Re : L 90 90 90 90 90

2004-07-06 Thread Owen Jones
Sorry spelling mistake was mine. default is spelt correctly, here is the lilo.conf again :   lba32boot=/dev/hdaroot=/dev/hda1install=/boot/boot-menu.bmap=/boot/mapdelay=20vga=normaldefault=Linuximage=/vmlinuzlabel=linuxread-onlyimage=/vmlinuz.oldlabel=linuxoldread-onlyoptional   And here is the

Re : L 90 90 90 90 90

2004-07-05 Thread Owen Jones
This is my lilo config file minus the comments:   lba32boot=/dev/hdaroot=/dev/hda1install=/boot/boot-menu.bmap=/boot/mapdelay=20vga=normaldeafult=Linuximage=/vmlinuzlabel=linuxread-onlyimage=/vmlinuz.oldlabel=linuxoldread-onlyoptional   Tried this

Re : L 90 90 90 90 90

2004-07-05 Thread Owen Jones
> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Monday, July 05, 2004 6:50 PM Subject: Re: Re : L 90 90 90 90 90 > Owen Jones wrote:> > > Hi, got the disk working in rescue mode, once i ran that to remount my > > harddrive it actually ran linux for a bit (however it was command line > >

Re : L 90 90 90 90 90

2004-07-05 Thread Owen Jones
Hi, got the disk working in rescue mode, once i ran that to remount my harddrive it actually ran linux for a bit (however it was command line based so i was lost) but when i rebooted the same error ocured but i think its L 40 now. Can someone give me more detail on how i clean out my MBR? is

Re : L 90 90 90 90 90

2004-07-05 Thread Owen Jones
If david barron's idea is right that i have a messed up MBR, how would i wipe it clean? you said lilo can do this, in this instalation process? Found this on google about cleaning the MBR, do you think that solution could work 4 me?? thanks people!!

Re : L 90 90 90 90 90

2004-07-05 Thread Owen Jones
Hi, tried using the rescue disk but it through up this error :Kernel Panic : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on 3a:05 The lilo error cant of been caused by me using bitmaps this was a new install I like david barons idea, there may well be corrupt boot records, this thing is messed up from tr

L 90 90 90 90 90

2004-07-04 Thread Owen Jones
Hi! spent ages installing debain and it all went well and i was excitted thinking that it was going to work so well, but no. When the computer re-booted it just thro up L 90 90 90 90 90 90 90... when i tried to run the OS on the HD. This is a lilo error isnt it? does this mean i have install