Re: Enterprise Kernel

2002-10-20 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
the Debian community is to encourage the use of Debian as the distribution choice for the enterprise, this may be one of the many ways to help it along... Patrick On Mon, 2002-10-21 at 09:46, Edward Guldemond wrote: > On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 09:01:15AM +0800, Patrick Cheong Shu Yang wrote: &

Enterprise Kernel

2002-10-20 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Hi all, It's been awhile since I last wrote to the list. Anyway, let's get down to it... I work at a securities firm (securities as in stock market). Most, if not all, of our backoffice systems run on Linux (some M$, Solaris and HP-UX). The majority of the Linux installs are RH 7.x whilst the re - unusable?

2002-06-13 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Hi All, I am trying to implement account lockout in our production environment using Has anyone had any success in implementing this? I tried it and it does not seem to work. Here is the scenario:- Users login to our production boxes from their Windows machines using ssh (via putty

Re: X server setup

2002-05-31 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Try these:- # dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 Answer as appropriate and do select a color depth that is a notch lower that what is generally support by your dispaly adapter (e.g. use 16 when you can actually use 24). Ensure you have xbase-clients, xfonts-base and xterm debs installed in additio

Re: free86server

2002-05-29 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Try using:- # dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 ...and point the device to /dev/gpmdata if you intend to continue using gpm Else (which is what I prefer as I do not rquire a mouse in console-mode), do :- # apt-get remove --purge gpm ..and then set the device to point to the relevant raw de

Intel 82820 Camino 2 Audio not working

2002-04-23 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Hi people, I have a Compaq box with the above audio controller... I have recompiled my kernel with sound modules enabled...but I can't get the sound to work. I next compiled Alsa 0.9 beta12 and the module insertion was ok...not errors were noted...but when I fire up xmms and play some pl

Re: v2.4.14 kernel compile problem

2001-11-06 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Another one of those release many and release quick again Uuughh... I remember someone once said regarding the impending release of 2.4.0 and why it was taking so long...that Linus just has much higher standards...oh oh...this is definitely not in the correct direction in support of the previ

Re: IIS Directory traversal vulnerability

2001-07-25 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
The IIS Directory Transversal Vulnerability is in regards to an improperly implemented IIS engine, which improperly interprets unicodes (e.g. %c0%9v) and allows the web client to "transverse" above the webserver's document root (usually set to c:/inetpub/wwwroot). If you review your logs in c:\

Re: install debian with GUI

2001-07-24 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
You'd have to make use of frame buffers to generate the GUI for installation purposesI'm not too sure if the stock kernel has frame buffer compiled in..if not, then you'd make to make a new one to support frame buffer... HTH On 23 Jul 2001 17:20:17 +0200, LAMIRAULT Nicolas wrote: > Ondolan w

[Sebastiaan ] Re: snort dies

2001-07-23 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
I have been running snort on Potato/Woody machines and have also some across similar problems. My solution:- Removed the 5snort script and attached additional lines to logrotate to re-start snort once the logs have been rotated. I also made a script which will monitor the snort/swatch/qpage proces

Ximian-Gnome/Sawfish Configuration and ESD

2001-07-02 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Hi people, It has been sometime since I last wrote to the list. I recently upgraded by box (the previous hardware all but blew up on me due to a faulty power supply - CPU, MB, AGP, HD and all...) to an Althlon Thunderbird 1Ghz/Epox 8KTA3/Maxtor 20Gb ATA 100, etc. Having reinstalled Potato R3 and X

Re: cannot forward X11

2001-02-19 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Anthony Fox wrote: > > Exactly. Thank you for your help. It is working now. BTW, I noticed and recall reading somewhere that XFree86 v4 does not make use of port 6000 such, the export DISPLAY=:0.0 does not work anymore! Someone correct mew if I am inaccurate hereAnyway, I am no

Re: installation on an abit KT7-RAID motherboard

2001-02-08 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Boot with your hardisk attached to the ide first then recompile the kernel to support the promise ultra ata100/raid architecturethen halt the box and switch you hardisk over to the promise ultra ata100/raid controller...HTHYMMV though Luquet Pierre-Sylvain wrote: > hello ,I'm trying t

Re: AWE64 and ALSA

2001-01-14 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
On Fri, Jan 12, 2001 at 10:04:47PM +0530, Raghavendra Bhat wrote: > James W. Lindenschmidt wrote: > --snip-- > > > get my AWE64 working under ALSA. Can anyone point > > me in the right direction to accomplish this? > > --snip-- I got my AWE64 working under OSS by using the following irq/dma/io

Re: Linux 2.4.0 & root fs problem

2001-01-11 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 04:42:02PM -0500, David B. Harris wrote: > To quote Pollywog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, > # I wonder why this is even an option; is there a reason anyone would > # install Linux without ext2 support? > # I have always wondered why the option was given. > > ReiserFS/ext3: Some peo

Re: SCSI Tape Drive on a HP NetServer E60

2000-12-12 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
On Fri, Dec 08, 2000 at 11:12:08AM +0800, Patrick Cheong Shu Yang wrote: > Hi people, > > I have just installed Linux onto a HP NetServer E60 which uses the Adaptec > AIC7XXX. I am attempting to restore users data into /export/home from a > tape but have been unable to. I h

VNC with SSH

2000-12-10 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
On Fri, Dec 08, 2000 at 01:06:36PM -0500, Giulio Morgan wrote: > .how do I make the > connection "through an ssh tunnel" (I can make a "terminal" ssh connection - > via putty - I just don't know how to use ssh to connect to the vnc > server). > having read through the thread on VNC, I am ass

SCSI Tape Drive on a HP NetServer E60

2000-12-07 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Hi people, I have just installed Linux onto a HP NetServer E60 which uses the Adaptec AIC7XXX. I am attempting to restore users data into /export/home from a tape but have been unable to. I have used the mt command to determine the status of the drive (/dev/st0, /dev/rst0 and nrst0) but to no a

Mutt (Read Only)

2000-11-29 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
Mutt opens my mailbox in read-only mode. How can I change this to read-write as I have RTFM and the man pages and I can only find how to invoke read-only using the -R option when firing up Mutt. Would appreciate if someone could help me. Thx. Patrick

Mutt (Read Only)

2000-11-29 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
I have been using Mutt and recently I added another drive to my Debian box and copied /usr over (except for src) to the new hardisk. The now emptied /usr was remounted as /usr/src. Now when I run mutt, my mailbox is always in read-only mode. I need to delete my old mail and I am presently am una

Re: Problem with pppd and Kernel

2000-11-26 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
On Sun, Nov 26, 2000 at 10:01:51PM -0600, John Hasler wrote: > > Are you running pon as root? If not, did you add yourself as a ppp user > when you ran pppconfig? If not, run pppconfig, go to 'Advanced', go to > 'Add-User', and do so. If that isn't the problem post the output of plog > and copie

Re: Weird Error

2000-11-26 Thread Patrick Cheong Shu Yang
On Sun, Nov 26, 2000 at 08:17:42PM -0800, wrote: > You may have a bad drive. Or you could have problems with DMA, though I > don't particularly understand it. Hey people...I'm back to the list. Just settling in my new job for a B2B and getting to work with OSes ranging from B