Driver Network Dell PowerEdge R720

2013-03-01 Thread rodrigo tavares
Hello, I made a download debian-6.0.7-amd64-netinst.iso. I have Dell Power EDGE, when I go to install debian, it not detect a driver network. I put broadcom but fail. What Is happening ? Rodrigo Faria   

Debian 7

2013-02-21 Thread rodrigo tavares
Hello, When Debian 7 is stable ? I read this version have packages more recent. I want install mail server. Is anybody installing the debian version 7 ? Atenciosamente, Rodrigo Faria Tavares

SMTP server does not support authentication

2013-02-06 Thread rodrigo tavares
ser^jim' Feb  6 15:41:07 defensoria cyrus/imap[1324]: fetching user_deny.db entry for 'user^jim' Feb  6 15:41:07 defensoria cyrus/imap[1324]: USAGE user^jim user: 0.00 sys: 0.00 Any Idea ? Rodrigo Tavares

passdb backen

2013-01-22 Thread rodrigo tavares
Hi, Can I have two passdb backend in my smb.conf ? Thanks ! Rodrigo Faria

ldap users with users samba.

2013-01-18 Thread rodrigo tavares
Hello ! I trying sync ldap users with users samba. I´m using a interface, by create ldap users. So, when ldap user be created, i want account e password samba be created. No my smb.conf I put the follow lines:     ldap admin dn = cn=admin,dc=def,dc=mg,dc=gov,dc=br     ldap group

Using wheezy or squeeze.

2013-01-08 Thread rodrigo tavares
People, I have used debian 6.0 squezze, and some packages is old, since the wheezy, have a packages new version. I need to install a mail server with potfix, LDAP, e Cyrus IMAP. I want install version Cyrus 2.4, is in squeeze is 2.2. Can I to trust in Wheeezy  ? Rodrigo Faria

Using Debian wheezy

2012-10-29 Thread rodrigo tavares
Hello, I'm using Debian 6;0 Squezze, in my mail server, so I need to cyrus-2.4, but in repository come only cyrus-2.2. So I comment my sources.list, and add reposotory  wheezy. So I run apt-get update, and i got installed cryus-2.4. I read the version testing come more new recentes packages.

PHP5.2.5 with option --with-java

2008-03-25 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Hello, I had to download the source php-5.2.5 and source php-java-bridge. I had installed php-java-bridge. But the option --with-java isn't in configure. Example : [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/php-5.2.5# ./configure --help | grep java [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/php-5.2.5# And now ? Do I have to wait a new re

integrating Java and PHP

2008-03-25 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Hello, I`d like to know, if somebody did the integration and PHP5 and Java with success. bye Rodrigo Faria Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o único sem limite de espaço para armazenamento! -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Firmware for Wireless PCI

2008-02-01 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Hello, I found the firmware in link Best regards, Faria --- Rodrigo Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu: > Hello, > > I use this documentation: >

Firmware for Wireless PCI

2008-02-01 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Hello, I use this documentation: Follow the steps, I intalled the module acx. Now I need to find firmare. Using the script in source acx, many files was receveid. # Files received data1.hdr Drivers

Driver ACX - Texas Instruments ACX 111 54Mbps Wireless Interface

2008-01-30 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Pessoal, Estou tentando configurar um adaptador wireless Dlink AirPlus G+ DWL-G520+ no Debian testing. Estou usando a doc Primeiramente vou tentar recompilar o Kernel, e usar o driver nativo. A segunda opção é utilizar o comando ndiswrapper, que através d

Configuring Wireless Dlink

2008-01-29 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Hello, I have a wireless DLink G520. With command lspci I see : 00:08.0 Network controller: Texas Instruments ACX 111 54Mbps Wireless Interface The interface is with interface sit0 I need configure it, in wireless network with WEP auth, and DHCP Server. I tried this commands: debian:~# iwcon

Change default directory in a package

2008-01-16 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Hello, When I install a program in Windows, it's need to set one directory. I would like make the same with packages debian. How I can do it ? Is there any tool for this work ? Best regards, Faria Abra sua conta no Yahoo! Mail, o único sem limite de espaço para

Re: Using dpkg-scanpackages with a debian repository

2007-03-05 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Hello People, About my problem, i resolve it usingo the below command: dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | tee Packages | gzip -9 > Packages.gz Still, my repository it's Ok. Bye Rodrigo Faria --- Rodrigo Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu: > > Hello Kauppi, > >

Re: Using dpkg-scanpackages with a debian repository

2007-03-05 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Hello Kauppi, My packages are .deb. I remove the option -u, but the error continue. Best regards, Rodrigo Faria --- Simo Kauppi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu: > On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 08:38:02AM -0300, Rodrigo > Tavares wrote: > > Hello, > > > > Then I

Using dpkg-scanpackages with a debian repository

2007-03-05 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Hello, I'm creating a customized debian repository. In repository, i´ll go put the packages than i created. This packages are aplications, all with Sections optional in debian/control. I create the override.sarge.main file: package1 optionaladmin package2 optionaladmin package3

Dialog Example

2006-09-28 Thread Rodrigo Tavares
Hello, Where I can a code example of dialog, with intetion: Installing one package and happen a bar of progress when in run this command : /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb -E LATIN1 BD &> /dev/nul /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -d DB -U xyzt -h localhost -f &> /dev/null Somebody can help me