Re: Testing posting to the list from Gnus

2025-02-06 Thread Moderation Robot
/linux-faq Virtually your, The Moderation Robot. --- Follows the first few lines of your article Authentication-Results: name/4851A5FD6A; dmarc=fail (p=quarantine dis=none) To: From: "Russell S." Newsgroups: linux.debian.u

Re: Testing posting to list from Gnus

2025-02-06 Thread Moderation Robot
/linux-faq Virtually your, The Moderation Robot. --- Follows the first few lines of your article Authentication-Results: name/6A6385FD6A; dmarc=fail (p=quarantine dis=none) To: From: "Russell S." Newsgroups: linux.debian.u

Re: Testing email to the group

2025-02-06 Thread Moderation Robot
/linux-faq Virtually your, The Moderation Robot. --- Follows the first few lines of your article Authentication-Results: name/11C725FD6A; dmarc=fail (p=quarantine dis=none) To: From: "Russell S." Newsgroups: linux.debian.u

Re: [OT] mailing lists versus usenet / reply to list, reply-to, reply

2009-01-05 Thread Moderation Robot
/linux-faq Virtually your, The Moderation Robot. --- Follows the first few lines of your article Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2009 14:16:46 -0800 From: Ken Teague <"kteague at pobox dot com"> Reply-To: debian User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081209) MIME

Re: Re: Network settings don't stick after reboot

2007-09-29 Thread Moderation Robot
your, The Moderation Robot. --- Follows the first few lines of your article From: Wayne Topa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Newsgroups: linux.debian.user Subject: Re: Network settings don't stick after reboot Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 03:40:10 +0200 Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECT

Re: Re: Repost of some earlier described "challenges"

2007-09-29 Thread Moderation Robot
your, The Moderation Robot. --- Follows the first few lines of your article From: Wayne Topa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Newsgroups: linux.debian.user Subject: Re: Repost of some earlier described "challenges" Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 17:20:24 +0200 Message-ID: <[EMAIL PR

Re: Re: GNOME: Associate multiple queues with one printer: HOW?

2007-09-29 Thread Moderation Robot
your, The Moderation Robot. --- Follows the first few lines of your article From: Wayne Topa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Newsgroups: linux.debian.user Subject: Re: GNOME: Associate multiple queues with one printer: HOW? Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 21:30:22 +0200 Message-ID: <[EMAIL PRO

Re: Re: GNOME: Associate multiple queues with one printer: HOW?

2007-09-29 Thread Moderation Robot
your, The Moderation Robot. --- Follows the first few lines of your article From: Wayne Topa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Newsgroups: linux.debian.user Subject: Re: GNOME: Associate multiple queues with one printer: HOW? Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 15:30:25 +0200 Message-ID: <[EMAIL PRO