9.65-2 amd64 linux kernel

2017-12-21 Thread TemTem
> You must first "open" the encrypted volume with cryptsetup luksOpen, then > mount it (not the partition) with mount. After I managed to learn how cryptsetup works, I succeeded in decrypting and mounting my volume. I am going to use this as a workaround while waiting for the solution regarding

Can't mount non-/ partition using Thunar because of grsecurity patched 4.9.65-2 amd64 linux kernel

2017-12-21 Thread TemTem
Hi, when using the grsecurity patched 4.9.65-2 linux kernel from stretch-backports, I can't mount other partitions in my hard disk drive using Thunar. It says I don't have the permission to mount partitions even though I am a sudoer. I tried using the kernel without the patch, and mounting using